Alle Beiträge von Scott Edwards

Lose Fat – Fresh Insights – Lose 20 Pounds Easily

Trying To Lose Weight Can Be Frightening! It’s essential to grasp that the business of slimming is exactly that – a very profitable market. A vast amount of cash is spent on diet related products – and many companies are in a position to dupe would-be slimmers into buying their goods.

In All Honesty, Is It Really That Bad? It’s quite likely that you’re hoping to drop at least a few pounds, even if your problem isn’t extreme. Around seven tenths of people in America can be classed as having weight problems. Unbelievably, that translates to two hundred & ten million people… What’s more, that figure is a staggering 60 percent for the rest of the world as well. It’s a sad indictment of the 21st century!

Take the United Kingdom – nearly a quarter of all adults are considered obese. This figure is set to get much higher. By 2050 the obesity level could be ninety per cent!

But we can do something about it! Nobody would wish this problem on either themselves or others. Nevertheless, weight management doesn’t have to be about spending a fortune on gimmick food. Healthy dietary information is more relevant.

It is commonly understood in medical circles that weight problems lead to other difficulties, including… Liver Disease – High Cholesterol – Osteoarthritis – Sleep Apnoea – Heart Disease – Heart Failure – Cancer – Type Two Diabetes – High Blood Pressure. This illustrates that we don’t just need to lose weight so that we can look more attractive.

You need to be able to maintain the optimum weight for YOU. The right weight for one person isn’t necessarily the right one for someone else. We all need to be able to maintain a certain weight when we’ve reached it.

We should also teach our kids about good health. We should educate our youngsters from an early age, helping them to form good habits from the start. We’ll have to endure the consequences if we don’t make some changes – the really sad thing is so will our kids. We can surely adopt better parenting skills than that?

So not to put too fine a point on it – we have to become more nutritionally aware before the problem gets any bigger. It’s only when we’ve got a handle on healthy eating ourselves that we can teach it to others. But more than just the next generation – we could help to reverse the obesity trends we were discussing above if we start to get it right now.

(C) Scott Edwards 2010. Look at Reduce Weight and Fat or

Slimming Revealed – Tips To Lose 30 Pounds

Are you aware that our behaviour patterns very often reflect those of our friends? The theory is that we turn out to be very much like the individuals we hang around with. For the most part this is interpreted as we hold the same belief structure or values; we quite often support the same sports clubs and political parties as our friends, for instance.

Lately though, studies are claiming that we will have more tendency to be overweight if we hang around with others who are overweight. According to a recent news article, we have a tendency to consume more when eating with heavier people who we know well. A US research team looked at kids eating habits. They found that the heavier ones ate more when they were with their heavier pals than when they were with their slimmer friends.

Everyone in the group actually devoured more when they were in the company of friends, regardless of their size. But pairing up overweight friends led to the biggest consumption of all. The study was undertaken by researchers from the State University of New York at Buffalo. It highlighted the role friends play in influencing how much youngsters eat.

Candidly it’s no great revelation that many ate more when in the company of friends. That would doubtless be the same if adults had been surveyed. What’s more, as our friends don’t usually challenge what we do, we assume that means they condone our behaviour. Subconsciously we’re placing the permission ball in someone else’s court.

The researchers observed a whole mix of young people for this study. They were split into groups of two friends, or groups of two strangers. All were furnished with nibbles, fruit and vegetables. They also had various games to keep them occupied.

All the ones who teamed up with a friend ate a larger amount than the rest. However it was the pairs who were both overweight who consumed the most in total. And the variations were considerable, as shown below.

Nearly seven hundred and fifty calories per person was consumed by the larger pairs of friends. Heavy kids with standard weight chums ate just under 450 cals, and standard weight kids ate approx 500 cals whatever weight their mate was. This influence extends to smoking and drinking as well with young teens.

A child’s social network then is significant in determining their eating habits. What this means is kids can be influenced to eat less as well as more. Hence the necessity to educate the young.

(C) Scott Edwards. Pop to for intelligent ideas on slimming food and weight management food.

Search Engine Optimisation Revealed

SEO is essentially a constantly evolving study of what factors the search engines take into account when they ‚rank‘ you in their natural search listings. Natural or ‚organic‘ lists form the main body of a SE page. Paid listings are separate to natural listings. The paid listings are typically in a yellow section at the top of the page, and in a column down the right hand side. The ’natural‘ listings are straight from the main index. They show sites listed in the order of importance and relevance – according to their algorithm.

Plainly our aim is to get our site up with the top ones. We’ve little chance of being seen if we’re way down the list on page 7. Only those in the Search Engine’s ‚inner circle‘ know all the factors used to position sites. It isn’t something they publicise to the rest of us!

As a result, we now have a very skilled bunch of professionals focused on optimisation. On the Search Engine side you have upgraded technological patents being regularly filed. (To cause as much uncertainty as possible!) On the other hand, there’s Search Engine Optimisation. This utilises a series of tests and measurements to determine the most pertinent factors.

Search Engine Optimisation deals with both on-page and off-page issues. A certain amount of page ranking weight can be attributed to off web geographic influences. SEO can’t control these though. (We will cover off page optimisation in a separate article.)

‚On-Page‘ SEO

Making changes directly to website pages to make them more Search Engine friendly is what On-Page SEO is all about. This website configuration is fairly simple. It involves such factors as – Internal-linking, using H1 & H2 header tags, seeding keywords at the correct density (and in appropriate places,) and to some lesser degree, using meta-tags.

It doesn’t matter if all that sounds very confusing. In reality, this is very easy to control, but not wildly effective. Indeed, it could be said to basically not have much influence at all. Previously we could make an impact with On Page configurations. Not any longer though.

The only time that ‚on-page‘ becomes important is when you have taken care of ‚off-page‘ and have a lot of inbound ‚back-links‘. At that stage, Internal Linking and some On Page manipulation can be beneficial.

A Bit of Advice… A phrase that shows vast numbers of results should not be your first SEO target. For instance, if you typed into a Search Engine the term Car insurance, seventy million results would be listed for the UK alone. It’s not rocket science to realise that competing in this area wouldn’t be productive.

Although… When I search for „Southampton Car Insurance“, it comes down to a more manageable 300K. (If car insurance in Southampton was my business!) A big number still it seems – but actually quite a small number when it comes to web searches.

The extended phrase makes all the difference. In reality, getting ranked for car insurance would cost a fortune! The competition would be fierce. Not a sensible option for anyone.

A precise description is much more valuable to us. They’re known as long tail searches, because they’ll have several keywords. If your market’s very competitive, you could be selecting seven word phrases. They’re usually around three or four.

We normally recommend performing SEO on phrases that return less than half a million results at the start. (In some cases, we may go with a higher count – if the current page 1 results are not well SEO’d.) In time our back links will grow. Then we’ll get a better rating on some of the bigger yielding phrases. If we put in enough effort, we can go after those big phrases in 3-12 months time. This line of attack starts with more focus. We’re after the people who are really looking to buy, so we go for phrases that convert well.

You should also build back links to various different pages – and not just your website’s homepage. The Search Engines like this – especially Google. A good example would be product group or category pages. It’s worth driving specific search terms to these pages – they often have links to lots of other product pages. Do not simply build links to your website’s home page. The SE’s are becoming increasingly interested in how a site’s individual pages are listed.

(C) Jay Kendall. Hop over to for superb advice on SEM Consultants and SEO Consultants.

Weight Loss Diets Simplified – How To Lose 20 Pounds

A good weight loss programme can be put in place simply by keeping a food diary. Begin by consuming your regular diet for seven days. Write down everything you eat and drink (be honest!) throughout the day. When a week has passed, analyse the contents of your diary. Try to identify any patterns where poor food choices are more evident.

Obviously, if there are several take-aways and other high fat foods, cutting those out would be a start. But if that’s not the case, and what you’re eating looks OK, then just reduce the amount. Either way, use your food diary as the basis for the changes you wish to make.

Then take the next seven days and write down exactly what you’re going to stick to. Think of what you’re going to eat and drink, and what exercise you want to include. Where food is categorised, create a list of prohibited food and ‚treat‘ food. And then write down the food you can eat in generous amounts.

As far as alcohol is concerned, keep it to a minimum. Write down when it’s not allowed, and when and how much it is allowed. Cans of soft drinks containing sugar are out. Next comes physical exercise, and whether it’s a walk in the park, or visits to the gym – write it down.

Get on the scales just before you’re about to start your program. Then repeat the process each week. If necessary, modify parts of the plan for better results. Don’t be tempted to weigh yourself too often – once every week at the same time is sufficient.

A plan such as this will allow you to manage your weight loss programme and adjust it to suit yourself. Make comments as you go – keep the diary as a working document. Also enter the exercise you’re doing, to make sure this isn’t getting left out. A diary is a very simple way to monitor your progress – and a remarkable tool for staying with the program!

Do keep your expectations reasonable though. At first, it seems to be all effort and no reward! Patience and perseverance are everything. Keeping up your motivation is sometimes tough, so try to dwell on the end result and the joy it will bring!

If you lose your way for a short while, try to get back on track quickly. It could be that you should look at altering your diet. There are some relatively easy ways to introduce more exercise. A thirty minute routine three times a week is a good habit to get into.

Feel good about every pound you lose. Quantifying the results you achieve makes dieting a great deal easier to maintain long-term. You may not want to splash out on clothes until all the weight has come off. But you could spoil yourself with a pamper session when you reach a mini-goal.

(C) Scott Edwards. Pop over to for great diet tips on diet food and quick weight loss diet.