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How Flickr Backlink Adder Can Drive A Tsunami Of Traffic To Your Website

It was not long ago that Flickr was an emerging phenomenon, which captivated people with the wide array of pictures it had, and got millions of users in no time. In a relatively short period of time Flickr has matured as one of the leading photo sharing platforms and been snapped up by Yahoo!

The reason for that is: Flickr has evolved from a photo sharing platform to something which can be effectively utilized to market your website, products or services, and is easy to use as well as effective. Not a lot of people look at Flickr that way, but it is a great source for referral traffic.

Referral Traffic Comments

A pretty picture, which is tagged well and shows up in searches, is quite likely to get popular very soon on Flickr. If you see such a picture and it is filed under the Creative Commons License, you can use this picture on your website (on a related post) and then link back to it.

After linking back; in the comments section — thank the photographer and write a couple of lines describing the context in which you used his photograph. Be sure to leave the link of your webpage, so that people can see and click it. The key here is giving a crisp description about the context in which you have used the picture.

This makes your comment stand out of the crowd, and people take notice and click on it. This can help drive more traffic than you ever thought possible because of the huge number of Flickr users.


Flickr has a big tendency of getting into the front pages of Digg. As a frequent Digg user, I see that a lot of pages that make to the Digg front page are from Flickr. And once you reach the front page of Digg; millions of users will be headed your way. It is only natural that these Digg users read the comments on those pictures to try and find out more about the story of the picture and what others thought about it.

This means that millions of Digg users are going to see your links and some of them will eventually click it too. Whenever a picture that you have used from Flickr features on a Digg page “ you will also see a spurt in traffic. This spurt will be temporary, but, a lot of these first time visitors will subscribe to your RSS feed and this will give you a boost in your average traffic forever.


The best part about using Flickr as a medium to drive traffic to your blog is that you get great pictures that enhance the quality of your website, and after Flickr made all its outgoing links “ Nofollow; a lot of people have lost interest in it “ meaning the spammers have left the party and there is plenty of room for people with genuine content like you.

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Tagged Friend Adder Techniques To Increase Friend Requests

Tagged is a social networking tool and also a great place to market your products and services. The key to success in Tagged like any other social networking tool is to build a community of friends. But, this is easier said than done because of the following two things:

1. You need to build a network with people who are interested in your products.

2. This network should be really large in number to have any chance of success.

Doing this requires targeted effort which can be quite laborious, if you do it all on your own. Fortunately, there are tools that can help you do this. There are Tagged Friend Adder Marketing Tools that let you decide on a profile based on criteria such as Age, Gender and Location. Once, you decide on a profile that suits your product or services most “ you can create a list of people on Tagged that meet this profile.

In most cases you will find thousands of users for the criteria that you have listed due to the massive popularity of Tagged. Once you find such people, you can send friend requests to all of them to bring them in your network. When you send the friend requests, some people will respond to it positively, others negatively and some will not respond at all.

Your Tagged Friend Adder Tool will help you maintain lists of all such people so that you dont end up sending the same kind of message to same people again and end up spamming them. Once you have a critical mass of friends “ you can start building a relationship with them by sending them mass messages and talking to them about your products and services. This helps bring your services in front of thousands of users who were not aware of them at all.

You can also send mass comments to thousands of users at one go. This will keep you in their radar and in future when you send them messages “ that will generate a much better brand recall from them. These are just some of the ways in which a Tagged Friend Adder Marketing Tool can be used for building an active social network and market your goods and services to thousands of users in a very cost effective manner.

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Tagged Friend Adder Tools To Build Your Friends Lists And Profiles

Tagged is a social networking tool and also a great place to market your products and services. The key to success in Tagged like any other social networking tool is to build a community of friends. But, this is easier said than done because of the following two things:

1. You need to build a network with people who are interested in your products.

2. This network should be really large in number to have any chance of success.

Doing this requires targeted effort which can be quite laborious, if you do it all on your own. Fortunately, there are tools that can help you do this. There are Tagged Friend Adder Marketing Tools that let you decide on a profile based on criteria such as Age, Gender and Location. Once, you decide on a profile that suits your product or services most “ you can create a list of people on Tagged that meet this profile.

In most cases you will find thousands of users for the criteria that you have listed due to the massive popularity of Tagged. Once you find such people, you can send friend requests to all of them to bring them in your network. When you send the friend requests, some people will respond to it positively, others negatively and some will not respond at all.

Your Tagged Friend Adder Tool will help you maintain lists of all such people so that you dont end up sending the same kind of message to same people again and end up spamming them. Once you have a critical mass of friends “ you can start building a relationship with them by sending them mass messages and talking to them about your products and services. This helps bring your services in front of thousands of users who were not aware of them at all.

You can also send mass comments to thousands of users at one go. This will keep you in their radar and in future when you send them messages “ that will generate a much better brand recall from them. These are just some of the ways in which a Tagged Friend Adder Marketing Tool can be used for building an active social network and market your goods and services to thousands of users in a very cost effective manner.

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3 Benefits Of Using Bebo Friend Adder

Bebo is a rapidly growing social networking website where users can share videos, pictures and talk to friends by leaving comments, much like Facebook.

It is a also a very good place for internet marketers to spread their message and gain visibility for their products or services. As with any social networking tool, success on Bebo means that you should have a critical mass of friends in your network. To get this on your own manually “ involves both time and energy. To leverage the benefit of a network like Bebo — you need to use automated tools like a Bebo Friend Adder Tool.

This tool will help you create a network of friends and automate a lot of things that you did manually thereby increasing your visibility in a much shorter time than before. Here are some of the great things that you can do with a Bebo Friend Adder Marketing Tool:

1. Sends Mass Friend Requests: With the Bebo Friend Adder Marketing tool, you can send friend requests to thousands of people and reach a mass critical network really quickly.

2. Mass Comments: With this tool you can post mass comments and gain visibility for yourself.

3. Mass Friend Messages: A Bebo Friend Adder Marketing Tool can help you post messages to all your friends at once. This will help you communicate with hundreds of your friends instead of a few that you could do yourself manually.

A Bebo Friend Adder tool helps you take your message out to many more people than you can manage yourself manually. This is very good start and once you have this critical mass, the next step that you need to take is to keep communicating with this community on a regular basis. The mass comments and mass friend messages feature helps you keep this going and build a strong and loyal network.

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7 YouTube Friend Adder Ideas To Market Your Videos

YouTube makes it possible for internet marketers to reach out to a huge audience, in a way that was never possible before. YouTube has made it possible for marketers to get their message in front of millions of people with the powerful medium of videos.

Most people think that their job is over once they create a video and post it on YouTube. But in reality, this is just the beginning. Promoting your video can become a very tedious task and without automation “ you may never be able to really benefit from posting great videos.

This is where a Friend Adder Tool comes in. A tool that gets your message in front of millions of people and multiply your marketing success with very little additional effort from you. Here is a how a YouTube Friend Adder Tool can benefit you:

1. Send Mass Messages: Friend Adder tools can send mass messages to your friends in one click; such a thing would take hours, if you had to do it manually.

2. Send Mass Friend Requests: You can grow your network by adding thousands of YouTube users to your network.

3. Mass Comments: You can use a YouTube Friend Adder tool to leave comments on hundreds of videos.

4. Target Users: You can target users based on their profiles and make sure that your message reaches out to the people who will be most interested in it.

5. Birthday Messages: Some YouTube Friend Adder tools give you the option of sending out birthday and anniversary messages. This helps you build a connection with other users.

6. Subscribe to Videos: With Friend Adder Tools you can subscribe to multiple videos at the same time and that helps you get in the radar of thousands of publishers who see you as their subscriber.

7. Favorite Videos: You can favorite videos and submit ratings on them. You can do this primarily on your own videos and thus give them an initial boost that is needed when you first start off.

As you can see there are plenty of ways in which a YouTube friend adder tool can be used to promote your content on YouTube. It is a very powerful way to use automation and benefit from the latent potential of YouTube.

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