Alle Beiträge von Steven Phillips

Quality content and back links increase your page rank

If you are promoting an online business or personal website, getting noticed on the internet is challenging. There is so much competition it isn’t funny. Getting noticed may take months. Google and Yahoo both state that there is no guarantee that they will even index your website. Unfortunately, if your site does not roll up in the top ten listing of the search result no one is going to find you. It isn’t cool relying on someone trying to remember your website address hours before they set down to search for a good or service they are interested in.

Fortunately there is some good news. Getting listed in the search engines is much easier than you may think. The best part of it is, it won’t cost you a dime. One the other side of getting indexed is promotion of your website. Promotion can be done in a variety of ways and can be started as your attempting to get your website indexed.

Have you ever heard of Blogger. Blogger is the Google Blog. It makes sense to me that using the Google blog is the fastest means available to get indexed. Google sucks up content from their own blog in massive amounts. You can expect to get indexed in Google first because of this.

Once you look into using Blogger, you will realize you are going to have to write some content to post to your new blog. You will want to use content related to your business or niche market. If you hate to write, another method for posting content is to borrow content from other authors using articles. If you use this method, follow the guidelines, and post the authors information. In every post list links to your own website. This is the secret to getting indexed. As the search engines come in to pick up your content they follow your link to your website and magically, you get indexed.

Many third party sites have cool plugins that you can use. Most of the third party sites have very clear instructions as to how you set it up. It is a matter of removing some code and putting some back. It is all done in your Blogger control panel. Another benefit of using a blog is that you will earn a back link or two for your own site. Remember, to go back to your own site and add your Blogger site URL to reciprocate the favor. Every link you can get will increase your popularity. You will definitely want to spend some time learning about link building.

Blogger and many other blogs have an automatic ping, which is just a way for the blog to tell all the other content sources that new content has been posted. Technorati is a great place to go and manually ping your blog everyday after you make a post. Again, this just lets the world know you made a post. So, in the end, all you have to do is make a daily post with you website hyper link and manually ping your blog and in no time you website will be listed in Google.

As an associate member of MyWorldPlus, I use blogs, article marketing, and back linking in order to increase my traffic. Since the beginning of the internet, quality content and who’s linking to you has been considered must have qualities for your page rank. My MyWorldPlus traffic has increased significantly in the past month from using these techniques.

It does not matter what type of business you are in or what niche you are promoting. If you increase your back links and provide quality content you will climb to the top of the search engine results. There are back link checkers available for free to monitor your progress.

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How to review a home business before you join

You have seen dozens of internet home businesses on the internet. They entice you, grab your attention and convince you to join. If they do a good job of convincing you, hopefully they will do a good job bringing in hundreds after you. Surveying the entire marketing system is a great idea before you sign up. After every automatically generated email, call or other method to sign you up, ask yourself if you think this will work for your prospects.

Take a few days and test the system. Say no to joining and make the system make you want to join. There should be phone calls, emails or other attempts to bring you in. If there isn’t, then what is going to bring your prospects into the program. The company you are surveying will ultimately earn your talent if you join to help build the business. At a minimum the system should at least assist in marketing to your prospects.

Most programs have a system for capturing prospects through capture pages and follow up emails. Once the prospect signs up through a capture page, they will receive a round of emails from the company.

If you sign up to take a tour of MyWorldPlus, you will get an idea of what I am talking about. The most important thing to remember while youre researching a program is the information you are reading is the same information that will be made available to your future prospects.

Even if the product is awesome, if the company does not have an automated system for you to plug in to, it may not be so easy to market the program online. The internet is a tough place to market anything due to saturation. You need all the help you can get when it comes to automation. At a minimum, a program should at least have capture pages and an auto responder to deliver follow up emails to keep your prospect thoroughly informed.

During your survey, if provided, find the current list of top performers. Most programs post a list of leaders who are doing well. Average the number of new enrollees to get an idea of how well others are doing in the program. A low enrollment across the board may be an indicator of how difficult it is to bring in new members.

It isn’t too difficult to explore the internal marketing system of MyWorldPlus or other MLM online business. Just try it out and you will see what you need to see. Take note that if a company states that they do a huge percentage of the work and that all you have to do is promote your affiliate link, think again. Promoting that affiliate link is a huge percentage of the work. If there are no visitors who cares how great the marketing system is.

At a minimum, your program should have an outstanding capture page and auto responder or email system. You already know you will be providing the visitors. So, ensure the automated marketing systems is going to do the rest. A great example of a solid system can be found at MyWorldPlus

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Building wealth on a fixed income or hourly wage isn’t easy but anyone can do it with discipline

Last week a radio personality stated that Americans were showing a trend in saving again after years and years of taking on personal debt. With a little hard work, you can start saving by first paying yourself. A three step system works best for me. 1. Add your monthly bills 2. Then, deduct that sum from your take home pay. 3. Deduct your living expenses, ie. spending money and place the remainder in savings account. This system also works if your paid monthly, just do the same thing for the whole month. Do not use checks. Instead, live off of your spending money. This system is explained as easy as 123 but I can tell you it is hard to stick to.

If you love to use your credit card or maybe even your debit card every day, cut them up now or make a deal with yourself not to use them except in an emergency. Interest from credit cards will add to your debt faster than you will realize. My three pronged approach is only half my battle. I also like to earn as much cash as I can. A realized 10% savings every month is an awesome start to any savings program. Now, imagine saving 10% or 20% or even 50% on the things you were going to buy anyway. What if you could get 50% off of your total dinner bill with a buy one get one free deal. Not just once but every time you went out. Taking advantage of discounts will stretch your dollar even further. It will allow you to stay out of your savings account if you overspend. What I am trying to say is, close the gap when you overspend by making it up in discounts.

Unfortunately, I had a tough time finding quality discounts in my local area. So, I searched the internet and found an excellent source of discounts and coupons. I joined a program called MyWorldPLUS to maximize my savings using member discounts and coupons. The second reason for joining the program is to create long term residual income to put even more money in my savings account. For $20.00 a month and By joining MyWorldPLUS, I earn between 1% and 20% CASH BACK on all purchases made at over 600 BRAND NAME Online Stores with Special Offers EVERY DAY! you will have FULL ACCESS to THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS worth of everyday savings and discounts at over 175,000 stores WORLDWIDE!

My girl and I were going to go out so I turned on my computer and found a great deal. If I purchased an entree, I would get a second entree for $1.00. She loves to eat but she loves to save a whole lot more. My entree was $1.00 after buying her entree for $12.00. I bet you eat out more than one time in a single month. Using my example, if you go out two times, you will have saved $22.00. Your MyWorldPlus membership has already paid for itself and you pocketed the remaining cash. Cash you would have given to the restaurant anyway. If you think it isn’t worth all this logging in and printing coupons, think again. Get a calculator and add it all up. 50% off on a local oil change at a national chain, 10% off on your total grocery bill, get a haircut for 10% less, it just keeps racking up. MyWorldPlus has been on the internet since 2007. They are here to stay. It will be worth your while to take a free tour and learn more about this system. I am glad I did. Take a tour here.

Have your ever noticed that some of the wealthiest people you had ever heard of didn’t LOOK like they had two nickles to rub together? I am pretty sure it is becasue they were savers. visit me at myworldrocks

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Don’t get involved in an internet scam, take a look at My World Plus

So your an MLM opportunist or network marketer. If you have tried a program like Xango or Monavie and failed don’t feel bad. Your in the same boat with hundreds of other marketers. Most of these systems are outstanding and the products are unique and interesting. Unfortunately, most down line members are unable to generate an income from their efforts if at all. Secondly, I had a difficult time finding liked minded individuals willing to do what I do.

There is a perfect formula to all MLM businesses. The upline member has to enroll his members and then keep them. The key word here is keep them. As a marketer yourself, you know how hard it is convince them to join in the first place. Think about your enrollee, will they have the persistence you have? More importantly, do they have the financial strength to make the long haul to success city? Unfortunately, most of them do not. I have been in this life raft before myself.

I don’t know how many times I have stated, „never again,“ never again will I enroll in a venture and waste my money. I say it, but evidently I don’t mean it. I know because after a short while I feel the urge to make some cash. Not because I need it just because I am driven to do it. I still have product in the fridge from my last venture even as I type this. It is going to be good drinking every sip knowing I bought it all at a discount. Just kidding.

In my recent line of thinking and in an attempt to strengthen my bottom line, discounts is where it’s at. A company by the name of My World Plus reeled me back in to MLM. The first thing you should know about the program, is that My World Plus is not a scam. If your still not convinced, research it on your own. If your like me, you will not find much if any negative press about My World Plus, steer away from advertisers. Hit the message boards for the real scoop. Three solid reasons will keep you and your downline in place. To begin, the program is just $70.00 a month a join and $20.00 a month forevermore. Now you can afford that. I will bet odds that your downline members can too. This is the first thing I noticed about the program. It is affordable to all enrollees.

I am also a huge saver. Unfortunately, in previous programs like Monavie or Xango I kept bleeding case and put very little back. My World Plus does not require you buy traditional products like juice or wellness items. Instead, you get access to a gigantic network of discounts for 175,000 or more worldwide stores. These discounts are for top name businesses and are for products you are going to buy anyway. I love to take advantage of the buy one get one free coupons when my girl and I go out to eat. The last great thing about My World Plus is the compensation plan for those who decide to take advantage of the business opportunity.

Are you shopping? Are you shopping for a less expensive program with a stellar product where your enrollees want to stay? If so, take a little time and explore the possibility of joining MyWorldPlus. My World Plus will change the way you think about shopping, saving and making money. For example. After logging into my My World Plus back office I searched for a discount to get my oil changed in my blazer. I had to do it anyway so why not try and save. I found a 50% off coupon at a major lube chain and saved almost $15.00. Now that is a discount. If I use one or two more discounts this month I am in the green and my My World Plus membership will have been paid back. This is what keeps you enrolled. It will also keep your downline enrolled as well.

Hopefully you will see the power of this program and take advantage of the savings your membership provides and hang in here with me if you decide to join. It’s only $20.00 a month. For more information on My World Plus please visit my link in the resource box.

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If your income is fixed or your struggling with getting enough hours, you can still save despite your situation

I heard on the radio today that Americans were finally saving again after years of racking up debt. Saving takes discipline but anyone can do it by paying yourself first. A simple three step system works for me. 1. Add up all my bills for the month 2. Deduct that from what I make for the month 2. Deduct my spending money for the month and then deposit the remainder in my savings account. You can also do this on a weekly basis. Don’t write checks for anything but bills and live on your allocated spending money. This sounds so easy to do but it isn’t.

If your an avid credit card user or even a habitual debit card user, consider getting rid of them fast. If you don’t cut them up, muster the discipline you need to only bring them out in a dire emergency. Racking interest charges will amass before you know what hit you. My three step system will eventually bring my finances under control but it is only half of the solution. We would all like to earn more cash to save as we go. Lets say we are already putting 10% in the bank. That 10% is all we can muster. How do we save even more? The way we do that is by taking advantage of discounts. If you can save 10% on many of the purchases you make you will have saved 10% more than you would have been had you not cashed the discount. Use this method for making up for non-budgeted items. Think about it, if you had to spend an additional $50 this week, find some discounts on things you were going to buy anyway and put it back. You will not be going back to your savings account like you used to do when you got a little strapped for cash.

Unfortunately, I had a tough time finding quality discounts in my local area. So, I searched the internet and found an excellent source of discounts and coupons. I joined a program called MyWorldPLUS to maximize my savings using member discounts and coupons. The second reason for joining the program is to create long term residual income to put even more money in my savings account. For $20.00 a month and By joining MyWorldPLUS, I earn between 1% and 20% CASH BACK on all purchases made at over 600 BRAND NAME Online Stores with Special Offers EVERY DAY! you will have FULL ACCESS to THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS worth of everyday savings and discounts at over 175,000 stores WORLDWIDE!

Let me show you how this works. My girlfriend wanted to go out for dinner. I cranked up my computer logged into MyWorldPlus and found an entree for $1.00 when I purchased one entree at regular price. I am all about going out to eat, but I am more about saving. What would have been $24.00 was suddenly $13.00. How many times do you eat out in a single month? If one was to use my example here and eat out twice, you would have pocketed $2.00 after you paid your membership to MyWorldPlus. One might say it isn’t worth all the trouble. But wait. Add it all up. 50% off on an oil change, 10% off at Wendy’s or Dairy Queen, get your haircut 20% off. Do the math and you will see. It adds up and the discounts are numerous. MyWorldplus as a company is stable. They have been on the web since 2007 and they are not going anywhere. Take a few minutes on a free tour. It will not cost you a dime.

Growing up as a kid, people used to say he or she is loaded, but look at them, they don’t even look like they have a cent to their name. I realized that the reason was, was that they were savers instead of spenders. You may find me at myworldrocks

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