Alle Beiträge von Steve Siemoreland

Wealthy Affiliate 101 – Earning Wealthy Affiliate Income

Now that youre well aware of the simple structure of affiliate marketing and how earning affiliate income goes, its about time we take a more detailed look on the steps.

The three simple steps to take if you are a newbi to earning affiliate income are easy to re-member. Lets go into them now.

1. Always look in the magazines for well advertised products, that are hot in the market place.

2. Find a way for potential clients to connect to that product or service.

3. Once the potential client can buy thorough your affiliate link, promoting the product you get paide a commission

Thats the three steps in short, now lets see how we put them all together to successfully complete one step at a time:

Earning Wealthy Affiliate Income Step 1 When you think about it, this step is made up of 2 more sub-steps: (1) finding what people are buying like crazy, and (2) who are the merchants catering to the hungry crowds clamor for the product or service.

It doesnt take long to find out what products or merchants you should be affiliating with, you can get some grate ideas of whats hot and selling fast just by going to the best-seller section of online shops or malls like:

– – – – And a lot more

Whats selling fast can be a fiction book, the latest T.V, a laptop computer, the latest video game “ the list is endless.

Get this right and the second step is already settled since the online shopping malls like the above allow you to sell their products by whatever legal means and you get cold hard cash for it!

All you need to do is join their Affiliate program, and start getting down to business!

Earning Wealthy Affiliate Income Step 2 Affiliates serve as the middle man linking the customers and the vendor. Again, there are hundreds of ways to connect with them. Here are just a few of the most popular ways to do that:

1. PPC Advertising (pay-per click) “ you shell out cash for your ads and pay for every click. Be careful though as you can lose a fortune if you dont know what youre doing.

2. Article Marketing “ is by far one of the most cost effective ways of getting product and customers together. It costs nothing to do accept your time, And in time get you some fantastic results, If writing is one of your favourite pass times way not get paid to do it, write articles with links to your landing pages, or direct to the merchants sales page. and submit them to popular article directories.

3. Forum Marketing “ This is more of like the Good Samaritan style of marketing. You go to the forums related to your niche and product.

Look for questions and give quality answers to it, while your signature is doing the marketing “ enticing the guys you helped to click on it and buy.

4. E-mail Marketing “ Ok, if you’re thinking about spamming random people “ no thats not it! Thats not e-mail marketing that’s well spamming.

This involves having a list of e-mails who opted in to be a member of your group or subscribed to your newsletter. On your e-mails, you can sell as many products as you want since they agreed to it. Dont overdo it though as people would unsubscribe faster than you can say e-mail marketing!

Pick one that you think suits you best.

Earning Wealthy Affiliate Income Step 3 This is the best step of all “ what could be what could be better then watching the cash come in? So long as you have got all the steps right, there really isnt a lot left to earning affiliate income step 3.

Just try not to get to excited as you watch your paypal account grow.

There are lots of affiliate tools out there, that will help you complete the steps much faster and with grater efficiency. I would recommend that you take some of your earned commissions and invest in one or two of them. Also I would say to become most proficient at affiliate marketing you would not go wrong investing in some affiliate training over at the wealthy affiliates university.

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Affiliate Marketing Education – Affiliate Coaching made easy

Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative forms of earning lots of cash from home, the rewards can be few hundred to thousands of dollars a month if you put the time and effort in to your affiliate marketing education.

Your own home business, thats what most just dream about wishing they could have a successful online business, but thats all most do just dream and never take any kind of action to make it reality. There is always a wall they just dont seem to be able to claim over. The right affiliate marketing education can help to brake that wall down, and as time go on all the other wall you may come to will seem a lot smaller in their statue, a quick leap and bound will have you over it in no time. The wealthy affiliates university provide in my opinion the best affiliate marketing education on the web at this time and as built their reputation on producing some of the highest earning affiliates on the web today.

The easiest way to explain what affiliate marketing is and is not. It is a real business, its not pie in the sky like most so called home business. This is how it works. you are the middle man/women, you set up a landing page and send targeted traffic to that page. Your visitors click on your affiliate link and you get a commission for the sale, simple, and you learn how to do that. to find and send the targeted traffic to your landing page once you are a member of the wealthy affiliates university you are learnt how to do this.

So this is what happens in the process, a visitor to your landing page, a potential customer as just entered a search phase in to the box at their favourite search engine. A model of a camera they want to buy, they look at the list of pages returned and start to click for more info. If they are happy with the review and price then the next logical step would be to click the buy button. Once that happens the cookie drops and once the sale goes through you make a commission, if they make a purchase.

At that point the cookie is dropped on to the visitors computer, don’t worry it’s armless, the cookie which records the affiliates details allows the affiliate to get paud a commmison from the mearchant. Sounds easy doesnt it, well in practice it is with the right training.

Wealthy Affiliate University is the ultimatum coaching program. You are not expected to learn it all on you own, there is a lot of help in the forums from top earning wealthy affiliates. Anyone can succeed at this business.

Many have reported that if it was not for the coaching they received at the wealthy affiliates, they most likely would have fallen pray to the gurus that prowl the internet. Now many are reporting high weekly income that far exceeds their former income from their 9/5 job they did. i find this pretty remarkable due to the fact that many have had no former experience in the filed of internet marketing, before attending the wealthy affiliate University for the first time.

There is a monthly subscription to pay, why wouldnt there be , you have some of the finest affiliate tools you normally have to pay for. not even the top universities give you your books for free. all of the subscriptions go back in to the upkeep of the tools of which there is a hell of a lot. you can learn at your own pace, there is no presser to finish anything on a time frame, and if you need help with anything you don’t understand it is only a click away. and if for some reason you don’t like it and find it’s not for you. you can cancel your subscription at any time, if you wish to leave the university.

The affiliate business is ideal for work at home mums and dads, or anyone who wants to set up a high earning home business that is a real business, it’s flexible and runs on autopilot for the most, and for the student who is willing to put just a little hard work in to it, there is a very high earning potential, if to willing to follow the teaching instructions given to them in their learning materials,

It is my understanding that all the tools needed to achieve and learn are given free by the wealthy affiliate university, so no money is needed except your monthly subscription. Web sites and landing pages. Tracking tools, site builders, rapid article writers and such are made available among other things.

Since the wealthy university was set up online back in 2004 it as come on in leaps and bounds. well over 90,000 have passed through, with many still staying around years later. theses are the back bone of the forums, and most of the new students lookup to them for help and guidance which is duly given. Advanced wealthy affiliates do a lot of the coaching should new students require it.

The offers of help received in the forums are of an high standard, and are not just two line explanations on how to proceed with your problem. I found this truly amazing the amount of thought that the advanced affiliate marketers put into sorting out the problems new students get them selves into. From reviewing their landing pages to sorting out their ppc campaigns and traffic to their sites.

Once you join , you only need to brows the forums to see for yourself the quality of help you can look forward to, when you need it most.

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