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Top Video Marketing Expert Tips: How to Attract or Repel Your Ideal Clients

YouTube marketing and video marketing on other video channels can be quite lucrative if you do it well. As part of a effective social media marketing campaign and strategy, it just makes sense if you can avoid one mistake that far too many people succumb to. I had a client that almost made this critical mistake and I don’t want you to suffer unnecessarily, so pay close attention.

Before I let the cat out of the bag and tell you what they almost screwed up, I challenge you to ponder the answers to a few questions. Be honest with yourself. How do you feel about commercials you see on TV? Do you love them? Do you hate them? Would you like to see more of them? Would you like to see less of them? Why or why not?

Commercials make me sick. They haunt me. They stalk me. They never seem to go away. I gladly admit that I can’t stand commercials. Thank God for the invention of digital video recorders that let me skip commercials and fast forward through them easily.

What does my love for digital recorders and the ability to skip through commercials have to do social media marketing, email marketing, Facebook marketing, and Twitter marketing? More than you might think.

My client was intelligent. He wasn’t naive and knew that his best customers almost always used the internet to do research before spending money on their products and services. So, they made some scripts and wanted them transformed them into web videos that would answer a bunch of questions that their customers almost always asked.

As soon as we finished putting the web videos together we wanted the client to see how they looked and make any minor changes before we went and finalized the video. Then things started to go South. Someone said, „Hey, let’s put our music and jingle at the end of it, the owner will love it.“ As if that wasn’t bad enough, someone else added, „Let’s put our slogan at the end too.“

I wanted to stop this mistake in the making before it gained any traction. I stopped them dead in their tracks and asked them. What does the business president value more, hearing the jingle or getting more newcustomers? The people who were trying to help almost caused a mistake. These beautiful, helpful and informative videos were awful close to becoming dreadful commercials that nobody was going to want to watch.

If using social media for business, remember what is most essential. Top social media professionals and social media experts will tell you to become the resource and become the authority in your field. Become the thought pioneer everyone else discusses and looks to for advice. Don’t make the mistake of wrecking otherwise valuable social media marketing content by turning it into some useless commercial that may push away the folks you wish to attract.

Before hiring social media marketing consultants or social media speakers, see Mason Duchatschek’s free report and educational videos about selling online using video marketing, email marketing, text marketing and Facebook marketing.