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Optimize toll free numbers to effectively track marketing efforts, manage 800 numbers, manage toll free numbers, landing pages, urls, and promotional codes to track marketing results

Being able to setup a performance-based, direct response marketing campaigns that will produce ten fold results is one of the hardest business functions today. Every CMO is asked to do more with less and the best answer to such hard challenges is „Tag IT“! This marketing software application sets up, manages, tracks, organizes and ensures that a direct response marketing campaign is not only ready to launch when needed, it cuts the time down from hours of tedious labor to literally minutes.

The 4 universal challenges a marketing practitioner must overcome when setting up a direct response marketing campaign are:

1) Customer calls a toll free number that is not working or the customer is pitched the wrong product because the call center received the wrong script

2) Prospects MISDIRECTED to the wrong landing page because the wrong one was printed on the creative;

3) Performance reporting is compromised because all of the marketing campaigns are colliding into 1(one) toll free numbers or 800 number; and

4) no tools to prevent 1,2, or 3 because the marketing professional has no control over the process of assigning 800#s, landing pages, coupon codes or affiliated codes.

Generally, a marketing channel administrator expends two to four hours sending e-mails and placing phone calls to call centers and the web group in order to set up one response channel. Tag IT automatically streamlines the workflow process by allowing marketing professional to become self reliant. No more e-mails, no more phone calls. In fact larger organizations with billion dollar marketing spend budgets have saved thousands of hours from the marketing department to the call center.

Marketing budget from thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousand is being invested. Each marketing department wants to squeeze every potential penny out of every campaign they launch. So it is paramount that every facet of the campaign is set up properly.

With UQube TagIt in about 2 minute a marketing practitioner can be finished assigning all their 800 numbers, tracking tags, landing pages.

Tag IT has been unbundled from the Enterprise Application UQube.

Proven and battle tested TagIT, formerly part of the enterprise edition of UQube, is certain to lower marketing costs, increase a marketing departments efficiencies and eliminate common human oversights. By systematically managing 800 numbers, toll free numbers, landing pages, URLs and promo codes a marketing professional can complete their work in minutes from what used to take hours or even weeks.

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