Balance Between Traffic And Competition

In the Internet marketing we have two things that decide our success. It all depends on traffic and competition. Almost always, traffic comes with competition. Essentially it’s because other marketers want that traffic too. And we eventually end up coming to the same busy places.

Traffic means success. Of course, to be fair I have to say targeted traffic means success. But competition can interfere with that. Specifically when it’s really big. It requires time and effort to enter a market with big audience, even though it is very rewarding at the end of the day.

Nevertheless we want to see results fast, a lot of work with no return is not for the faint-hearted. The best scenario we can wish for is a low competition and lots of traffic. It is rare, unfortunately. More often than not we look for something in the middle. A market with good traffic but not so big competition.

Such a market has a low entry barrier and has enough traffic to be profitable. But it introduces some challenges too. More precisely, the traffic may often be not as targeted as we want and harder to convert. To profit from such traffic we need to use really affordable offers, often free. Specifically this applies to what is called browsing traffic – people who are only browsing for information on a subject and have little to no commercial intent.

Luckily there are the kinds of offers that convert highly. These offers are called CPA (cost per action) and require the prospect to simply enter their e-mail, zip code or some personal information. But they don’t require to buy, which means higher conversions.

One more possibility to convert almost any kind of at least partially targeted traffic is using paid ads on your target site. Even if you pay for the traffic, done properly it can bring profit.

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