Being persuasive in an argument

Being persuasive is a fantastic asset to have as it can help you in many different ways. Being persuasive in a working environment can help someone to progress their career as they will be able to persuade people in to their way of thinking or persuade people into agreeing that they are the right person for a certain job. Anybody can learn to be persuasive using a few simple techniques.

The first technique is to appear as knowledgeable as possible through the use of a complex vocabulary which will help a person seem more intelligent than the person who is opposing them. Using overly complicated words can make others feel inferior and not want to enter into a debate for the fear of looking stupid. A person who uses long words is also likely to speak more than the other person which will always be an advantage in an argument.

Aggression is another useful technique when trying to persuade someone. Whilst not being overly aggressive or pushy it helps to throw people off of their argument. If someone is arguing their point with you and you chance to interrupt them not for the sake of it but with a strong point, then take that opportunity as it will not only make you appear passionate but also ruthless too.

Possibly the most important technique for helping someone be persuasive is their body language. They have to stand up tall and project themselves to show that they have confidence in their argument rather than slouching and mumbling which is an invitation to others to become the dominant person in the argument. To be persuasive a person must also listen to their rival as a sign of respect but also so that they can come back with the appropriate response to what they have just heard.

It is vital to put forward a strong point when being persuasive but it is more important to be honest when doing so. At no point in someone trying to put forward a persuasive argument should they resort to lying. Using only the truth will help to build trust whilst lying to try and win an argument will decimate any trust immediately if the other person knows you are lying.

Get some persuasive training with NLP.

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