Alle Beiträge von Tim Holdon

Music and Messages On Hold: A Powerful Combo at Your Fingertips

Music and Messages On Hold can be used very effectively to enhance your marketing and branding efforts.

A friend of mine is the director of a school for the arts that specializes in „unlocking the creative energy and talent in those who are right-brained and who wish to pursue the arts“. She has also written a book on understanding right-brain intelligence and gifting. On the frontispiece, she quotes Albert Einstein, „The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.“

It takes all types of people to „make the world go ‚round“, and the business world is no exception. „Right-brain creatives“, „left-brain rationalists“, and everyone in-between seem to have their place. While some people may be more strongly disposed toward one or the other way of seeing the world, most of us probably fall somewhere in the middle. None of us is entirely devoid of the alternate thinking style; even the most logic-driven analysts have emotions and some capacity for appreciating the „whimsical“, all of their „rational“ denial notwithstanding. Conversely, even the most fanciful „artiste“ possesses some sense of logic, dormant though it may be. Chances are, you have a varied mix of „types“ calling your business or organization on the telephone every day. Your music and messages on-hold are the perfect vehicle for reaching this diverse audience.

Music appeals to the emotions. Messages – i.e. words – are capable of moving in areas of rational precision and specificity from which music and emotions seem forever barred. At the same time, words can appeal to the emotions as well. In fact, both music and words can impact the emotions in ways the other cannot. Curiously, the actual structure of music is packed full of logic and mathematics, even as its end result can be a mysterious, almost magical manipulation of the emotions or the opening of doors into other worlds of the imagination. Together, music and words (messages) are powerful tools you can easily use to impact the people who call you while they are waiting on hold.

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