Alle Beiträge von Michael Fleischner

Using Quality Content To Improve Website Results

Websites are comprised of various forms of content. Even though many people consider content to be simply text on a page, there is more to consider. When speaking about content, consider all of the page elements that communicate to your website browsers. This includes more than simply words on a web page. Quality content includes words on a page as well as pictures, images, and video. In today’s world, it can also mean forums, RSS feeds, and other engaging content.

By developing content that is well designed and thought through, you can create compelling content that your users value. Whether your content is developed by you or professionally written and designed, when done correctly it can pay huge dividends.

When website content is created to be engaging and optimized for search engines, your site will receive high organic rankings. In addition, other sites will reference yours providing valuable inbound links that result in better search engine performance.

Producing quality content that is easily seen by search engine spiders can result in much higher search engine rankings. Be sure that your web content involves your audience and creates a dialog with them. The bottom line is that you may have the best optimized content in the world, but if it’s hard to follow you can loose your audience in a heartbeat. Think about where you want your visitors to travel on your site. Your content should draw them to where you want them to go.

The more a visitor values their time on your website, the more likely they will be to convert to a customer. They will also be more inclined to refer others to your website. Never underestimate the power of referrals. All websites should be viewed a viral marketing tools. Again, the quality of your referrals comes down to the quality of your content.

If your content is engaging and meaningful, you will attract links to your website and not just your home page. Deep linking can improve your rankings dramatically and are largely based on external links. Provide quality content and watch those links grow naturally.

With improved content, in-bound links, and higher search engine rankings, you will be amazed at how much traffic you can command. With the right amount of traffic, your opportunity for increased sales and conversions grow exponentially. Again, good content comes in handy because you can engage your visitors an determine what elements provide the highest return on your investment.

No online business can be successful without quality content. Not only does quality content engage your browsers, but it provides viral marketing, improved search engine results and much more.

The next time you add content to your website in the form of an update, article, or image, do not underestimate the need for true quality. The difference between quality content and bad content is recognizable and can have a very negative impact on your brand, website traffic, and sales.

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Marketing On A Smaller Budget

When times get tough, marketing budgets seem to be the first thing to be impacted. This is generally the case because upper management doesn’t see a direct return for the dollars being spent. This is unfortunate but the fact of the matter is that many marketing professionals have not done a good job of measuring the effectiveness of their marketing results. And as a result, their marketing dollars are seen as unnecessary.

The good news is that as the economy struggles, advertising, direct marketing, and other forms of promotion can be negotiated. Long gone are the days of $20 CPM’s. Keep in mind that everyone is struggling and as a result, you can often get a better price on what you’ve been purchasing.

Take stock of all of your marketing spend. Whether it’s for online advertising or simply direct mail, get a good understanding of all the costs involved in your project. Perhaps you’ve been sending post cards to your target prospects. Speak with your printer or mail house and see how they might be able to improve their pricing. With direct mail you have numerous options. Don’t be afraid to negotiate the cost of supplies.

Another area that marketers are reviewing more closely is their online budget. Even though Google Adwords and other sites remain competitive in your pricing, now’s a good time to evaluate what aspects of your online spend are most profitable. If you’re not sure, use a free resource like Google analytics to better understand where your money is best spent.

After a thorough review of your marketing expenses, your are in a much better position for determining how you can group promotions to lower costs and improve sell through. Consider how you might take advantage of your current campaigns. Do you ask customers to forward a promotion to a friend? Are you communicating to your mailing list on a regular basis? Are you collecting information about your consumers that can help you customize your campaigns and improve conversion rates? Think through each touch point and how you might improve your sales.

To be effective with a smaller budget, you really need to consider how you can reduce costs while improving the effectiveness of your marketing. Reducing costs can seem a bit frightening at first but assume that you can still improve your results with less marketing. In essence, you are focusing on enhancing the results of your campaigns while purging what hasn’t worked.

There are a number of ways to impact your marketing success regardless of budget size. Improving your results requires an in-depth review of your previous marketing efforts and a full understanding of what has worked for you in the past and what is likely to work for you in the future. Focus on leveraging your existing campaigns by asking for referrals and marketing in a viral way. By doing so, you can have others market for you. This eliminates significant costs and can certainly help you grow your business. Improving results with a smaller marketing budget is more than possible. Just give it some thought, apply what you know works and eliminate the rest.

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Earn Cash Daily By Selling Affiliate Products

If you want to make a living online, selling products that have already been created is a great way to start. This is often referred to as affiliate marketing and is a great way to earn extra income. Some affiliates are referred to as super affiliates and make their living selling products on the Internet.

Affiliate marketing is a pretty simple concept. Simple stated, affiliate marketing is selling a product created by someone else. When you sell that product, you earn a commission. Most affiliate marketing products use tracking links to verify that a sale was generated from an individual’s website or blog.

Affiliate marketing is a great to make a living online. You don’t need to create your own product, store that product, hire a sales force, or pay any overhead. In fact, all you need to do is find products you wish to sell and sell them.

Affiliate products are sold by placing an affiliate link on your website or blog. Even at the bottom of your articles or forum posts, you can often include an affiliate link to the product you are promoting. When an individual clicks through your link and buys, you earn a commission.

A question I often get is where to find publishers products to begin selling with affiliate marketing. Fortunately, there are a number of websites that bring together buyers and sellers such as Commission Junction. You can browse publisher’s products and their affiliate programs. Find one that is aligned with your niche or level of expertise, and start selling.

There are many ways to choose a product that’s right for you to sell via affiliate marketing. The best place to start is with what you have. Do you have a website? A blog? If you do, look for products in the same niche. You can easily add a link to your website or blog, promoting an affiliate product. This is the quickest way to earn affiliate commissions.

Can you earn a living online if you don’t own a web site? The answer is yes. By using pay per click advertising or marketing techniques like article marketing, you can begin selling affiliate products and earning a commission. There are a number of resources available to help you get started such as Blogger and WordPress. Others have had much success creating lenses on Squidoo.

Even without a website, it’s possible to make a living online. The benefit of having your own website is the level of control you have in customizing your affiliate promotions. Articles and forum posts can be used to promote products as well. Consider the type of marketing you are comfortable with and experiment.

Take stock and think about what you have to begin selling products and earning an affiliate income. Your resources may be a website or blog or simply your expertise in a given industry or niche. Research affiliate products via a publishing network and start promoting. You can begin earning income today.

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Niche Marketing Made Easy

Have you been thinking about purchasing private label rights (PLR) to articles of software? If so, you should think about new and creative ways to utilize these resources for making money online. Internet marketers have been using PLR products to earn an online income for many years.

Private label rights products and software packages can be used for earning an online income. I have discovered a number of options for reselling or repackaging these assets in order to generate revenue and create an ongoing revenue stream. Here are a number of techniques you can use to start profiting with PLR articles and software.

Start by Creating Bundles of Niche Products. By bundling about related articles under a similar theme, you can focus your efforts on a profitable niche. To begin, assemble six or eight products on the same topic. Then, put on your marketing hat and create a compelling offer and be sure to package it under a new name. Once you have created the offering, decide on a price point that makes it attractive and is in line with competing products. Lastly, offer variable pricing levels based on the amount of right your provide (none, resale, or private label).

Create A Niche Membership Website. Develop a membership website around the products you have assembled. Then, distribute your product in the form of software or information through a membership website on a monthly. You should charge your audience a fee of only a few dollars to access this content. Depending on how unique it is, you could charge more. It only takes a handful of subscribers to get your business started. Then, you can focus on other niche areas with additional membership sites.

Increase your membership dues by using private label products that have been updated or altered by you. Then, consider adding resell rights for tier one members, an exclusive option for others, and access to special offers each and every month.

Create New Products. Once you have found a niche and accessed PLR products, you can then create unique products that meet the need of your niche or audience. As a result, you will have products that no other site is using and can shape a unique offering around that product. The benefit of product creation is that you have something unique to offer that is not available anywhere else. An additional benefit is that you can price your product independently and determine how best to distribute giving variable rights and licenses.

A great way to promote your product is with a free white paper or exclusive report. When you distribute this report it helps to establish the value of your product and helps you promote at a very low cost. These giveaways provide value to reader and allows you to promote your product.

Anyone can leverage the power of PLR to begin making money online. Doing so is easy and you can get started for little money. There is some great content online, in addition to this basic article, about leveraging PLR to create your own online business. Do your research, pick a product, and get started. Try to learn from others who are using PLRs to make a living.

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Improve the Effectiveness of Your Adsense

Making a living on earning Adsense commissions isn’t all that realistic. However, Adsense commissions are a great way to supplement your income. Ask website owners today about their earnings and you’ll find that many supplement their income easily with the help of Adsense advertising. Ive learned how to increase my Adsense revenue over time and will share with you all Ive discovered.

What you earn via Adsense is based on a number of factors including which ads you display and where you display them on your website or blog. Here are some key factors to consider before you place your Adsense code. The first is ad placement. Certain locations on your page tend to be more successful than others. Google has documented the ideal placement of ads based on their network of advertisers. Ads located above the fold tend to perform better than those below the fold. Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page and take action.

While this suggested map is useful as a positioning guideline, I strongly recommend putting your users first when deciding on proper ad location. Think about their behavior on different pages, and what will be most useful and visible to them. You’ll find that the most optimal ad position isn’t always what you expect on certain pages.

For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the editorial content tend to perform very well. It’s almost as if users finish reading and ask themselves, „What can I do next?“ Precisely targeted ads can answer that question for them.

Ad formats. Different types of ads perform better than others. This largely depends on page content and organization. Many advertisers find that large rectangles in content areas work best, while leader boards produce less revenue. Other ad sizes like sky scrappers are usually the worst performers even though they command the largest amount of space. The key is to experiment and measure the outcomes to see which ad sizes and formats work best optimizing revenue.

Adsense Ad Color Palette. When your ads blend into content click through rates can improve. Sometimes however Adsense ads that contrast with your web site colors can show the best click through rates. Test a variety of ad colors to determine if different palettes generate different results. To determine which ad variation will work for you, test, test, test.

Number of ad units. Websites are generally permitted to display three ads, a search box, and a set of ad links. Keep in mind that you don’t have to display all available ad units. In fact, you should focus on placing ads in a way that do not clutter your web page. Users going to your page and reading your content may respond to a single ad placement if it is in the right place on your web page.

Manipulate the variables noted withing this article to see which can have the greatest impact on your Adsense revenue. Keep in mind that there are many websites that do not make a great deal from Adsense ads and probably never will. The large majority however are sites that can improve results by changing just a few factors. The result can be a significant improvement in earned revenue on a daily and monthly basis.

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How To Create An Effective Marketing Plan

In order to succeed with a basic marketing plan you need to focus on some important elements of a plan that targets the right audience and produces a specific result including lead generation or sales. For your marketing to produce results you should consider using multiple media formats.

There is so much competition today that the messages you use need to be incredibly focused. The impact of any campaign is directly correlated to the quality of your list and the effectiveness of your offer.

Over the past twelve years I have found that marketing results are relatively consistent when sound marketing practices are applied. These techniques can be effective in virtually any industry and with any type of campaign you have. Consider developing your marketing campaign using these strategies:

Set targeted goals. Before you get started think about the specific goals you wish to achieve. Many marketers focus on generating some type of conversion but you need to define what conversion means to you. Some individuals are just looking for a sale while others are seeking a lead or download. Before you begin your marketing campaign, identify what action you want respondents to take and how you are going to measure it.

Segment your market. Don’t try to market to everyone. If you do, your campaign will not be successful. On the other hand, if you consider the specific audience you’re looking to attract and find them, your chances of success increase tremendously. Review your current customer and find others like them if you wish to generate a positive return on investment.

Select a few key messages points. What are the messages that resonate with your audience segment? There may be some key message points you have when describing your product or service. If so, use them to create a baseline and try to improve in later campaigns. You need to talk to your prospects in the language that resonates with them if you are going to grab their attention and gain their trust.

Test your offers. The only way to run a successful marketing campaign is by testing various offers. Your offer is an essential component for driving results. Your best bet is to test multiple offers simultaneously by splitting your list or testing offers. Once you find and offer that works, try to beat its results during the next campaign.

Use integrated marketing. To get the most from your marketing campaign, do not rely on a single email, advertisement, or post card. Think about and select the media that your segment uses to get information on a regular basis and purchase the products and services they want. This method can help you determine the best way to reach them. Once you have develop a marketing campaign, utilize as many of these media types as you can to convey your message and offer.

I’ve discovered that using these marketing techniques are essential for producing a positive return on your marketing investment. In addition, be aware of campaign timing. Even if all of the above criteria are met, your campaign may still fall short if you havent exposed your audience segment to the right message at the right time. It all comes down to timing.

Review each of these steps before creating your next marketing campaign. Your marketing is only going to be successful if you set specific goals, segment your market, use key messages that resonate with your audience and create a compelling offer. I encourage you to experiment with different media to get your message across and deliver a winning campaign.

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Proven Article Marketing Strategies To Win Online

If you’re doing business online then you have no doubt heard about the power of submitting your article to article directories. With the advent of article submission software, the job of distributing your content across the web is easier than ever. There are a number of guidelines you should follow to ensure that you get the most from article marketing.

In this article, I will provide article writing and submission guidelines that I’ve used to improve the overall effectiveness of my submissions and virtually guarantee that articles are placed on pages with a high Google page rank.

The advantage of article marketing is that your article content has a life well beyond a single listing. Website owners visit article aggregation websites to find relevant content for their website, blog, or ezine. Your article can be published for quite some time after it’s submitted and posted. The real value of article submission is when third party sites provide a link back to your website in exchange for the content you have provided them.

Timely And Valuable Content Is King. When creating an article, spend more time on the planning phase than the actual writing of the article. You want to make sure that the information you provide is related to something current and of interest to your potential market segment. By doing so, other website owners find true value in the content and post it to their website or blog.

Construct Your Article Around A Specific Keyword Phrase. When you write an article about a particular subject, select a keyword phrase that helps to promote your website or service. The result is that search engines find your content easily based on the keywords you’ve used.

Create A Strong Headline. By developing a compelling headline, readers are pulled into your content and take notice. Even though your primary purpose is content distribution and building in-bound links to your web site or blog, don’t lose sight of promoting your content in a valuable way. Article submission works best when your headline requires individuals to stop and take notice. This leads to greater awareness and action among webmasters seeking content.

Submit Your Articles To Top Article Directories. In order to get the most from your article marketing efforts, find top ranked article websites using an article submission tool, software, or application that can provide an indication of a web sites age or Google PR. By doing so, you’ll be able to spend more time submitting to web sites that can provide value to your online marketing efforts.

Focus On The Author Section. The most valuable aspect of article marketing is the link placed in the article content itself or in the author section. Links provide valuable link value for search engine purposes and can drive users back to your website. Article links can be provided in two ways. The first is through a link back to your website. This is a link to your website presented in the actual body of the article. The second is in the author section. The first type of link is almost never accepted by article directories. The second, which provides information about the author of the article, is usually less than a couple hundred words and usually accepts an html link back to your website. Choose your link text carefully and include with each article.

Submit Your Articles To Top Sites. Don’t waste your time submitting your article to sites that are brand new or only have a low Google PR. Find top ranked article sites using some type of article submission tool, software, or application that can give you indication of site age or Google PR. This helps you to spend your precious time submitting to websites that can truly provide value to your article marketing efforts.

Using article marketing is simply a great way to improve your websites ranking. With the help of distributed content and links back to your website, search engines like Yahoo! take notice and assign your website a good amount of value. This comes back to you in higher rankings and Google PR.

Anyone doing business via the Internet, then you must consider article marketing as a key search engine optimization strategy. Not only can article marketing help you promote your website, but distributed content is viral in nature and builds your traffic significantly over time.

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Article Marketing Made Simple

Writing articles to promote your products, sell affiliate products, or for search engine optimization purposes is now more common than ever. If you have never used article marketing to promote your products, then you may want to give it a try. Article marketing is quick and easy to do.

Article marketing, when done correctly can pay large dividends. Article marketing can dramatically improve your search engine rankings and this is largely due to the number of back links a good article can provide when distributed across the web. Whether your goal is SEO or some other benefit like selling a product or service, article marketing can help you expand your reach among a targeted audience.

With so much content out on the on the web, . Some content is valid, other content is purely fictional. When you write, be sure to provide references, examples, or quote data from other sources. This helps to build credibility and informs your audience that your content can be trusted.

Article marketing is actually quite simple. Consider these areas to produce an effective article marketing strategy.

Understand your area fully. Before writing your article you must be comfortable with the subject matter. If the content is a little out of your comfort zone, do some research first. You want to appear as an expert. If you don’t, readers will not see you as such and will seek out other content written by someone more knowledgeable.

Create a writing plan. How are you going to approach your article marketing campaign? Are you going to write a ton of articles in a single sitting and only focus on article marketing for a short period of time? Article marketing is most effective when it is done consistently over a long period of time. Put a schedule together that you can easily follow for writing and distributing articles to major article directories.

Write your article. Write and article on your subject that includes the specific keywords you seek to optimize for. Your article should be between four to seven hundred words. It all depends on the intent and purpose of the article. After you write your article make sure you proof it for spelling and grammatical errors.

Submit your article to article directories. This is a great way to get your information published quickly and easily. Register with an article directory like Ezinearticles or GoArticles. By doing so, you will have a place to submit your articles and build an author profile. Webmasters use these article directories to find content for their website. Additionally, article directories give you added exposure in a given topic area.

Article marketing is a popular and effective means of achieving expert authority. The most important aspect of effective article marketing is the clear understanding of your desired outcome. Once you have a goal in mind, put together your plan and work towards it. The benefits of article marketing will become very apparent to you in no time at all.

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Improve Your Adsense Earnings

Making a living on earning Adsense commissions isn’t all that realistic. However, Adsense commissions are a great way to supplement your income. Ask website owners today about their earnings and you’ll find that many supplement their income easily with the help of Adsense advertising. Ive learned how to increase my Adsense commissions over time and will share with you all Ive discovered.

Your Adsense revenue is dependent on a number of factors including which ads you display, where you display them, and how often. Here are some factors to consider before you place your next Adsense ad. Let’s begin with ad placement. Certain locations tend to be more successful than others. Google has produced a heat map that illustrates the ideal placing on a sample page layout. All other things being equal, ads located above the fold tend to perform better than those below the fold. Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page.

While this information about ad placement is useful as a guide, I strongly recommend that you consider your users first when deciding on proper ad position. Think about user behavior on different pages and what will be most useful to them and their navigation of your website. You’ll find that what you think is the most optimal ad position isn’t always what you expect.

On pages where users are usually focused on reading article content, ads placed immediately below the end of the content generally perform very well. It is almost as if users finish reading and ask themselves what they should be doing next. Ads that are targeted can answer that question and get them clicking.

Ad format. Some types of ads do better than others depending on your content and layout. In my case, large rectangles in the middle of the content are best, while leader boards do not generate as much as income. Sky scrappers are the worst performers for me especially if they are on the right-hand side of the page. This is somewhat counter-intuitive to what I had originally thought. Experiment and measure the results via channels and see which formats work best for you.

The color of your ads. When ads blend into your content, click through rates can be improved, but sometimes ads that contrast with your web site colors work best. To improve your results, test a variety of ad colors to determine if different palettes generate better results. Short of testing the actual palettes offered by Adsense, there is really no other way to determine ad effectiveness.

Number of ad units. Websites are generally permitted to display three ads, a search box, and a set of ad links. Keep in mind that you don’t have to display all available ad units. In fact, you should focus on placing ads in a way that do not clutter your web page. Users going to your page and reading your content may respond to a single ad placement if it is in the right place on your web page.

Experiment with the factors above and see which combination works best for your particular website. Remember that not all sites do well with Adsense ads. Even if you get lots of traffic but your visitors are not interested in looking for ways to spend their money, they won’t be interested in your ads and won’t click through.

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SEO and SEM For Online Marketing Success

Sometimes there is a great deal of confusion between search engine optimization and search engine marketing. Although these online marketing techniques are quite different from one another, they share a number of similarities.

Let us begin by focusing on search engine optimization also referred to as SEO and comparing SEO to search engine marketing which is referred to as SEM. Both SEO and SEM require a firm understanding of how they work and where they fit in the online marketing mix. SEO requires a strong knowledge of how search engines work and what it takes to achieve top search engine placement. Search Marketing requires a firm understanding about online advertising, keywords, and ROI.

Both internet marketing methods may appear as difficult subject matter but they are relatively easy to understand. The complexity comes in the actual implementation of SEO and SEM programs. SEO can be explained as techniques that used to drive your search engine ranking. Simply state, where your site is ranked on major search engines is based on your understanding and implementation of SEO best practices.

Search engine marketing is based on an understanding of online ad campaigns that are implemented on advertising networks. The largest online ad network is Google followed by Yahoo! and MSN. These ad networks basically work the same way. You open an ad account, place an online ad, and when users search for terms related to your ad, the advertisement displays. When someone clicks on your ad, you pay a fee.

Search engine optimization is different from search engine marketing in many ways. SEO is defined as the organic result that shows up in search engine results pages after a user generates a query. Techniques associated with SEO are broken down into on-page optimization and off page-optimization. These techniques have their own nuances but are independent of one another.

The purpose of SEO is to generate natural traffic to your website. After a browser completes a search on Google or other major search engine, the resulting list is based on each search engines algorithm. When users click on these results you do not pay. Organic search is usually referred to as natural or free traffic.

SEM is different than search engine optimization for one fundamental reason. With SEM, you pay when someone takes an action. Unlike traditional advertising you do not pay for your advertisement to appear, only when someone clicks on your ad. Your cost varies based on how competitive your keywords are and where you want your ad to display.

Doing business online requires a firm knowledge of both search engine optimization as well as search engine marketing Both internet marketing disciplines can support your online success. If you are not currently comfortable with SEO or SEM, begin with some simple research, explore SEO and SEM products, or subscribe to an RSS feed. Doing so can improve your knowledge and expertise in both of these areas.

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