Best Social Network Marketing Strategies And Practices

Social network marketing has become quite the trend amongst marketers looking to promote their businesses online. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube have made it easy for eager entrepreneurs to hop on the internet and network with people from around the world. Terms like tweeting, sharing, and voting have created quite the buzz amongst those who want to hop aboard the viral marketing trend.

Studies not so long ago indicated that the 500 million plus Facebook users didn’t pay much attention to the Facebook ads. It was thought that people go to Facebook to hangout with friends and not much more. However, that may be changing. The fastest growing user group on Facebook are women in the 55 – 65 age group.

If you want to set yourself apart from all of the „pitchers“ and „spammers“ that abuse social marketing then it’s important to learn how to brand yourself the right way. Just think about all of the ads and emails that you see on a daily basis pitching the latest and greatest business opportunities. It’s enough to make you sick right?

There’s a right way and a wrong way to use social network marketing and becoming known as a „pitcher“ is the wrong way. It’s okay to promote your business on social media sites as long as it’s done in moderation.

If you truly want to differentiate yourself from the majority of marketers that are using social network marketing the wrong way then it’s important to connect with people and become personable.

It is also difficult to tread that fine line between spam and building up a social media audience. If you are contacting individuals purely to make money then you are sending out spam. This is a very unprofitable way to go about marketing. Make sure you let the different followers know what you are trying to do before sending the offer. Even just a simple description of what is going on can go a long way.

Obviously, if consumers want peer recommendations the trick is going to be how to get them to listen to your recommendations. The key is to establish a Web presence that establishes you as a peer and an expert.

Networking presentations were once dominated by presentations that brought forth an emotional response. There was the saying that „people hear your music not your words.“ In fact, scientific studies indicate that an audience is influenced 7% by your content, 38% by your vocal presentation and 55% by your visual presence. The keys to great presentation were your tonality and your enthusiasm.

In social media particularly video marketing can also be very effective. Millions of Internet users look at videos every day. A short video about your services and products can reach millions of potential customers.

Your social network marketing matrix consists of your Facebook site, twitter account, YouTube channel, blog, website, newsletter and/or capture page. You are creating a funnel that will pre-qualify your business partners. By the way, the pre-qualifying goes both ways. Your potential partners are using the elements of your social network marketing matrix to determine if they want to get to know you better and possibly become your business partner.

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