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Male Baldness: Care And Maintenance

If you are beginning to notice that your head of hair is making an appearance on the Hamilton-Norwood scale, it may be time to take some action to stop hair loss if you are not quite ready to go bald yet. Despite most beliefs, there are a lot of things that can be done to replenish hair loss. Here are some of them.

Unfortunately, there are two factors that are responsible for male baldness: environmental factors and genetic factors. Environmental factors can be prevented, but if you are likely to lose hair for hereditary reasons, your steps can be limited. Don’t despair, there are things you can do to slow down the process of balding.

Other prescription drugs include dutasteride, which is known commercially as Avodart. One of the key selling points of the drug is the fact that it can speed up the procedure of hair growth significantly. Another is the fact that it can help males affected by baldness who are up to stage 5 on the Hamilton-Norwood scale, compared to other medicines that can only aid hair growth up to stage 4.

Dead skin is normally removed from the scalp through the hair, however being bald doesn’t allow this to happen. Using various exfoliating products can eliminate redundant skin and improve the general health and quality of your scalp. Being hygienic and clean is incredibly important, as the scalp can be susceptible to illness.

Diet accounts for the condition of a lot of things relating to the body, hair is one of them. Making sure that you get all of the right vitamins and minerals can put you on the course to replenishing your hair loss if it is more significant than normal hair cycles. It is scientifically proven that iron deficiency can result in the thinning of hair; eating foods like red meat and pulses can reverse this.

Some natural remedies include the incorporation of green tea into the diet. Studies have revealed that green tea can half the levels of DHT, which are primarily responsible for baldness. Options can include capsules, or alternatively drinking up to 5 cups of the tea daily to give the recommended daily allowance.

If you are partially bald and decide that you wish to adopt a full, bald look – it is important that you shave with the utmost care to avoid cuts and bumps. If done incorrectly, shaving your head can prove unattractive. Taking your time prevents all of these problems and can make sure that the job is done properly.

The scalp is at the centre of all hair growth, so it is essential to make sure that the scalp is healthy. Such problems that can occur with the scalp commonly are dry scalps, oily scalps and skin being shed by the scalp. Dead skin can commonly be mistaken for dandruff and can sometimes be missed.

The key point of shaving your head is to shower fully beforehand. Applying pressure with a flannel can soften the hair as well as raise it which can make the process of shaving your head a lot easier. Making a habit of this can improve the quality of your shave immensely.

It is worth noting that there are some companies who are simply in the market to steal money of those who are trying to better their hair loss. Some fraudulent companies have deceived customers by making false claims and statements. Experts recommend that you always try and get the claims being made by the companies verified by an authoritative and primary source.

There are many hair conditioning products on the market targeted for males. This is due to the high level of men who have damaged hair which results in hair loss. Consider using a conditioning product daily to care for your hair by replenishing lost nutrients that are needed to keep hair healthy.

There are a lot of doors open for people who wish to do something about their hair loss, whatever the stage they are at. Using common sense and having a look at all of the options available can help you to make the best informed decision based on your circumstances. Getting as many opinions as possible and weighing up the pros and cons can help you do this.

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