Alle Beiträge von Matthew Loop

Online Video Marketing Can Change Your Business

If you have your own business, you should consider online video marketing as way to promote your business. You already have a website and you may wonder why you would need a video to sell your product or your vision. People do not have a lot of time to peruse an entire website to understand what it is that you are trying to sell.

So if you want advertise your product you have an extremely short time to get someone’s attention. After that, you have to find a way to hold it once you have it. You may already have a great website with explosive graphics and well thought out text. But most people will only stay on a webpage for a few seconds before making a judgment and then moving on to their next idea.

If you are selling a chair, an image and a brief description will probably do. But if you are trying to explain how your business idea will make people money, online video marketing make the explanation so much easier to understand.

It takes a lot of money to make a commercial for television. You have to hope and pray your commercial does not end up running in the wee hours of the morning in between the commercial for penis extension and the next greatest diet control pill. Online video marketing gives you all the control you need.

You will need to get a decent camera for good image quality. Your video represents you and your ideas. A poorly shot video will not make a good first impression and people will probably not watch your video. MP4 and widescreen format should be your best bet for the best image quality.

Take the time and effort to record your video in high definition. Do not be lax in regards to the editing. You want people to give you money for your service or product. You want give them every reason to want to give you their money.

Try to get your video out on as many web pages as you can. You Tube is only one stop for your video. Offer to allow someone else to advertise on your web page in return for giving you space on their website. Research other ways to get your online marketing video out to the masses. You could have the best and most entertaining video out there but if no one sees it, that really does not matter.

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IBuzzPro Software – Ultimate MLM Marketing Prospect Recruiter

The competition in the world of MLM’s is getting tougher each year as more people are drawn to the flexibility, freedom, and financial rewards that come from being their own boss. To set themselves apart from their competitors, high level business owners are looking toward innovative marketing solutions. The emphasis is on effectiveness rather than cost, since anyone who has been successful with an MLM will tell you-the payoff for securing your target market is enormous. Some MLM owners have recently discovered Voice Broadcasting or Voice Blasting as a way to gain a bigger share of their market.

Thousands of small businesses around the world have caught on to the innovative software which provides them with a system of generating highly targeted leads. Say goodbye to the days of cold calling for hours with no success. iBuzzPro gives you a steady stream laser-targeted and pre-qualified prospects.

The logical question is, „How can this be done?“ Well, one software program on the market that provides a realistic solution is IBuzzPro. This is a system that not only gives you highly targeted lead lists, but it also does this in a very cost-effective manner.

To utilize the voice blasting services, home-based businesses often had to worry about excessive fees and charges. Not only was the service itself expensive, but there were also additional connection fees, per-minute charges and fees associated with the national DNC (do not call) list

iBuzzPro is about one-third the amount you would pay for a conventional bulk voice broadcasting campaign. Add to that the additional savings of not being charged for calls that fail to connect, or for calls placed against the DNC lists. Finally, because the software provides you with professional lead lists, you will save time by avoiding random cold calls to prospect who have little or no interest in your product or service.

iBuzzPro is priced very sensibly, especially for a home-based business. The software costs an initial $500 along with a $50 set-up fee. After that there is only a $28 per month charge to keep the service going. The setup is simple and there are several excellent resources such as on-demand webinars and tutorials. You will be walked through the steps of creating a voice recording, uploading your contacts and scheduling the calls.

In my opinion, iBuzzPro is one of the best overall marketing options for a small business. The targeted leads and wide broadcast makes it an extremely beneficial alternative to traditional voice broadcasting, or other kinds of marketing campaigns. In fact, the quality of the service and the value it brings to the company using it makes it a viable option for larger, established businesses as well.

Affordable voice broadcasting coupled with highly focused leads can generate an enormous response. The initial cost of iBuzzPro is reasonable enough for small businesses to afford, but with results that will make you a force to be reckoned with in your market.

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iBuzz Pro – Can Voice Blasting Software Triple Your Business?

The landscape of marketing has been dramatically transformed by the Internet which has providing many tools such as email, sms etc., to the entrepreneur, the multi-level marketer (MLM) and small business owner to help his business grow, but strangely many are failing ending in closures. Have you ever thought why this was happening? Here are the reasons:

Spam filters -have signed the death warrant of email marketing; Exorbitant expenses you would have to incur, for promotion through postcards/ magazines or Compact discs for hot telephone surveyed leads @ 2 to 5 dollars per lead, the abysmally low percentage of hot leads which cold calling can generate.

Running a business is an unenviable job. To run and sustain a business it takes experience, caution, perseverance during the worst of times, and undying hope that your product or service will certainly make it big. But running a business is not good enough running the business successfully is.

How do we do ensure that? What is the key to success? The secret is to generate more customers/ clients to keep the business going so that the business becomes or rather stays successful. We will help you to keep your business successful with iBuzzPro!

iBuzzPro is a voice broadcasting and blasting software that lets you deliver voice message to thousands of contacts for only pennies per call. You leave a short 40 second message and you’ll be flooded with calls asking about your product thus helping you in generation of potential clients who are really interested in your product and would like to know more about your product with a view to buy your product. Mind you, these are not just any clients but clients who are income qualified, money motivated, and ready to get started calling you.

John Breck, the founder of iBuzzPro LLC says, „The key to success is exposing your opportunity to the greatest number of people in the shortest period of time and that’s what we help people accomplish with the iBuzz Pro Voice Broadcasting System‘

Thus iBuzzPro helps you in generation of potential clients who are really interested in your product and would like to know more about your product with a view to buy your product asking about your product. The best part is these clients are income qualified and money motivated.

We know what you are thinking. Could this be for real? It is. iBuzzPro is technology which until recently was affordable only by big time players like Fortune 500 companies such as Disney or Dish Network or those companies with large marketing budgets. Now a professional marketing tool at an affordable price this voice broadcasting technology has been brought within the reach of the small business owner, an entrepreneur or the multi-level marketer (MLM).

Here’s how: but interested in the system you’re using; you can become a friend instead of a competitor with other marketers like yourself. iBuzz Pro is a system that not only gets interested prospects calling you, but also lets you earn $500 or more daily by sharing the technology with others who need this technology as much as you do. Come, let’s do business!

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Chiropractic Consultant Alert

When conversing with hundreds of chiropractors at business growth seminars I’ve spoken at over the past couple of years, it is apparent that many have been scammed by practice management consultants. The typical issue that I hear most often is that these „gurus“ do not do what is promised and their marketing is very „black-hat“ or deceptive. Truthfully, I don’t have respect for people that need to mislead chiropractors or students to get them to join their agency. These guys typically are very good salesman but make empty promises in order to collect that several thousand dollar payday.

Hey, I’m not saying don’t spend a lot on a consultant! When you spend a good deal of money on someone with experience and acumen that surpasses your own, and that person gets your business working at whole new heights, then that money is absolutely worth it. But this just isn’t the case with pretty much any of these consultants. They don’t live up to the amount of money they’re being paid, and chiropractors are suffering. These groups try to scare you into utilizing their services, only to leave you with nothing in return. It’s fraudulent, and it’s got to stop.

There are several things that you should look for when choosing a solid chiropractic consultant or practice management group. First, make sure that they have a specialty. Too many times I see these guys that have the „best“ solutions for everything. What I mean is this. You would never go to a gynecologist to have a brain tumor removed, right? Similarly, you would never go to a practice management group that is primarily known for in-office patient retention for help with internet marketing. You know what they say. If they’re usually the jack of all trades, they’re typically the master of none. Seek out specialists in different areas of your practice that you need to kick into high gear.

You also need to find someone who has a true track record of satisfied consumers. You need to be able to read testimonials and meet people that have been helped by this group. If you can’t find these things, you’re probably reading scripted testimonials and seeing videos of actors playing „satisfied chiropractors“. Don’t be one of the DC’s that gets the wool pulled over their eyes. Find the real-deal.

Start by doing an extensive Google search to get the real stats on these consultants. If you’re looking for a chiropractic consulting coach who specializes in the only viable marketing strategy today of Web 2.0 and Social media marketing, you might want to search for „social media chiropractic marketing“ and this very specific search might yield results that are actually of use to you.

Lastly, it’s important to find a consultant that knows the most innovative marketing strategies. If they’re stuck in the past, there’s no way they can send your chiropractic practice successfully into the future. When it comes to your practice and making it more successful, the biggest issue is new patients. When you improve your marketing and get new patients walking through your door, your whole business will be transformed. This can only happen when you use innovative techniques, and if a practice management group claims to know it all, they most likely don’t know this. Times are changing and consultant groups are not changing with them. Web 2.0 and Social Media marketing strategies have changed the face of business, and you’re going to sink if you don’t change too.

Ninety-five percent of chiropractic businesses don’t know a thing about the power of Web 2.0, and the 5% that do are singing its praises. In fact, they’re the only ones that are truly thriving right now, even in these hard times. When you choose to tap into the power of Web 2.0, you’re putting yourself in the elite.

You will only find one consultant that specializes in this type of marketing who speaks worldwide to businesses about successful integration of social media. Truthfully, you could be the best chiropractor in the world but if you don’t know how to market and massively spread your message in the new era, it doesn’t matter.

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Chiropractic Marketing That’s Recession-Proof

I have trouble believing that it’s been a whole 3 years since I brought the power of Web 2.0 marketing and social media to the chiropractic profession. After humbly beginning to market on sites like YouTube, and Facebook, my success has grown to countless social media outlets all over the internet. The growth of the Web 2.0 boom could almost be labeled as faster than an online virus expanding for 3 solid years. The internet and communications are continuing to change with every passing second, and this expansion has the ability to expand your chiropractic practice with equal force and intensity. Not only that; the potential for earning multiple forms of income, simultaneously, is amazing.

There was once a time when chiropractors paid ungodly amounts of money on marketing and advertising. Actually, chiropractors are still doing that. But the difference is that those tactics do not work in this age. In fact, they’re a huge waste of money and chiropractors are suffering because of it. When you step into the present and embrace the methods that are working today, you’re giving your practice a chance to survive and even thrive in these difficult times.

Even though times are really rough, there are people out there who are making phenomenal amounts of money, because they know where to do it! The internet and Web 2.0 are the goldmine at the end of the rainbow, and so few people in the chiropractic business are even looking there for it! Are you going to try, or stay behind in the rain?

Here are just a few of the sites that can dramatically transform your chiropractic practice, and earn you phenomenal amounts of wealth and success 24 hours a day. Try,,,,,,,,,, and These are the Web 2.0 powerhouses, and they’re just the beginning.

I could easily list over 200 websites but for times sake, we’ll keep it at a few. It’s important to have a systematic blueprint or checklist to run-through when learning to harness the power of social media. The good news is that you, as a practicing chiropractor, DO NOT have to do it all yourself. These tasks can be very simple to outsource if you understand and have a little direction.

Even the straightforward and leveraged-based strategies that I use can be easily taught to any CA or marketing director. When you have an open mind and are teachable, you too can learn these practices that have enormous potential for success.

You can even make your practice an online money-maker with Web 2.0 social media. There’s nothing that beats getting-up in the morning and knowing that Web 2.0 has been working for you throughout the night, making more money and connections. Sometimes it seems like a dream that business can happen so effortlessly and successfully, but there are other chiropractors who are living this dream, so I know it’s a reality.

When you create other forms of income while marketing your practice online, you make your practice entirely recession-proof; nothing can stop you. You need to be courageous and an innovator to do this. You have to think out of the box and ride the wave of the future.

Concentrate on providing a large amount of value to your existing and potential patients on the web. This medium allows you to put yourself in front of a local and global audience eager to hear what you have to say. Don’t fret, you are an expert in your own right. Trust me, you have plenty to talk about even though you might not see it yet. You could take a specific aspect of your chiropractic practice (nutrition, personal injury, back-pain, etc…) and develop a YouTube video channel around it with a series of weekly videos, as an example.

Be one of the innovators who are achieving unbelievable success online with Web 2.0. You can simultaneously make multiple avenues of streaming income that only add to the power of your practice.

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Bebo Friend Adder Tips To Make Your Profile Look Like A Rockstar

Bebo is a rapidly growing social networking website where users can share videos, pictures and talk to friends by leaving comments, much like Facebook.

It is a also a very good place for internet marketers to spread their message and gain visibility for their products or services. As with any social networking tool, success on Bebo means that you should have a critical mass of friends in your network. To get this on your own manually “ involves both time and energy. To leverage the benefit of a network like Bebo — you need to use automated tools like a Bebo Friend Adder Tool.

This tool will help you create a network of friends and automate a lot of things that you did manually thereby increasing your visibility in a much shorter time than before. Here are some of the great things that you can do with a Bebo Friend Adder Marketing Tool:

1. Sends Mass Friend Requests: With the Bebo Friend Adder Marketing tool, you can send friend requests to thousands of people and reach a mass critical network really quickly.

2. Mass Comments: With this tool you can post mass comments and gain visibility for yourself.

3. Mass Friend Messages: A Bebo Friend Adder Marketing Tool can help you post messages to all your friends at once. This will help you communicate with hundreds of your friends instead of a few that you could do yourself manually.

A Bebo Friend Adder tool helps you take your message out to many more people than you can manage yourself manually. This is very good start and once you have this critical mass, the next step that you need to take is to keep communicating with this community on a regular basis. The mass comments and mass friend messages feature helps you keep this going and build a strong and loyal network.

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MySpace Friend Adder Tips That Must Be Done Now

MySpace has emerged as a great online destination to market your products and services and build a brand for your business. Social Networking is the way of the Web 3.0 and MySpace is leading the way. It is important for you to establish a presence on MySpace in order to connect to thousands of other likeminded people and build a loyal and steady community of your brand followers.

If you are going to do this with success, you need some help, not everything can be done on your own. This is where automation comes in, and a MySpace friend adder marketing tool can help you reach out to hundreds of thousands of people on MySpace and give a tremendous boost to your marketing campaign. Here are the top reasons why a MySpace Friend Adder Marketing tool will work wonders for you:

1. Send Multiple Targeted Friend Requests: A lot of MySpace Friend Adder Marketing tools help you send friend requests to thousands of people at one go. These requests are not random, but sent to people who qualify on certain criteria predetermined by you. This means that the tool helps you automate the process and save days worth of work for you.

2. Use with Multiple Accounts: There are a lot of advanced MySpace Friend Adder Marketing tools that can be used with multiple accounts. This makes your campaign management easier and is more cost effective as well.

3. Personalized Messages: The number one reason why people shy away from Friend Adder Tools is that they strip away the personal touch that is at the heart of social networking tools. There are certain tools that are available to work with MySpace that overcome this problem to a certain extent by extracting the name of the receiver and using that in the message.

4. Schedule Bulletins: Certain tools allow you to schedule bulletins at a certain periodic interval.

5. Exclude Certain People: Automated tools suffer from the criticism that they sometimes act like spam. There are features that help you exclude certain people from your messages “ so that they dont feel like they have been spammed.

As you can see, there are several benefits of using a MySpace Friend Adder tool. Most of these benefits are driven from the benefits of automation and the tools are evolving in such a way that they avoid taking a black hat approach to social media marketing. You can use such tools to build a white hat approach around a successful MySpace marketing campaign.

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Profitable Chiropractic Marketing on Social Networks

Chiropractors have long been deficient when it comes to innovative marketing. Most fail to learn or apply the important lessons of business management when it comes to their practice. They have a great deal of technical knowledge, but lack common business sense. Times are changing, however, and those who are willing to open their minds to new ideas will see themselves pull ahead quickly from the pack. A slowing economy doesn’t need to be a threat when you have the tools to effectively market your business in today’s digital world.

Are you wasting thousands of dollars every year on postcards, newspaper drops, and telemarketing? Do you spend time at the chamber of commerce, trade shows, and networking events trying to generate referrals with minimal results? You may be surprised to find out that the best form of marketing and advertising is absolutely free.

I’ve been teaching chiropractors and many other professionals to leverage social media (like the above mentioned) for the last 3 years now. I’m the author and creator a system that has literally transformed the chiropractic profession and the way successful chiropractors market overnight.

When I was first on these social networks, I knew there had to be a way to harness and leverage them to get massive amounts of new patients coming into my office. That’s when I began the countless hours and months testing and perfecting a system that continuously gave me incredible results.

The main problem I see when chiropractors get on these social networks is that they begin to spam other people with blatant advertisement. This is a problem because people hate this and you will end-up being booted off the network. Now, of course, the proper thing to do is to seek a mentor who has already been there and done that so you can have the pure essentials and good how-to information. Few do this though, as they think they are the experts.

Web 2.0 is suddenly a huge buzzword, and while chiropractors and everyone else are trying to catch up, I’ve already established myself with several years of cutting edge methods that are proven to generate new business. For example, last month alone I made over $5,000 from a single YouTube video that I posted. The time I’ve invested in this marketing is minimal and the returns are extraordinary. If you aren’t learning about social networking you are just not interested in making more money.

Video marketing on YouTube is the same way. You absolutely must provide a fortune in value for your audience or have content that makes people want to listen to you regularly. Begin to brainstorm today about what types of videos that you can make and how you will capture attention with the messages your provide.

Social networks will open you up to a whole, new world of fun and profitability if you have the proper and necessary guidance to do it right the first time

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