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Design My Own Tattoo: The Quick And Easy Guide

Want to get a really great looking tattoo?Many people want to get tattoos but they often find the standard tattoo flash at the tattoo shop boring and not really able to fit their needs.In order to stay away from the flash people are starting to design their own tattoo. You might be saying to yourself now way can I design my own tattoo. The truth of the matter is that in fact you can do this. This article will help you discover a way that you can easily design your own tattoo without much pain or suffering (well except the needles part). This article will cover how to do this in four easy steps. For one start with the end in mind, also looking for other designs to use, even how to do some sketches and if nothing else works how to get your design done. One good thing about this process is even those who are artistically challenged can do this. Even the stick figuring drawing brethren out there can do this.

Think About What You Want

No starting with the end in mind is not to confuse or trick you. This is honestly meant as a great starting place. When you design your own tattoo it can be important to think about the end first. It is helpful to get the basic ideas out of the way so you can focus on the design. One thing to think about first is the placement of the tattoo design. The placement that you will get the tattoo inked on your body will determine many factors such as size, details and etc. It is also important to nail down the big ideas for the tattoo so you do not change your ideas. So think about the deeper reason you want a tattoo. Don’t choose a design just because it looks cool. What do you feel the tattoo should represent? What kind of things to you want it to express about yourself? A sexy lower back tattoo is going to look very different and express different things then a memorial tattoo for a lost loved one. So the first thing you want to establish is what should the tattoo represent and where do you want it placed on your body.

Where To Find Great Tattoo Resources

Once you have narrowed down the basic concepts in the last step you will want to start going out and looking for source materials to draw or gather ideas from. One place to check out are online tattoo galleries and even sites like You might also want to check out dedicated tattoo enthusiast sites. If you rather get away from the computer then go to the beach, a fair, or any crowded public place and check out real tattoos to get ideas. Local coffe houses are also great places to sit and people watch and look for tattoos. If you want to get a little travel in and go for a whole day excursion you could also try a tattoo convention. There is one in almost every major city in the US. Magazines and bookstores are also great places to find a wonderful source of tattoo ideas. There are many magazines like Flash and Tattoos and also many book titles that feature tattoo artwork. When you find something that you like it is important to get a copy of the pciture and keep it in a resource file. One of the benefiets of being online to resources materials is that is super easy to hit print and have a copy.

Start Making Sketches

Your next step is to compile all of your resource materials together. Once they are all together in one place try and find common themes and ideas in all of the designs that you like. Now start to draw your tattoo in rough form. Now just put your ideas to paper. Sketch out some rough ideas of what you are looking for. As you sketch out your design don’t worry about he final product. Instead just try to communicate the themes and ideas you are after. As you draw you will also begin to refine what yo are looking for and your drawing will therefore become more defined. Over repeated drawing and refining your drawing you should start to come up with a design you like.

What To Do If Everything Else Fails

Did you follow all of the steps above and still not end up with a design you want? Then seek professional help. The help of a professional tattoo artist should easily do the trick. Do a little shopping around and check the local tattoo shops in your area. You will want to try and find a tattoo artist that can help you. Take your sketches with you and explain what you are after to the artist. Most tattoo artist jump at the ideas of doing custom design work. Especially if you alread have most of the design done.

It can be a real kick to design your own tattoo. The best thing is the tattoo will be really meaningful to you and original. Have you ever wondered how some silly stock flash image on a tattoo wall can express something about you? Most people find they are a little more complex then a cute saying on some silly flash. Not that there is anything wrong with tattoo flash it is great for getting ideas. Also people tend to really love their unique tattoo designs. It might seem hard but just take the ideas that are spinning around in your head and jump in with a design. Go for it. So, we are not crazy to suggest that in fact you can design my own tattoo.

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Hot Female Tattoo Designs

Foot tattoo designs are always a great choice. They are very sexy and a great alternative to the over done very 90s lower back tattoo. So if you are thinking about getting a tattoo and want something that is sexy yet not overdone then you will want to consider a foot tattoo design. There are a ton of great design options that fit very well for women also. However, you will want to know the important details about getting a foot tattoo before you jump into this. You will need to know what to expect in the pain department, how to come up with some possible designs and how to find an artist to do the work for you.

Tattoo pain and the pain of any tattoo is of course subjective. Everyone feels pain and very different levels. What might be excruciating to you another person might not even notice. So it is difficult to state exactly how painful the tattoo will be on your body as it depends on how well you deal with pain. Generally speaking however the pain of a tattoo can be measured by how much fat and muscle is between the skin and the bone in the area that is getting the tattoo. So a leg tattoo is going to be less painful then a foot tattoo. If you are concerned about how painful the tattoo will be remember that others have gotten such a tattoo before you. It can also be helpful sometimes to get another small tattoo in a less painful area first so you learn what to expect. Sometimes the unknown is the worst part of the whole experience.

Hot Foot Tattoo Designs: Women have total freedom in picking the design for their foot tattoo. Of course there are many different designs that will work well. One important consideration is the size of the design. Something that is too big or has too much detail will not fit well into the space of a foot tattoo. It will become blury and just a big ink spot. Therefore ideally the design should be smaller in size no more then a few 5 inches across and 5 inches tall. It is also important to get a tattoo that you like. Don’t ever get a tattoo because someone else thinks you should get the ink done or becuase someone suggested the design. Pick something that is meaningful and powerful to you. Below are three common themes that can help get you started.

Flower Tattoos One great source for female foot tattoos are flowers. They fit perfectly onto the top of the foot and can be done in a wide variety of styles, and colors. They are also highly symbolic and therefore can be fully of symbolism and meaning.

Fairy Foot Tattoos: fairy tattoos are the perfect design for a foot tattoo. Fairies fit well into the size and shape of the top of your foot and they can be done in a variety of different styles and with different expressions.

Stars: Stars make another great subject for a tattoo in this location. It could be anything from a shooting star to a nautical star tattoo design. What you choose is again up to you and what you want to express about yourself with the tattoo design.

The Tattoo Artist Another important piece to getting a great foot tattoo is to find a tattoo artist. It is best to take your time and don’t get rushed into choosing an artist to dot he work. All to often people get tattooed by the first artist they go to. Instead take your time, comparison shop and look around. You can find a better price and even a better artist often if you look hard enough. It is also important to find an artist that will listen to your ideas and incorporate them into the design.

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