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Build Traffic Efficiently With Twitter Using This WordPress Plugin

Everybody says Twitter is a great way to promote your website. With exceptions … I respect enormously, and he says Twitter is a waste of time.

Armand things that Twittering all day long is a big fat waste of time. Do you have important things to do, like make money? Then you and I both agree with this statement!

The key to using Twitter effectively is to spend as little time using it as possible. If you don’t even have to go to the Twitter website (getting sucked in to reading and responding to other people’s tweets), so much the better.

Efficiency is great! Reusing your WordPress content on Twitter is especially efficient!

I wanted a plugin that tweets every time I post on my blog, and spend quite a bit of time finding it.

This is really great because with very little effort, each post on my blog gets tweeted on Twitter.

I decided on WP to Twitter because it seems to be both easy to use and well packed with features … yet not bloated.

The low effort factor means you just have to post, and a tweet appears with what you said on your blog.

Just take a little more time and you get better results: add a custom message when writing your article, and the message is tweeted, instead of a dull message saying „New post: [title] [url]“.

Custom message or standard post, you can get Cligs to insert a shortened link to your article with no additional effort. Set it and forget it, I love it!

Speaking of Cligs, this tool offers some great analytics tools showing you how many people click the link and when. It also integrates with Google Analytics. Since I haven’t had this running long enough to see how Cligs activity from Twitter shows up in Google Analytics.

This tracking should answer, over time, exactly how useful Twitter is at promoting your blog.

And here’s the cool thing: if you train your Twitter followers to train your Clig links,then you can always drop in the odd promotion into your Twitter stream – as long as it is very useful, relevant and of high value to visitors, otherwise you’ll just irritate everyone and lose credibility.

The main point is that if you install WP to Twitter, you can happily blog away, knowing that at the same time you are giving your Twitter followers something to read and an interesting link to follow.

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