Alle Beiträge von Leigh-Ann Lemire

Tips for a Successful Article

Did you ever notice that some people can write interesting articles and some people can write about the same subject and make it boring or even unreadable? Maybe you think you are someone who falls in the second category. But no, you are probably someone who just doesn’t know the technology – the rules of writing an interesting article.

If you can speak coherently, you can write a good article. There are hard and fast rules for writing that are found in books on basic English grammar and spelling, but these days you can get away with a lot of grammatical, punctuation and spelling mistakes, because your word processing program will correct them for you. (Note: no program corrects them all – you still have to proof read.) Some word processing programs even offer alternative words so you can spice up your article without repeating some adjective over and over (try a right click on a word in MS Word – then click on synonyms in the menu that appears.)

In the rest of this article we will learn some tips that make one piece of writing appealing and another dull.

To begin writing an interesting article you must have clear in your mind what your purpose for writing the article is. For example, a purpose for writing an article could be to explain in layman’s terms how chelation therapy works (it is a medical procedure for removing heavy metals and oxidants from the body). Or another purpose could be to describe easy steps for building a TV antenna out of coat hangars. If you don’t nail down your purpose for writing the article, you will wind up with a confusing hodge podge.

Another tip for writing an interesting article would be to give examples. Examples make it real for the reader. Examples elicit the „Oh, yeah, I get it now!“ See paragraph above for use of examples.

Figure out who exactly will read your article, and write as if you are speaking to those readers. Keep your use of language and specialized terms within the vocabulary of those people who will use the information. You could say „computer programs for robots“ if you were writing for a high school science class, instead of „qualitative reasoning“ if you were writing for math and computer science professors. (Now there’s an example thrown in without stating that it is an example.)

Keep your sentences and paragraphs to a reasonable length. It is just easier to read shorter, rather than longer, sentences and paragraphs. After all, you want your articles to be read and most readers will chose the shorter sentence, paragraph, article, especially if they are in a hurry at the time they find your article.

Natural Growth Marketing is a company that specializes in writing articles and distributing articles. So if you don’t want to write it yourself, or you’d like your article rewritten or pepped up, they have professional writers who make a business of interesting writing. Visit them at

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Find a Creative Endeavors Marketing Mentor

If you’re interested in getting a marketing mentor in order to succeed with you creative endeavors, you just found the right article to help you.

Find out:

– How getting started selling your creative endeavors may be a difficult task.

– How finding a marketing mentor that is focused on helping talented folks being the type of person that you are looking for.

– How time management is also a point that you will want your marketing mentor to instruct you on.

Your dream in THE ARTS can come true. You just need to read this article and follow the instructions and it will be possible for you to find the right marketing expert to work with you.

You can get started selling your creative products with help from family and friends who support you and occasionally you will find someone with a bright idea that can move your career onward. Perhaps you already know some selling techniques that will forward your sales.

As soon as you start making some sales, how do you expand those sales into an amount that will allow you to quit your day job and become a prosperous artist?

Where do you find a person who can tell you want to do? What do you have to do to make a success of yourself as an artist?

Lots of people consider themselves marketing experts. Not every one of them would be the right person to help an artist. Someone trained in marketing who is interested in helping artists is what you want.

A sign that you may be getting close to a person who can help you is if you’ve found a person who is also a talented artist and successful in his/her field. You don’t want a guide who hasn’t even tried what s/he is telling you to do. A prosperous painter, actor, musician, etc., will know what to do because he or she has done it and it worked.

Time management is also a point that you will want your marketing mentor to instruct you on. You want your marketing mentor to be successful in his or her own creative endeavors. If you have a successful talented person that also has the time to help you to become successful, then you have a person that can manage time.

Definitely ask if your marketing mentor is presently successful with his or her own career.

Your ideal scene – having the time to do the art you love, and also being able to support yourself in this world by means of that art – can be achieved and a mentor can help. If the mentor has already achieved that goal, then you have found the right one. If he or she also has time to help you, then you are very lucky, and if you put into practice the lessons he or she has to teach, you will be on your way.

Do your homework to find your creative endeavors marketing mentor because in doing so, you will succeed in your quest to achieve your goals in The Arts.

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Correct Customers Make Your Business Grow

You may have heard about locating the correct niche or target for your business or how marketing to the correct public will make your business grow.

There are different suggestions, instructions and information on the subject of locating and targeting the correct niche. There are even sites and blogs dedicated to the subject. Searching on Amazon for books, will turn up over one hundred thousand entries for „niche“. Doing a Google search will turn up a result of thirty-two million plus web pages with that topic.

To put your mind at ease,there is an easier way to reach the public that you want. Your niche public can easily find you rather than you running after your potential clients.

It can really happen like this! It’s a simple method that goes along with the reason that the internet was created which is to supply information. If you supply fresh content in large quantities, your potential clients will find your information and go to your site to get more information.

To get yourself and your site popular, you just need to deliver valuable information online. Some methods to do this are submitting press releases, getting articles onto other sites and entries to your blog.

Use your time smartly by speaking about what you are most knowledgeable in – your own business. Put information online everywhere and every chance you get in order to create a steady flow of potential clients to your website.

Many internet marketing actions come and go with changes occurring rapidly. One moment a method is acceptable, the next it is an action that is not okay anymore and if you use it, you will be doing your site a disservice which means that you need to find yet another way to promote.

There is a much better way to market online instead of a racing around to find new marketing methods or speculating on some new promotional idea. Spend your time wisely by creating a foundation of information for your online business. Building your business in this manner makes your website simple to find with long term traffic results.

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Utilize Twitter For Marketing Your Artistic Creations – Paintings, Handmade Items, Songs…

Twitter is a phenomena that is growing large and profitable plus it can be utilized to sell your artistic creations. It’s a fun social networking tool where you just post updates of what you are working on. If you don’t already have an account at Twitter, you can get one right now at, it’s free to do so.

When you send your short messages, you can also add photographs by using Twitpic. Just log in to by using your Twitter ID and password. Simple as that! No technical mumbo jumbo to decipher. Photographs can be on your cell phone or computer, both are acceptable forms of transferring your pictures. To make it even better, this service has no cost.

There is a good website that can help you to increase the amount of friends that follow you and to locate more to add. Just go to and sign up for a free account. Tweetspinner has a wonderful feature that will save you lots of time adding friends and eliminating non-followers. The purge feature is excellent because it is a free tool that will easily allow you to take out the people that aren’t following you. It’s a service that is charged for at other sites. You are able to remove or add 40 people at a time.

A key figure of followers to obtain is 2000. When you add friends, wait a few days to see if the people are also following you. Once that time period is up, if the person doesn’t follow back, take them off your list with the Tweetspinner tool.

Trying to add each person manually is difficult to say the least. Also, if you do not have an automated system, trying to track and take out the people that don’t follow you is next to impossible. For these two reasons, is the best tool that you can use. It’s very easy to get that amount of followers within a few days.

A simple method to welcome your new followers is with Once you register for an account, you enter your Twitter account information and then you can create an automated response that will go out to every person that signs up to follow you. This is a very nice thing to do as it makes your followers feel very welcome. There are other services here and an upgrade, too. There’s lots of services that are free including a system to schedule tweets. The most important tool though is the automated acknowledgment.

Another service that is truly fun lets you create Twitter coupons plus a bunch more stuff such as polls, event manager, an online business card, join a business directory, send greeting cards and much more. To top it off, it’s free to use. You can find this service at

SO, what do you do once you are set up with your free tools and get followers? You just talk about yourself, your projects, your completed works of art, your life, the weather, your interests, the show you just watched, the book you just read and, well, you get the idea. Once in a while, you can add a post about a finished creation, supply a link to the page where people can find out more about it and a way to buy it. To Your Success!

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Article Writing Tips for Long-Term Traffic Results

Gain the advantage over your competition and consistent traffic to your site with article writing. With articles writing you provide information which is what the internet is all about. By submitting the articles that you write to article sites, directories and blogs you gain an advantage over others that are in the same niche that you are.

Even if you are not a great or speedy writer, the subject of your website is one that you have a lot of knowledge about. You know your business and the benefits of it. Writing articles about the subject that you are very involved in will reflect your passion.

Even if you are not a perfect writer, you can create an outline of the article that you want to write and then find a freelance writer to help you make the article as you envision it. A good place to find freelance writers is at – it’s a site that provides resources to help creative and talented folks to make a living with their art. Just send a request to find a freelance writer.

When you write articles, stay on the same topic as your website. Doing so will give you benefits such as a larger readership and more people to your site because of what you have to say. The people arrive to your article via the search engines, read what you have to say and then, wanting more info on the topic, click on your link in the resource box and arrive at your website.

It is very key that you have a method that a person can sign up for your newsletter because, in doing so, the person will continue to be informed about what you have to say and, if not a customer at first, will eventually become one. A wonderful and easy to use service to create a sign up box for your website is Not only is it simple to create the necessary form, it’s free, too. In a matter of a few minutes you will have a generated form that you can copy and paste to your site in order to grow your list.

To get your article read, follow these tips:

– Limit the amount of words, stay in the range of 500-800 words

– Brief paragraphs get read more often than long ones

– Don’t cram the paragraphs one after the other, create a space in-between each

– Stay on the same topic as your website

Submit your articles online to articles sites, articles directories and blogs. Another great method to get the word out about your articles is to create a newsletter to send to your mailing list. One more tip is to submit your newsletter, try the following sites to do so:

* Zinester – You can find tools and resources here to help you improve your newsletter readership. This service has a small monthly charge to use it.

* Best Ezine – free to use, list your ezine, get ratings and reviews

* The Ezine Directory – a very resourceful site that has been online since 1999 helping internet business get the word out about their newsletters.

* Ezine Locater – This service is human edited. There’s a small lifetime membership fee to utilize the service.

* Newsletter Access – This site has two levels of service to promote your ezine

* New List – a free service that was started in 1998 to help get the word out about your news which helps you to get new subscribers to your list

* New Jour – go to to utilize this free service to register your newsletter and get subscribers.

As a summary, start writing and submitting your articles. Your articles will get re-published online which spreads the word about you and your services. It is a no cost marketing strategy that will continue to work for you for years driving traffic to your site.

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