Alle Beiträge von Emma Rose Smith

Are Smartphones More Popular Now?

Just about everywhere you go, people can be seen talking or texting on a mobile phone. In fact, mobile phone users surpass computer users and it is estimated that early in 2011 more than 80% of US consumers will have a mobile phone subscription; that equates to 250 million consumers. Of those consumers, 28% of them are smartphone users, according to Nielsen research. So are more people buying smartphones than regular mobiles?

The fact is that the majority of Americans currently own and purchase more regular „feature“ phones than they do smartphones. However, Nielsen research says all that will change in 2011 and by the end of this year in fact, the market share of sales may be around 50/50. That could be down to the fact that there are so many different types of smartphone on the market compared with the previous year. A lower price could also be a contributing factor and the more inexpensive that smartphones become, the more people will buy them.

However, smartphones are still slightly lagging behind standard mobile phones at the moment. One reason could be that smartphones still come at a higher cost. A lot of people are slow to move with the times and the rapidly developing technology accompanying the smartphone can leave some feeling a little daunted. People who buy smartphones need to take the time out to learn about its amazing features and take advantage of the apps available. That said, smartphones sales are trending upwards so quickly that they may soon have an equal share of the mobile phone market.

With mobile phone ownership already outstripping Pc ownership by 4 to 1, given the capabilities of the smartphone all-in-one device, it is easy to see why more and more people are turning on to the smartphone as a phone of choice, which is as much like a pocket PC as it is a cell phone.

Mobile marketing is already focusing on smartphone advertising platforms because it has already seen its rapid growth in the mobile phone market. If you are looking at mobile marketing for your business, then it is important to know more about smartphones, which phones your target audience is buying and what apps are being used.

Want to find out more about mobile marketing, then visit on how to choose the best solution for your needs.

Mobile Marketing Gives Option To Offer More Contact Points

Customers are exposed to ads multiple times, the more they hear it the more they will register. Advertisers need to remember this while developing advertising campaigns.

Customers are exposed to ads multiple times and might not realise they want more information until they have heard it a few times.

After multiple exposures to the ad they will recognise it and focus the call-to-action options. So in a 30 second ad, this means they will largely ignore the first 20 seconds and focus on the last 10 where the response options are listed.

While a consumer is actively listening for ways to find out more information, their attention will be high. Adding a further call to action in the form of an SMS number and keyword, allows more consumers to interact with the advertiser. Far from being a distraction, a text marketing option will allow consumers a more flexible and swift way to interact with the advertising and register their interest.

Some consumers will have time to stop and got to a computer to look up a website, others might be able to call a freecall number, but it is likely that most will not be able to stop. Giving the consumers a simple third option increases the likelihood of responses, especially when that third option is the swift and efficient text marketing alternative.

Mobile marketing companies provide many options to businesses when setting up their campaigns. A customer can be sent a response advising them they will be called at a later time, or the message could include the business’s contact details, or a further step the customer can take. These text responses are set up by the business when starting a new campaign, so the only limit is the length of the text.

Each new campaign can have a different text message response, it’s an easy and flexible way to increase the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Learn more about mobile marketing. Stop by where you can find out all about text marketing and what it can do for you.

categories: mobile marketing, text marketing, sales lead, advertising contact methods, communication, advertising, makerting, text, mobile, SMS