Back Link Checker Is A Great Tool

The internet is like a huge blob where everyone and anyone can do whatever they want and find whatever they are looking for including the dark side of the internet. However studies have concluded that eight out of every ten websites fail since they are not able to rake in enough money because they are not getting enough traffic primarily because of poor back links.

Even out of those that do succeed many of them aren’t able to make money because they are not going about SEO in the correct manner and hence they are not getting targeted traffic.

A lot of new people who bother to ask questions want to know how they should go about monitoring their back links. The best way to monitor your back links is to use a back link checker. A back link checker allows you to monitor exactly what websites are back linking to you and your website in general. You can also check exactly what the rankings are of those websites that are linking back to you; you should be able to determine if those are comment links, posts or blog roll links linking back to you.

People who are new to search engine optimization don’t really know just how important back links are. What is really even more important is being able to track down those back links and check out exactly which links are working for you and which are just statics. You should consider a back link to be a vote each back link to your website will tell Google or other search engines just how good or important your website really is. This is why its common practice for many websites to spend loads of money trying to build a system of back links.

A back link checker can be used to determine exactly where your website stands on the internet. You can also clearly see exactly which websites are linking back to yours and track down those bad websites that might be doing black hat stuff to kill your rankings. You also don’t want some bad website spoiling your rankings by sending in trash traffic which is nothing more than just bots.

Businesses and individuals need to understand that back linking is good but only if you can target the people you want on your website. There is no point having millions of visitors on your website or blog only if two or may three of them will comment or subscribe to your service. So a back link checker is an ideal tool to be used.

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