Alle Beiträge von Marcus Somani

Dental Marketing Communications with the Internet

Seventy percent of dental patients are jumping online to do some form of checking before showing up for their first dental appointment. This presents a tremendous marketing for dentistry opportunity about which most dental practices have no clue. Typically, new patients type in their city and the name of the recommended dentist in a search engine like Google. This article will review the dental marketing solution which can tackle this opportunity.

Most search engines including Google, present such local search results with the dentists reviews off to the right side. That means when a new dental patient searches for you online they will also be shown your information along with the information of your competitors.

Research has some shown that reviews are very influential on consumers who are making decisions. If you have two or three mediocre reviews but you have a competitors who has twenty-five favorable reviews, this new prospective patient may be swayed despite your being recommended by the patient’s friend.

Having a handful of positive reviews is not enough to keep attracting the new patients who are researching online for a new dentist. Patients go with their gut feeling when picking a new dentist. The first person experience afforded by a review is an excellent way for new patients to gather information when making their gut feeling decision.

To avoid the scenario of losing new dental patients who are doing online research, you need to control your reputation on the Internet. The best way to do this is for your dental practice to create its own dental review site. By having your own dental review site it, your practice will a tremendous amount of influence in the new patient’s decision making process. As the prospective dental patient is doing his or her research and stumble across your review site with scores and scores of favorable reviews, that dental patient is much more likely to end up visiting you. In fact, sometimes, you might even sway dental patients who were strongly considering visiting one of your competitors. Online favorable reviews have been shown to have this effect.

Because you are at the front lines of dental service, you are in a better position to collect reviews than any third party review site. In fact, when your dental practice has its own review site, you can collect reviews from every patient. Since you control the review site, you decide which reviews get published and syndicated online versus which reviews are used strictly for internal purposes. It will not take long for your practice to develop scores and scores of webpages with favorable reviews about your practice.

The best way to think about an online intelligent dental marketing program is like a grocery store. Imagine that the Internet is a very big grocery store, and right now you have a dental practice that occupies one little thin sliver of a shelf at the very bottom of the aisle that belongs to dental services. By collecting favorable reviews, you will be increasing the width of that shelf space. Over time, as you gather more and more reviews, the width of that shelf space will occupy the entire aisle or even multiple shelves on that aisle. Therefore, any time a prospective dental patient is walking down that aisle searching for dental services, the odds that they are going to pick your office for a new visit are much higher.

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Using the Internet for Marketing for Dentistry

A new dental marketing opportunity has developed in the last several years about which most dental practices have absolutely no idea. It presents an excellent dental marketing idea. Did you know that sixty percent of patients do some form of online checking before showing up for their first dental visit? Even when new dental patients are referred to you by one of their trusted friends, they tend to do some form of online validation.

Most search engines including Google, present such local search results with the dentists reviews off to the right side. That means when a new dental patient searches for you online they will also be shown your information along with the information of your competitors.

The firsthand reviews of patients are very powerful in the decision making process of patients. There is a fair amount of consumer data to back this up. Even if your practice had been recommended by a friend, a competitor might be able to steal that new patient away if that competitor had a high volume of extremely favorable reviews compared to your handful of positive reviews.

Having a handful of positive reviews is not enough to keep attracting the new patients who are researching online for a new dentist. Patients go with their gut feeling when picking a new dentist. The first person experience afforded by a review is an excellent way for new patients to gather information when making their gut feeling decision.

The way best way to avoid this scenario is for your practice to take charge of its online reputation. This is simple to do when your practice creates its own review site. One of the big but hard-to-measure benefits is your practice will appear to be a credible provider of dental services. This is important because people do validations inadvertently, motivated by trying to get your phone number or address. When they stumble across numerous favorable reviews that have been written by your patients, they are going to be very impressed. This will increase the odds that they are going to follow through with their first visit. Even if they were considering some alternative dental practices, they are going to be attracted to your practice because of that favorable reputation that has been developed online.

Because a typical dental practice sees at least fifteen patients a day, collecting reviews is not a challenge when you have your own review site. You will not need to pre-screen patients for the ones who know are going to write a good review. With your own review site, you control which reviews are published on the Internet and syndicated to search engines. Because of that control, you will be able to collect a tremendous number of positive reviews in a couple of months.

The best way to think about an online dental marketing media program is like a grocery store. Imagine that the Internet is a very big grocery store, and right now you have a dental practice that occupies one little thin sliver of a shelf at the very bottom of the aisle that belongs to dental services. By collecting favorable reviews, you will be increasing the width of that shelf space. Over time, as you gather more and more reviews, the width of that shelf space will occupy the entire aisle or even multiple shelves on that aisle. Therefore, any time a prospective dental patient is walking down that aisle searching for dental services, the odds that they are going to pick your office for a new visit are much higher.

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Dental Marketing Media with an Online Angle

I want you to imagine the following scenario and think about a potential dental marketing strategy. You are a prospective dental patient. You have been told to visit Dentist Smith by a trusted friend. Sixty percent of patients these days do some form of online validation. Most prospective patients start off by putting the name of the dentist and the name of their city in a search engine. This presents an excellent dental practice marketing opportunity.

Most search engines including Google, present such local search results with the dentists reviews off to the right side. That means when a new dental patient searches for you online they will also be shown your information along with the information of your competitors.

The firsthand reviews of patients are very powerful in the decision making process of patients. There is a fair amount of consumer data to back this up. Even if your practice had been recommended by a friend, a competitor might be able to steal that new patient away if that competitor had a high volume of extremely favorable reviews compared to your handful of positive reviews.

Having a handful of positive reviews is not enough to keep attracting the new patients who are researching online for a new dentist. Patients go with their gut feeling when picking a new dentist. The first person experience afforded by a review is an excellent way for new patients to gather information when making their gut feeling decision.

The way best way to avoid this scenario is for your practice to take charge of its online reputation. This is simple to do when your practice creates its own review site. One of the big but hard-to-measure benefits is your practice will appear to be a credible provider of dental services. This is important because people do validations inadvertently, motivated by trying to get your phone number or address. When they stumble across numerous favorable reviews that have been written by your patients, they are going to be very impressed. This will increase the odds that they are going to follow through with their first visit. Even if they were considering some alternative dental practices, they are going to be attracted to your practice because of that favorable reputation that has been developed online.

It is not difficult to develop a favorable online reputation, particularly if you have your own review site. It is not unusual to see sixteen patients in a typical dental practice daily. It would not be hard to get feedback from your patients on your own review site. The good part is that you can collect reviews from all your patients. With your own review site, you will be able to control which reviews get pushed online and syndicated to search engines. Because of this, you will not need to pre-screen patients and get only small number of potentially favorable reviews. When you collect reviews from as many patients as possible, in little time you will have webpages and webpages of extremely favorable review content which you can publish online and syndicate out to search engines.

Within fifteen miles of most dental practices, fifty searches occur each day for a dentist. The internet marketing plan this article has reviewed will help you capture that new business. The following metaphor helps explain the value of having reviews for your dental practice. With a website, your dental practice has only a thin section of a lower shelf in the aisle dedicated to dental services on the web. As your practice publishes more and more favorable reviews, your dental practice will occupy more and more shelf space. Before long, new patients looking for dental services in your area will be more likely to find you when searching on the aisle of Internet dedicated to dental services.

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Can a Website Serve as a Dental Marketing Strategy?

The above question is a straightforward one, and I want to offer a straightforward response: No. Almost every dental practice at this point has some sort of online presence. Some of those online presences are managed by insurance companies offering the location details and contact information about the dentist. Most of the time, the online presence is simply a website about the dental practice.

In order to understand the value of having your own web site, you need to understand how search engines rank different Internet sites. That is critical because your website ranking produces results similar to the prominence of a Yellow Page advertisement For example, if you create one of the best dental web sites in your community but it cannot be found , it is like having your dental practice advertisement in the automotive section of the Yellow Pages. Any time you create a web site, the goal is for that web site to show up very high when people are online looking for the dental services you provide.

When a consumer begins searching on the Internet for a dentist, they keep in mind the things that they want in a dental practice. Keywords and key phrases are utilized in this way because a person may search looking for services such as teeth cleaning, gentle dentistry, or children’s dentistry. It is very important that the website is rich in text describing the significant services offered at the dental practice, because these are the keywords matched by Internet searches when they direct consumers to the site. It is also important that a website is regularly recharged with changing and current information; if a website is not charged it will just sit and stagnate, and that is not optimum for successful marketing for a dental practice. Unfortunately, adding new content to keep a website fresh requires a lot of time.

The best way to get all of these things done so your website doesn’t merely stagnate in the face of competing practices is to create a site specifically for the purpose of gathering reviews from your patients. There are several benefits to creating a review site, and the biggest reward is having control over what information is published about your practice. Having your own review site will give you the control to select and then push your reviews into search engines, or to keep the reviews to use internally for the purpose of improving your patients‘ experience while they are at your practice.

Another good thing about choosing to market your dental practice using a review site is the low cost. You will not need to hire an expensive marketing company to do it. Ask your patients to write a review and make your review site easily accessible to them. You need the highest number of reviews you can get because according to original dental marketing research, just about half the reviews will contain good, relevant feedback that you will want to circulate on the Internet.

Going with a third-party site to publish your reviews is not as beneficial as having a review site for a dental practice. In order to have good results from online marketing, a practice needs as much good feedback as possible circulating to potential dental patients. A third-party site will publish negative feedback, which could harm the practice’s reputation. Using a review site lets the dentist use the negative feedback to improve the services offered to his patients while at the same time he can select the good feedback to use for marketing on the review site. Having this kind of control over a dentist’s reviews is detrimental to successful online marketing for a dental practice.

An important key to getting a practice’s main website to rank high with search engines is to make sure that the review site contains an inbound link that points to the main website. Since there will be several reviews on the review site, each review will have an inbound link to the main website, not just the one from the review site itself. The reviews should contain the location and name of the practice and the name of the dentist, because this information will act as keywords that will link Internet searches to the practice’s main website. This way, each review acts as a separate link to the main website, and will direct many more Internet searches to the practice.

You will be in control of your dental practice?s Internet reputation, save valuable time and save money when you market online using this plan. A review site is the optimum way to generate traffic to your main dental website by capturing your patient’s good feedback and circulating it in a cost-effective way that will drive searches straight to your web site, and in the end help new patients drive straight to your office door.

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