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Automatically submit to top social bookmarking sites in 2 minutes!

Everyone knows that building links to your site is essential to getting your site to rank higher in the search engines. The number of back links you have to your pages is one of the primary ways for the search engines to judge how popular your site really is. While there are many ways to get links to your sites, one of the best ways is to submit your pages to social bookmarking sites.

There are hundreds of social bookmarking sites on the web today. Most of these sites allow you to create your own public profile and submit your urls to them. An added bonus is that if you submit great content, there is also a possibility that other users might like what you are posting, and also add your links to their profiles as well. This is a great way to take advantage of the viral nature of the web.

One great thing about submitting your urls to these sites is that you can pick your own anchor text for your backlinks. This is done by writing a good title for your submission. As you may know, the anchor text is an important factor in ranking well with the search engines. Also, most of these sites support the concept of tags, which allows you another place to add in all the keywords relevant to your site.

Creating a profile and submitting your pages to each site can be a very time consuming task. To help with this process, there are several free sites like that can help you bookmark your site. If you’re willing to pay a little bit of money, you should also check out a program like Bookmarking Demon. BookmarkingDemon is a desktop program that makes it very easy to create accounts and submit your urls to the major social-bookmarking sites.

To effectively make extra money doing this, you always have to think in terms of what users are going to want to read and what will actively draw more traffic. Just writing product reviews is not going to cut it, but if you can generate original, engaging content that is valuable to readers, they will vote for it, spread it throughout the Internet, and you’ll be making extra money from home in no time. Just be sure that you seed your votes a bit by Digging your own sites when possible.

The search engines are well connected with the social bookmarking. If you are lucky to find your website on the first page of any search engine, you may expect a large traffic flow to your site. An increased level of traffic flow helps in the exposure of your websites and the business. With these exposures, your page rank will be increased and make your site more popular.

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