Buildling Links is the Most Important Element for Search Traffic

When people ask me why they aren’t getting traffic or making any sales the first thing I ask them is how many links have you built back to your site. It’s the most important piece of the puzzle and one that many new internet marketers just don’t understand. If you want the search engines to rank you in the results page you have to be building links. Here are a few ways to build some links.

One of the easier ways to go about building links is to comment on blogs. Make sure you find blogs that are related to yours, so it seems appropriate that you are leaving a comment. Fill in the name field of the comment form with your keywords instead of your name, and then fill in the url to your site. Make sure before you leave a comment you have read the post and added a comment with some value. Leaving spam comments will not get you backlinks because they will be deleted before they ever get posted. Make sure you are leaving a comment that is valuable in some way. Leave your opinion on the topic, an extra something that adds to the discussion.

Article marketing also known as Bum Marketing is a great way to build links to your site. You have what is called a resource box at the bottom of your article. You are allowed to place 2 links to your site within that box. These are what will become your backlinks. Make sure you use keywords in your links within your resource box. Remember it is links back to your site WITH keywords as the anchor text that the search engines are looking for. If you just write click here, that will not help you at all.

RSS submission. If your site has an RSS feed you can use it to build links back to your site as well. You can submit your RSS feed to a number of RSS directories and feed aggregators. This will give you a link back to your site for each post you make. The title is usually the link so make sure you use your keywords in your titles.

Free content platforms. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of places online that will allow you to put your content on their server for free. These sites are a dream come true for those building links back to their sites. You have control of the content and therefore you can make sure your links have the perfect anchor text. These free platforms may be free blog sites, free wiki type sites, and of course squidoo. Make sure you read the terms of service for each before you start, as each site’s rules are a little different.

As you can see building links to your site is not very complicated. It can be time consuming and relatively boring, but it’s just one of those things you have to do to see search traffic. If you fail to build links back to your site you can pretty much expect not to see much search engine traffic. A big hit of traffic from stumble can feel good on the stat counter, but you may be surprised that even after 1000 visitors you haven’t made a dime. Work on building links, so you can get some search traffic. It may take a little more work, but you will actually make some money.

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