Alle Beiträge von Thomas Grey

Role of Payment Gateways in E-commerce Web design – Spa Web Design Studio Lincoln.

This article discusses the significance of having a range of payment gateways built in to your ecommerce web design. We suggest that you discuss this together with your web design agency at the web page design and development phase.

Payment gateways are in the centre of ecommerce web design. When a customer in your ecommerce web design completes the woman’s online shopping and wishes to look at your payment gateway generally processes the credit or even debit card details as well as finalises the sale.

Payment gateways usually give a preagreed percentage of total transaction add up to cover their admin expenses. With increased competition among various payment gateways the percentage varies making sure payment gateways very expensive (for that business) over the long run.

This is where using a wide choice of payment gateways included in your ecommerce web design in the very outset helps you from switching in one gateway to another if you think that there is a business have to do so.

The fact is that many custom ecommerce webdesign methods do not build many payment choices right into a ecommerce web design. This indicates you are usually trapped with the payment gateways built into the internet site design. If you wish to increase the choice the rewriting the ecommerce web design software is sometimes the only method to increase this option. Code rewriting can be costly..

That’s why it is necessary for you as a business person to discover from your web design organization,

How many payment gateways is going to be built into the e-commerce web design design, how hard / simple to upgrade these choices, and how expensive it may be to do so?

Having this information when you’re discussing the project specifications together with your ecommerce web design agency within Lincolnshire or anywhere else will maximize the chances that a choice of settlement gateways are built into your e-commerce web design. This gives you and your customers a range of debit / credit greeting card processing companies.

Get touching our professional internet commerce web design team in lincolnshire if you want help or advice with this regard.

More website advice and tips at Spa web design studio blog. Spa design provides a comprehensive range of E-commerce web design services in Lincoln Lincolnshire UK.

Thomas Grey is a professional website designer and provides useful website and internet marketing advice and tips for small businesses. You can visit his blog at:

Deleting Your Own Inner Editor For Super Copywriting Success

Have you ever blurted out something and then thought to yourself, „what the heck have I just said?“ Are you able to recall an incident… how did you feel when it happened? What did you feel when you thought about all the other people around you who heard what you said?

I don’t know what you feel, but in certain situations, the ‚blurting out‘ probably contains some element of truth. Blocking oneself to shelter the truth may not be the wisest thing.

The same can be said when crafting out a sales or promotion message.

Blurting out on paper can be the best thing you can do. You see, it’s in the blurting where pieces of important information come to light. And, it’s this information that could prove pivotal in the written communication.

The thing here is not to be critical of oneself. To not censor or edit oneself. On paper, you have the advantage of the whole world being absent. It’s only you and your writing book or pc.

Let’s be honest: we all have that ‚critical editor‘, roaming the environment, looking to pounce on whatever comes into our firing line.

„Oh, she’s too fat… he’s got a ridiculous color shirt… his opinion on that is crap… what does he know… he’s never done anything successful in his life… I don’t know how she wrote that, and she’s a so called journalist… he’s had 3 failed businesses, I’m not listening to him… not another informational product to do with putting up a website, they’re all useless… “

Can you see how quick we are to jump to conclusions… add assumption after assumption, criticise, blame, censor, block… before we hear the whole picture?

So it makes sense then to write with abandon re our promotional and marketing pieces.

The worse thing that can happen is when we’re writing at break neck speed, is to then, right there, in the middle of writing, decide that, „the grammar here isn’t too hot, or that it doesn’t sound right… let’s alter here and now!“

Can you see how easy it is to lose the power and momentum in what we have to say?

I know there’s the idea that „I’m not that kind of person. I’m editing as I go, I don’t want anything silly, stupid or hurtful to come out“. As noble as that sounds, it’s also a recipe for stopping one’s life from fully exploring the hidden possibilities that lie buried in everyone’s mind.

My suggestion to you is let it all flow out. Remember, this is a private thing. It’s for no one else’s eyes apart from yours. And don’t forget, this is just the first draft. You’ll get plenty opportunity to edit and re-write later. The thing here is that you need to get all the content you can first, out in the open. Then, you’ll be able to adjust and amend as necessary.

Concentrate on speed. Get it all out on paper as fast as you can. Break the writing speed limit if you can. Remember, you never know what you can accomplish until you set your mind to it.

Try it now.

See how quickly you can write about you, your aspirations, and your business. You don’t have to do all three… Though, if you’re looking to ramp up your copywriting skills, doing ALL THREE is a must.

What should you write?

Well, think of it in this way: imagine you were sitting around a table at your local bar. You’ve had a tipple or two and your friends leans over and says to you, „okay, John, tell me about your real hopes for making money in the coming year?“

It’s then you’ll most likely tell him and explain everything you’ve got stashed in the brain of yours. It’s unedited. It’s uncensored. It’s free flowing and from the heart.

This is EXACTLY what you’re looking for when you craft your initial sales and promotional messages. That being an uninhibited account of how you really see things. It’s now that your sales and promotional messages will really begin to sparkle and resonate with your audience.

The author is a successful internet entrepreneur. For Nick James reviews advice, visit