Build Your Downline Faster by Ignoring Them

Need to build your group now? Pay no attention to them.

Everyone works tirelessly to build their downline. So, logically, you should do everything you can to work with everyone you sponsor, and everybody they sponsor. After all, they really need you. You’re their upline. You’re answerable for them. They want you. Right?

If you have been active in internet marketing for any time period and sponsored some of the people, you know what it’s like.

Hours on the telephone, or at their place. Teaching them the easiest way to log in to their back office. Helping them when they would like to change their autoship. Showing up or responding to the phone to answer a million inquiries from their „skeptic“ bro. Calling customer service for them when they can not figure out if their Visa card got charged twice.

How to not build your downline:

Well, here is the problem:

They still can’t figure out their back office. They still do not know how to change their autoship.

Their bro failed to sign up, and will not.

And you do not have access to corporate’s computer to respond to their billing questions.

You have spent numerous hours. You have recruited no new team members. Your downline sponsored nobody new.

And the horrible part? You did not basically „build your downline“ at all, yet you’ll do the exact same thing tomorrow, thinking it should work. (It is not duplicatable)

You cannot build a downline, you can only let your downline build itself.

Think of it along the general lines of the give a person a fish, teach a man to fish philosophy, along with a numbers game mind-set, all wrapped up in a lead by example style while realizing you cannot make a horse drink.

1. Do not do anything for them that they could do for themselves. They can call customer service. They can watch the coaching videos. They can work it out, like you did. If you manage to do it for them, they won’t learn it. They will want you to do it, and they’ll have their downline calling you too!

2. Don’t teach them anything that there’s already training videos for. Direct them to the trainings. Every MLM has a comp plan video. Why would you spend an hour explaining it? Order them to go watch the video! There are videos on the products, the comp plan, the simple way to do home parties… Everything. If they’d like to know the way to approach their warm market, as an example, send them to the bookstore to learn from some of the best gurus in our niche.

3. Focus on your front line sponsoring. You need lots of folks. Period. If you’re spending all your time on one or two who are in, you are not sponsoring and aren’t building a downline. It’s a game of numbers. You want to get lots of people in, to get one or two who will achieve success in MLM. You need killers who will get out there and sponsor. If you are concentrating on someone that takes all afternoon solely to log in… that says it all.

4. Do not squander your time. If somebody isn’t industrious enough to figure out the answer, they’re not going to go build their own downline. They’ll doubtless do nothing. You can give opportunities to folks, but you cannot make them drink. This is the hardest one to appreciate.

5. Lead by example. Mull it over. If you show everybody the way to waste time by letting them waste yours, what’s going to happen? If you show everyone how to prospect by recruiting, and giving that example to follow, they will really know what to do.

So believe it to be true or not, ignoring your downline, at least in part, may be the easiest way to build your downline fast and grow a great team.

Karyn Weger is a top Network Marketing Coach. She teaches her strong systems to struggling social promoters who need to build their downline.

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