Alle Beiträge von Steven Mueller

A Simple Resume Makeover Can Increase Your Chances Of Getting A Job

If you are seeking a new job and you have sent out tons of resumes with no great results, then it is time to consider a resume makeover.

You cannot rely on your old, outdated resume if you want to compete in a highly competitive job market. It is essential for you to have a well-written resume to use as your best negotiating tool.

You’ve probably already heard how important it is to have a well-written resume. Well it’s true and that important interview with your prospective employer will most likely be the result of a well-written resume.

So first thing to consider is an extreme resume makeover to get your job seeking a jumpstart by hiring a professional resume writer.

Hiring a professional copywriter or resume writing service is the best thing you can do to get the results you want. They will produce a resume makeover that knows how to grab your prospective employers attention by focusing on the employers wants and needs, not yours.

This seems to be a most common and deadly mistake in most resumes I’ve reviewed. Another is to make requests even demands such as salary requirements to your prospective employer during the interview process.

Always negotiate salary requirements after the interview unless the employer asks you. Then follow up to his or her question with another question, „What does the salary pay in my position?“

Your professional resume writer is advantageous to you because they know exactly how to make you shine. They will set you high on a pedestal by highlighting your unique skills and experience and will know how to pull out your most important strengths in a professional manner. In other words, put the „WOW“ factor into your resume.

Your resume makeover should set you apart from the rest of the applicants. By focusing on the need of your potential employer, you are far more likely to get noticed and get an interview.

A well-written resume makeover will help you get the job you deserve. Do not allow your old, outdated resume give your dream job to the next person less qualified.

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Reach Your Financial Destination With A New Online Business

If you are looking for an opportunity to work from home, the Internet has leveled the playing field. Many moms and dads are trading in their day jobs for the chance to start their own Internet business.

The benefits to working home seem to have a strong attraction, especially in the light of massive employment layoffs. When you are working from home, life seems to be much easier. For starters, you don’t have to fork out the expenses of a babysitter since you can be their with the kids.

One of the best things to working from home is being able to do what you really enjoy such as expanding your business, getting new customers and taking time off without having to get permission.

Coming up with ideas for working at home does not have to be hard. There are many resources online such as internet marketing courses, training videos, and ebooks that are written by experienced individuals that you can learn from. They provide step-by-step plans and instructions on how to start and setup an online money making business from scratch.

If you are unsure of an idea, the Internet is a great place to start. There are plenty of online marketing courses covering a range of topics from affiliate marketing to starting your own membership website. The information you need is available at the click of a mouse. Just do a little searching and you will uncover tons of business ideas.

This article will show you the best ways to start a business online. Although there are many ways to get an internet business up and running, it will be the marketing principles that you use, which will ultimately determine if your business succeeds. Starting a business online requires some basic or fundamental computer skills, a sound understanding of internet marketing strategies and techniques and an idea or collection of ideas that you can test.

When you are looking for ideas on the Internet, it is easy to get information overload. Learn to manage your access for new ideas by focusing your efforts in one or two areas. You can expand later after you are up and running. This will keep you from wandering all off the place.

Before you start your business online, have a sound understanding of the different ways marketers are using to drive traffic to their websites. There are many different ways. Some use pay-per-click advertising on the major search engines while others take the search optimization or SEO approach to getting free traffic. Even though it is free it will cost a great deal of your time and energy to establish a sound presence in the search engines.

It’s okay to dream big when you are starting out. However, set small goals and then meet those goals as you move along. As you reach your weekly and monthly goals, you will feel good about your progress and will have a sense of accomplishment. This is important because your goals are sign post to your success.

Personally, I love watching new movies. Movies provide a way for me to refresh and takes me into new realities as I engage myself in interesting stories. As it has always been said, do what you love and the money will follow.

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