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Online Or Traditional Investing: Some Basic Information Is A Must About Securities

Before we get into different types of securities it is important to know the very basic definition of investment securities. Investment securities are form of certificate or documents that shows that you have invested in a company or a business or a government entity. The two key types of securities are equity securities and debt securities.

Some basic securities types are as follows:

Bond: This follows in the debt security type wherein the issues of the bond pay interest at a predetermined rate. Bonds are issues by companies, public authorities, government and at times credit institutions. The method used for bond issuing is known as underwriting. The issuer keeps paying interest at regular intervals and pays the principal amount at a later date. Some of the different types of bonds are as follows:

Treasury bonds, Bearer and registered bonds, Participation bonds , and Convertible bonds

Derivatives: These are indirect financial instruments that are depended on direct securities such as bonds, equities. They are also known as hedging instruments. Some of the different types are as follows:

Futures Swaps, Index options, Covered and uncovered calls

Equities: These are the most common type of investment securities. They are in the form of stock or shares that gives the ownership in the company. General public has the option of becoming a shareholder in a large company. Some of the different options are as below:

Common stock, Preferred stock Dividends, Book value, Par value, and Depository receipts

Another unusual form of security is the contract to buy and sell commodity such as tea, coffee, wheat irrespective of the change in its quality. This is also one form of security that involves a contract.

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