Alle Beiträge von Kurt Henninger

Network Marketing The Past And Future King Of Home Business

It is very common when you are just talking with people about what you do, and the first thing out of their mouth is „What is Network Marketing?“ Often this can be extremely hard to answer, especially for the new person to the industry.

To put it simply, network marketing is really just one particular way that larger companies have chosen to go about to get the word out about their product. They chose to rely on local word of mouth information to spread the word about their products and services. We will cover more about precisely how marketing is conducted in a little bit.

What most people do not know is that this system is used in many large categories like the financial services or insurance ones. For all of them they go ahead and market those services and then share the profits on those. A little known secret is that quite a larger percentage of those profits are actually taken up by those middle men.

So that begs the question, how exactly do you grow a business like this, whether it is a product or recruiting other business owners? That is the vital question to long term success in this industry.

Up until recent years, network marketing products and services have been pushed through a warm market approach. The basic idea here is that by doing this, one can go ahead and take advantage of the already proven trust factor with those people. This is the easiest way for most people quite honestly because it requires absolutely zero marketing skills.

The whole idea was that these large companies gave a cut in the commission in order to get you to introduce your own network of people to their goods. They get introduced to that network through you, so it is a win-win situation.

Now there are tons of techniques to go about this, home parties, one-on-one meetings, buying and cold calling leads, tables at community expos, and in more recent years, utilizing the internet to about connecting with others all over the world to extend your network. In particular, leveraging the internet has allowed others to grow an extremely large and profitable organization very quickly.

When it all comes down to it, the absolute best way to sell or market anything is to go out and find a person or group of people who are in need of something, and have some kind of problem. You can then use either your business opportunity, or your own product. Ironically this is the exact opposite way that people think of building a business in this industry.

After all, people you know might not be looking for a particular product or service, so why try to convince them? Far easier it is to go ahead and just give them what they want.

What makes marketing even harder today is that consumers are continually hit up by offer after offer for people trying to sell them something.

Now, there are tons of strategies and techniques to do so, creating targeted content in the form of articles, blogs, videos, or podcasts, networking on social media sites like Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter, or utilizing paid internet advertising in the form of pay per click marketing, ezine advertising, or banner advertisements.

If you’d like to learn more about really how to grow your own network marketing business on the internet and generate your own leads to grow your business how you want to, read below and click on the link for more information.

When you take a look at network marketing, you see that is it really a great home business. Go here now to get 7 free days of internet network marketing training to help you get endless free leads per day.

MLM Video Marketing Secrets Exposed

There has been a considerable amount of talk in recent years on the use of MLM video marketing in order to generate leads for free. Now, there are tons of different ways to use video to create leads, but the one I am going to focus on is using it to rank highly in the search engines, and cover some secrets that most people miss out on.

At the beginning, we need to do proper keyword research in order to know exactly what our MLM video will be all about.

The best place to begin is to use the Google keyword tool. For example, if your first idea was to do something on the video about MLM leads, type that phrase into the keyword research tool and see what comes up.

What will appear are related searches to what we typed in and specifically look for those that have several hundred searches per month.

Narrow it down to one you want to talk about and that will be the subject of your MLM video.

Next, we will actually film the MLM video for ourselves. The optimal length for any video used to generate leads is right at 2 minutes.

When completed, save the video for publication. This is actually an important step, as you absolutely want to include the keyword which is the topic of your video in the actual name of the MLM video.

Finally, write a short keyword focused article with the subject the same as you made your MLM video about.

Now, you go ahead and upload your MLM video to YouTube. After the process has started, and you’ve clicked on the „upload button“ a few fields of information will be requested, asking for „Title, Description, and Tags“.

As mentioned before, include the keyword your MLM video is about in the title.

Next, in the description portion of the MLM video, take the keyword focused article that you wrote earlier and paste it in the description field of the video. Doing this, and having text that is focused on the subject of the video will help it rank in the search engines faster and have it appear more relevant.

Last, in the „tags“ section, include your main keyword and other related versions of your keyword.

Viola, your MLM video is done! All ready to get traffic from the search engines from.

If you’d like to learn more about using MLM video in your business, read below and click on the link for more information.

Go get 7 Free Days of cutting edge network marketing training on things like MLM video to help you succeed and Go get tons of network marketing leads for free.

Global Virtual Opportunities Review Is This Whole Thing Just a Scam?

Taking a step back, one of the latest and greatest interests in the MLM opportunity world is with Global Virtual Opportunities, or GVO for short. Taking a closer look at the whole business what is it all about, and is it worthwhile to pursue?

The company Global Virtual Opportunities as an opportunity went „live“ in September 2009 and was originally formed by Joel Therien.

But what kind of products does Global Virtual Opportunities have to market? Interestingly enough, GVO is an all-in-one internet service package provider for internet business owners. Some of the specific products include website hosting, auto-responders, online conferencing and video hosting, all ranging in price from $18.95 to $44.95. Pretty comprehensive for those who run a good portion of their business online.

Next, how does the Global Virtual Opportunities pay plan stack up? When you sign on as an affiliate, and that is the best term for it, one can get checks through a series of specific bonuses, which are: fast start, matching check, and a company specific binary hybrid matrix. Also, they have a revenue sharing option with 10% of the company earnings going into a pool to be split by the top 20 affiliates in the company.

Is Global Virtual Opportunities a scam or not? When you really look at it, GVO has a truly innovative product line with a generous compensation plan. There is definitely a demand for an all-in-one system support package for online business owners.

However, as with any home business, the true test for a Global Virtual Opportunities business builder will be their marketing. How well will it and its business builders effectively market the products and business? That is the true test for any companies success, no matter what high grade products or opportunity they make available.

If you are a Global Virtual Opportunities business builder, I highly suggest you learn how to effectively market either the business or product in order to be really successful. Learn something like pay per click marketing, electronic magazine ads, or video marketing. This is what creates prospects, leads and downlines.

If you want to learn more about growing your Global Virtual Opportunities business, read below and click on the link for more information.

Get your free 7-day internet MLM training to help you get leads for your Global Virtual Opportunities business or any one of a number of MLM Companies

Network Marketing Email What Makes Them Want Even More

There is a huge amount of priority put on growing your MLM list of email subscribers today, especially in online MLM. But, along with that, there is very little true training on how to word your network marketing email to that quickly growing list. However, there are three pretty useful topics of communication that will really speak to your prospects.

First and foremost, one must really dig into the mind of what the network marketing email subscribers want and desire to read about. Brainstorm about what their greatest burning desires are and craft your message.

One of the first common themes to write about in your network marketing email is how to make money. After all, for the most part, many of us got into this so that we could make a little extra money, right? Or maybe even get out of our job.

So, enter the idea of the funded proposal. More than likely, the vast majority of those that you encounter will not have a clue about that concept and you will appear to be an enormous help to anyone who you can help bring this into their business.

A second theme to write about in your network marketing email is how to get more targeted network marketing leads. This is one of those evergreen topics that people are always curious about.

A huge issue in the MLM industry is that most distributors don’t ever get seen by enough people in this business. The process of using the internet to generate free leads for your business is the absolute best way to do it. Discuss this and your emails will be extremely popular.

One last subject for your network marketing emails are to talk about actual sponsoring in downlines and new product users into an business. Talk about topics like talking to people on the phone, what particular posture to have with prospects or things like that.

To learn more about how to use network marketing email in your business, read below and click on the link for more information.

Get 7 Free Days of internet network marketing training to help you use things like network marketing email and get tons of mlm leads for free

Trump Network – Some Substance In All The Interest?

There has been a huge amount of interest in the MLM community about the new Trump Network. But is there any substance to all that interest, and is this really going to be a worthwhile company?

Donald Trump has been connected with multi-level marketing for quite a few years, having been a paid spokesperson for most notably ACN or American Communications Network, a telecom MLM. Now, he has moved off and decided to create his own company and named it the Trump Network.

But what precisely is the Trump Network? It is a new MLM business opportunity offering vitamin supplements. As written on their website, the main product will be customized nutrition based upon a patented test called PrivaTest which will customize the pharmaceutical grade nutrition in each persons vitamins.

Each 30 day supplement package from the company will be individually wrapped for daily consumption.

How does the Trump Network compensation plan work? Basically, it looks like a normal multi-level marketing compensation plan where you receive leveraged income from the work of those in your organization.

More specifically, it looks like the business compensation earns you cash from sale volume, and leader bonuses, which in turn foster growth and mentoring in your business.

Additionally, the compensation plan has a business beginner package and fast start bonus included to reward its members to share the MLM opportunity with others in addition to the products.

In addition, the trump network has put together a individual „success system“ which they made to help their business builders market the business and products. Included in it are a customized, replicated web page, a personalized 16 page briefing book, and DVD and CD.

So, is appears that this isn’t all just hype, but appears to be a legitimate MLM opportunity arising and there is indeed some substance behind the buzz.

To find out more about how to grow your Trump Network business, read below and click on the link for more information.

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Monavie Business Scam – Is This Company Just All Hype?

There has been a ton of attention all over about the Monavie business recently, some labeling it the „biggest and best“ thing out there right now in MLM. However, in this review, I’ll answer the question, is there any substance to this business or is it all just hype?

When you really look at it, what’s this Monavie business about at its core? The business was created in January 2005 by Daniel Larsen, Henry March, and Randy Larsen. The company, as stated on their website has a mission to „hange and improve lives around the world by introducing unique nutritional products, offering a rewarding business opportunity, and by giving back through our charitable initiatives.“

Great, but what products exactly does the Monavie business promote? As indicative of their name their main product is the super juice Monavie, which is a blend of acai berry and 18 other nutritional fruits. The main benefit being anti-oxidants which protects against free radicals, and delivers the equivalent anti-oxidant value of 13 servings of fruits and vegetables.

In summary, Monavie does indeed look like it has an excellent product line.

So lets look at the Monavie compensation pay plan. The business has 8 separate and distinct waays one can earn money, including: direct sales, team commissions, bulk order bonuses, executive check match, first order bonus, leadership pools, star maker bonus, and multiple business center bonuses. One really exemplary characteristic of their business pay plan is that they pay out a 50% commission on volume of sales.

So, is the Monavie business a scam or legitimate? Absolutely legitimate, and its worthy of its title as one of the powerhouse MLM companies right now, both on the product and business side.

However, as with any business, the true test for any Monavie business is its be its marketing. How well will one effectively market the product and opportunity? That is the true indicator or any companies success, no matter what excellent product or opportunity they offer.

If you are an Monavie business builder, I highly suggest you learn how to effectively market either the business or product in order to be really successful. Learn something like pay per click marketing, electronic magazine ads, or video marketing. This is what creates prospects, leads and downlines.

To learn more about growing your Monavie business, read below and click on the link for more information.

Get your free 7-day cutting edge MLM training e-series to help you build your Monavie Business and generate tons of leads for free at:

NuSkin Business Overview – What Is Really The Deal With This MLM Opportunity

When you look all over on the internet, there has been a ton discussed about the NuSkin business in the MLM industry. But is it all unwarranted buzz, and what is the truth behind this opportunity?

Lets begin here, what exactly is the nuskin business made up of? The company was formed in 1984 and targets primarily on select skin and hair care.

So exactly what products does the NuSkin business really promote? As indicated above, they do focus on both men and women’s skin and hair care, offering a complete line of each. They offer everything from dermatological solutions for skin problems to more traditional make-up for women. Everything for beauty, skin, or hair products is available here.

In addition the company, they also offer a nutrition line, or nutraceutical line, which they call Pharamex. Their LikePak Nano is specifically designed to deliver nutrition which counters and guards against the affects of aging.

Thus the nuskin business really does indeed have a high tech product line.

But what about the business opportunity and how does it work? While their website is rather vague about exact specifics regarding the compensation plan, it is in general a standard network opportunity pay plan, paying out on multiple levels.

So, is the NuSkin opportunity a scam? Absolutely not. Its a great company with very premium products and a good compensation plan.

However, as with any business, the true test for the it will be its marketing. How well will its distributors effectively market the product and opportunity? That is the true indicator or any companies success, no matter what high quality products or generous opportunity they offer.

If you are a NuSkin business, I highly suggest you learn how to effectively market either the business or product in order to be really successful. Learn something like pay per click marketing, electronic magazine ads, or video marketing. This is what creates prospects, leads and downlines.

If you want to learn more about growing your NuSkin business, read below and click on the link for more information.

Get your free 7-day cutting edge MLM training e-series to help you build your NuSkin business and generate tons of leads for free at:

Vemma Business Review – Any Reality Or Just All Buzz?

When you sit back and look at it, there has just been alot of hype in MLM about the Vemma Business. But what’s the truth behind all of this buzz and is this really a legitimate business?

Before we really begin, what precisely is the Vemma company all about? The company was started by BK Boreyko and was really fleshed out by him and the parent business New Vision, which is also a top company in the health and wellness industry.

But what kind of products does the Vemma business promote? Its main product features liquid anti-oxidants which contain in large part the mangosteen fruit.

The liquid forms the core of nutrition program. This program is available in four options, a family size bottle, two on the go bottles, and the verve drink and verve energy shot.

So, the company looks like they market some innovative nutrition products which have a ton of value in them.

But what about the vemma business opportunity? Its compensation plan features what they call the dual line compensation plan. This builds two teams, your right and left team. This appears to be a classic binary compensation plan common in the network marketing industry. In addition, once registered as a business builder, you get access to a business center which contains two marketing websites.

So how does one earn money in the vemma business? The company surprisingly pays out every week, and comes with team building bonuses and a global bonus pool.

The team building bonus is developed by promoting the actual opportunity, and the global bonus is a 12 week pool which helps foster team building and cooperation.

Is the vemma business just one more fraud? No, not in the least. Its an excellent on the rise network marketing company with exceptional products and what looks to be a generous pay plan.

However, as with any home business, the true test for the vemma business will be its marketing. How well will it and its business builders effectively market the products and business? That is the true test for any companies success, no matter what excellent or opportunity they offer.

For any vemma business builder out there, I really believe you need to educate yourself on how to properly in order to achieve true success.

To learn more about building your vemma business, read below and click on the link for more information.

About the Author: