Alle Beiträge von Melissa Ingold

Setting Your Self Apart When Marketing to Internet Marketers

While there’s a massive market of online business owners to sell information to; there are also a huge number of businesses that are providing them with the informational products. So, as with any business, you will need to make your own informational items stand out from all the rest of them out there.

To do that, you will need to figure out how to bring your own uniqueness to what you’re providing in your business. There are some ways that they could be accomplished:

Niche marketing- Finding a specific group of business owners to market to; can increase your chances of getting your items chosen by the consumers.

Selling Specific Products. You can specialize in one subject area, such as information on Private Label Rights content. Alternatively, your products can span a range of topics but deliver in particular formats, such as reports.

Knowledge or experience- If you have knowledge or experience in any certain area, then you can use that to your advantage. There are many ways to do that. If you have a business degree, you can use that to establish a level of expert status for yourself. Maybe you have owned a business in a particular niche for several years, which gains you credibility as well as expert status.

Unique Perspectives. If you can approach a topic from a unique point of view this can be a powerful way to set yourself apart from your competitors. It’s a strategy to appeal to what the business owner desires. If you have inside information, for example, you may have a unique selling point.

Establishing a name for yourself- This is a strong tactic to use within the social networking communities. Once you build rapport with the fellow members of the group you have joined; you start to show them what you’re all about. As they get to know you; you start to become a ‚celebrity‘ of sorts within that niche. Voila! You’ve established a name for yourself and people have trust to buy from you.

Broaden your horizons- Get yourself out there to every corner of the internet. Join Message boards, forums, run a blogging community, and utilize all the available tools the internet provides like social bookmarking sites. The more your name is out there, the more your business is known. And then what? More Sales happen.

Show your caring side- Don’t be afraid to show that not only are you a business person, but you’re a caring one as well. Those who are caring tend to build rapport with their target audience easier and quicker. For example, if you’re a mom who owns a business, and you target other moms who have businesses; you should show that. When the target audience can see you’re just like them, they will be more drawn to you.

Making the Most of Media. You can get your message across in different ways and provide your customers with a more varied and interesting experience. Using media other than text is one way to go. Alternatives include:

Video format

Audio format


Delivering your materials in a combination of media adds another dimension to the information you have to offer. Listening and watching can be more enjoyable than reading plain text. You can always provide a transcript so that they have reference materials to hand if required.

Online Business owners have the desire to succeed. They also have the desire to learn how to better themselves and their business. Put these two factors together and you have a prime Money making opportunity on your hands.

Get into this billion dollar industry and market the information they want, need and most of all desire. This is Problem-Solution. They have a problem and you have the solution. You have the knowledge to offer them, so give what they desire-information on how to succeed.

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Use a Unique Offering When Marketing to Internet Marketers

There may be a huge market out there, of business owners looking for informational products; but there also a lot of businesses out there who are catering to the needs of this market. To market your own informational product you’ll need to stand out from the crowd.

You will need to identify your unique selling point if you want to rise above the rest. There are various ways to achieve this:

Targeting Market Niches. You will up the chances of customers choosing your products if you target a defined group of business owners to sell to.

Selling Specific Products. You can specialize in one subject area, such as information on Private Label Rights content. Alternatively, your products can span a range of topics but deliver in particular formats, such as reports.

Experience and Knowledge. You can promote your products by emphasizing your competence in a particular field. People want expert knowledge and if you can establish yourself as an expert in that field you will enhance your credibility. You might want to highlight your business qualifications, such as degrees, or the time you have spent working in a particular niche.

Point of View- Sometimes giving a different point of view on a topic can establish your uniqueness and gain you a nice sharp edge on your competition. For example, maybe you have inside information on a particular topic. This could be used to play on the business owner’s desires.

Establishing a name for yourself- This is a strong tactic to use within the social networking communities. Once you build rapport with the fellow members of the group you have joined; you start to show them what you’re all about. As they get to know you; you start to become a ‚celebrity‘ of sorts within that niche. Voila! You’ve established a name for yourself and people have trust to buy from you.

Broaden your horizons- Get yourself out there to every corner of the internet. Join Message boards, forums, run a blogging community, and utilize all the available tools the internet provides like social bookmarking sites. The more your name is out there, the more your business is known. And then what? More Sales happen.

Show Your Human Side. There’s more to you than business and if you can show your caring and compassionate self, do it. You’ll find networking and trust-building blossoms if you’re not one-dimensional. If your market is work-at-home mums, and you’re one too, don’t be afraid to show it. People relate to people like themselves.

Use Formats Effectively. The conventional way to share information is via written materials, such as articles or eBooks. A different format could make your product and business stand out. You could experiment with:

Video format

Audio format


These formats give your customers a different way to learn their information from. Instead of always having to read a document on their computer, they can watch a video of you talking about it instead. You can also attach a written transcript with it, so they can follow along if they choose or give them something to refer to later on when questions arise.

Making money with informational products taps into online business owners‘ desires: the desire to succeed and the desire to improve their business in order to do that. It adds up to a great opportunity to make money.

Get into this billion dollar industry and market the information they want, need and most of all desire. This is Problem-Solution. They have a problem and you have the solution. You have the knowledge to offer them, so give what they desire-information on how to succeed.

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Creative Ways to Make Money from PLR Reports

Private label rights‘ content, more commonly known as PLR, is a tool every business owner or online marketer should utilize in their business. The best part about PLR is one piece of content can be used over and over again. Most know about PLR articles, but PLR reports are a great way to make the most of your money. There are numerous benefits to using PLR and we’ll discuss some of the more common ones.

Reasons to Purchase PLR Content

It Saves Time – Everybody could use a little more time in their day to concentrate on things other than business or writing. This is probably the biggest reason Internet marketers use PLR.

Inexpensive “ Compared to hiring a ghostwriter, PLR is easier on the wallet.

It Can be Used Again & Again – The rules for PLR content allow the buyer to use it however they choose for the most part. Whether you decide to use it like it comes, add it to your newsletters, websites or blogs is up to you. You can rewrite it and use it for other purposes as well.

Increases Profit – You can use PLR to make money in many ways. The process can be as easy as adding your own links to the content and using it as is. If you really want to make it bring in the dough, you can use it to create your very own product too.

Speaking of money, did you know PLR reports are an even better tool than articles in some cases? PLR articles are great, but the reports give you more information and can be used in many ways to generate more income for your business.

PLR reports give you more to work with than articles. Whether you are buying printer ink, new shoes or a new car, you want to get as much from them as you can. If you can get more than you paid for, you’re even better off. PLR reports are no exception to this and make it easier to get more from your investment.

Ways to Make Money with PLR Reports

Give it Away Like it Is “ PLR reports can be sold just as you buy them if you really want to. Although its not recommended buyers of PLR do this because of the nature of this type of content, it can be done. Why? The content isnt sold to you only. This means other buyers of the same report may be using it just like it was bought off the virtual store shelf.

Make your report different in some way. Cater the wording, any pictures and promotions within it to the market you target. This will help differentiate you from your competitors.

Stretch It Out – Pick and choose different parts of the report and use them in different places. You can split it up and use it:

Blog Posts

As Separate Articles


As Featured Content in Your Ezine

Membership Site Content

Affiliate Tool Kits

Make It More Valuable “ Like we discussed earlier, you can sell a PLR report exactly as you purchased it, but its not suggested. Its easy to add to PLR reports without taking tons of time or spending a lot of money. You dont have to piece together tons of information from different sources to create an info product either. Heres a scenario to clarify.

You have an idea of creating a money saving package for new car buyers. With the economy in the state it’s currently in you realize it’s not easy for anyone who needs a new set of wheels. Therefore you purchase a PLR report and use it as the basis for your „Car Buying when the Economy Stinks“ report. You know the report isn’t enough to make people spend their money – after all the current financial state surrounding them has them safe guarding every penny and they need a new car. You sold cars for over 20 years. How about creating an audio sharing your on-the-job knowledge with your buyers? To up the ante even more you record an interview with a financial coach and maybe even a dealership owner.

The value shouldn’t stop there however. You know you need more reading material, but you don’t have the time to write it or to record more audio. Find more PLR regarding car makes and models. You can use it to create comparison shopping guides of the various types of vehicles on the market today. Don’t forget to throw in an hybrid and maybe even include a few ways to help your customers save money in other areas of their life.

As you can see, a PLR report offers a plethora of ways to use and re-use it. Whether you split it up, leave it as is or use it to create a product your market will go crazy over is up to you. The point is PLR is valuable to your business, but only if you use the correct types and utilize it to its fullest extent. If you dont, youre only leaving money on the table.

If you’re ready to grow your business and get the most out of the PLR you buy, don’t be afraid to mix and match pieces of a report with articles, product reviews and more. The sky is the limit with PLR content. It was developed to make your life as a business owner easier – let it do its job!

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