Alle Beiträge von Landon Stewart

God Network Marketing Recruiting Can Be Rough..?

How many different people are in network marketing?

Hundreds and hundreds of thousands. Am I wrong? Now how many people would you say make more money than they are losing? Not as many as you would think.


Because they are awful at network marketing recruiting. It’s really that simple. Most people just cannot bring new people into their network marketing business opportunity.

For whatever reason. People are just naturally bad at network marketing recruiting.

Luckily for them, they have US! It’s time for us to do something about it. It’s time to flip the stats, and make the three succeeding percent turn into eighty succeeding percent.

First off. You need to look at exactly how you plan on bringing people into your business. If you plan on going to door to door, I simply cannot help you. If you plan on going out to the local mall to bring in recruits, go and find someone else to help you. If you need help writing out a list of your friends and family, honestly, you are reading the wrong article.

But if you want to use the most poweful tool known to mankind, the internet, then you need to read on.

I don’t really want to get into how to bring traffic to your website just because that could take all day.

But what I will teach you, is how to handle yourself when you do talk to your prospects/leads that you are going to begin to generate.

First of all. The most important thing here is that your leads need you way more than you need them. So many people have the mentality of „I need new distributors for my network marketing business so bad, I would do anything to get some!“. That person will never bring in another recruit just because a prospect can pick up on that neediness.

No one likes a needy person. It’s really that simple. Think about it. You don’t like a needy girlfriend or boyfriend. It’s a huge turn off. People like their space, and people want to make their own decisions. So from now on let them!

Honestly who cares about those tire kicker leads anyways. You are about to have hundreds of world class network marketers calling you every single day to join your main business opportunity, whatever one it may be.

That’s my biggest lesson of this article. Make your prospects want you more than you want them. The person that cares the least controls the power, and from now on that is going to be YOU.

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