Alle Beiträge von Missy Jacobs

The American Economic Fist In The Air: Game Theory, Zeitgeist and Oracle Finance

When I sit and think about where we once were as a nation and where we are now, I’m terrified to think about where we’ll be in ten years. Our homeland is crumbling into powder and with each day we are disintegrating into oblivion. I’m angry; I’m sad and worst of all, when I think about my daughters I feel helpless. I find myself grasping for any news that can ease my mind. I’ve even resorted to listening to news anchors that can hardly chew gum and walk without falling flat on their faces for signs of economic relief. Am I the only one or have we all been tugged down into the mud with the level of expectations we have for our political leaders?

After Clinton I was willing to accept a sex crazed, necromaniac , after Bush, I was ready to vote for mumbling, mind dwarfs and after Obama our national standards will be accepting of a foreign born, sex addict with a third grade education that speaks Taushiro. Where did it all go wrong? Like the Romans we’ve suffocated beneath the arrogance of our own success but I must beg the question ‚Is there anyone that is qualified and willing to help?‘ Is there anyone that can step in to this hurricane of shattered glass and razorblades, willing to put it all on the line and sacrifice the nature of pride, greed and corruption to get this country back to prosperity?

We need another JP Morgan minus the corruption, we need another Eleuthre Irne du Pont that will pinpoint unchartered strengths an launch the United States back to the forefront of powers but, even more we need the leadership of Andrew Jackson with the unstoppable motivation of Napoleon before the desert disasters and the natural instincts of Irish freedom fighter Michael Collins.

We must gather a small, tight knit group of leaders that burn with conviction that have a track record of domination, patriotism and the ability to rip influence and control from the grasp of the corrupt and focus like lasers on reclaiming this devastated land. I propose an overhaul on Washington’s institutional powerbase: Microsoft narcissist and monopoly mastermind Bill Gates as President, the oracle of Omaha himself Warren Buffet to be head of treasury and leading the charge on shutting down the Federal Reserve, Princeton Corporate Solutions‘ strategies god among men, James Scott to work his PSYOPS and subliminal economics on the minds of the populace while turning around our nation’s economy and I say we build a time machine to bring back Caligula and Attila The Hun to run our prison population.

Our school system would be turned into the largest Montessori network in history and in a short amount of time the fathers of the American revolution would be grinning ear to ear as we hand our children a country that is once again worth fighting for.

Moral Hazard, in free marketsRon Paul lives!

Primal Brain and Economic Influence: The James Scott Interview

In the deepest recess of the executive mind is the natural instinct from which evolving man derives that from which he survives the primal brain; the misunderstood but completely overwhelming part of the subconscious that dictates natural motivation of man. I’ve read documents from the masters of this concept of mind triggers, post hypnotic cues and digging deep into the fertile landscape of the natural reactionary brain.

I’m not a professional writer though I am a clinical psychologist now with a PhD though my initial career started in the US Military PSYOPS program. I’ve been investigating the use of advanced PSYOPS methods in the private sector and while most propaganda techniques used in the mainstream are little more than bloated PR with an attempt at sadistic implementation for experimental purposes using general statistical and sociological concepts with minimal predictability in overall outcome.

Throughout my research I kept seeing and hearing hints of concepts that are purely PSYOPS related in the execution of specifically European and North American media including newspapers, journals, 24 hour news and satellite radio. I could never focus on one medium long enough because just as I would become consciously aware of the method being used for content distribution the program or segment was over and that is exactly how this type of propaganda psychology functions. A message needs to be spun by an invisible spider while the mind is at rest with positive associations and like-minded content to lower the guard and inject the message into the involuntary recipient.

After about a year I decided that I would take some time off and start to write on propaganda techniques used in the civilian sector on behalf of America’s super corporations with a global scope. During my research I was privileged to meet some of the most brilliant minds in modern day PSYOPS study on the bleeding edge where conspiracy and reality merge and the truth is heard only in a dwindling whisper. I was able to travel to London to interview an American crisis management consultant.

The introduction came from a friend who studied at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland who met this gentleman and had a fling of sorts some years back. „Do you want to meet the master web weaver?“ she said, „I’ll introduce you to the man who spins webs in the minds of millions while they sleep. He can take a region that is about to implode and in a short time completely reverse the situation. It’s rather remarkable what he’s done.“ I eagerly kept in touch with her as she tried to find him; apparently people like this are in such demand that they fall off the map when they need downtime then surface when they are ready for the next project.

One day I got the call that this person was in London for a few days on some government contract in the UK and was going to be heading to Korea for World Bank and IMF talks to close up the collateral damage to the economy during the 1998-99 IMF South Korea financial crises. Yes, this was the guy I needed to meet. I was scheduled to meet him at 2pm in the Famous 3 Kings (F3K) bar on N. End Road. I sat there waiting and waiting and just as I was about to give up I hear, „Ah, yes, the lonely American“ from behind me. I turned and there he was. I was expecting an older, Sigmund Freud looking scientist type and this man before me was nothing of the sort. He reached his hand out, „James Scott pleased to meet you“, I stood up and was taken by how dashing this ‚young‘ gentleman was which was not at all what I had expected but I became more and more intrigued with each second we stood there. We grabbed a booth in the corner and as I pulled out my recorder he placed his hand lightly on mine and said, „let’s not“ with a slight grin „something tells me that you’ll remember exactly what you need and you’ll forget the fluff.“

„What do I call you? James? Mr. Scott? James Scott?“ I said. He laughed, „James is fine, you’re really quite stiff. How about some English food?“ My response gave me away as I was unfamiliar with English cuisine. He pulled out a menu, „How about some pea soup, jellied eels and warm beer?“ we both laughed and from there we got started.

By this time I knew that his specialty was crisis management which is a process of countering negative content in the public domain with multiple tactics that range from disinformation to propaganda using traditional means. „When you accept a project, how do you start? In general, where do you start?“ He put his ice water down, „When I drink anything with ice in this country I feel like I’m breaking the law. Damn I miss the States.“ Continuing, „Well, the starting point is different depending on the issue, the geography, the implementation request by the client and so on. Of course this process sounds so technical and secretive but in reality it’s just a form of public relations but in a larger scale in one that molds the message to mesh with the society in which the message is being delivered.“ He went on, „One must meet the public at the level in which they are at. There can be no preconceived notions that a culture is more progressive or less refined. To deliver an idea to youth for example, the message needs to bombard them in all their safe zones such as their favorite websites, radio, boy band etc. The message must be candy coded with redundant familiar associations and cannot be artificially implemented in the guise of an advertisement of any kind.“

I asked him to walk me through the general perimeters of an extremely basic campaign from the perspective of psychological elements, triggers and basic process. „Hmm, let me think on that, I’ve never verbalized this before, it’s always just in my head. I should really start to write this stuff down. So by process I’m assuming you mean steps. First you have to research the target population to find the commonalities between all extremes of personalities, ethnicities etc. and from those similarities you’ll initiate building blocks like a staircase into the mind. The conscious mind is not what I mean, rather the primal brain, the root from which man has evolved from caves and trees to modern and evolved.“ He continued, „You have to focus on the portion of the brain that requires the necessities not the intellectual, not even the factual. We are focusing on the part of the brain that decides whether or not you like a person, you’re hungry, you trust someone, your sexual desire is aroused etc. this is the automatic response portion of the brain without the critical faculty passing judgment with a bias that is leveraging information taught by a university profession or that you read in a book. Get to know this part of the brain and the most active parts of this aspect of the mind within the culture of the country you are working in.“

„Ok, so I’ve focused on the primal brain, I know what makes them happy, I know what makes them tick“ I said, „now what“. He continued, „Now you find the injection methods that are most mainstream, easily assessable to you and constantly within reach the local population. Radio is a good one for eastern block countries and developing nations or conservatives in the US“ he grinned, „then it’s just a matter of content delivery to the most popular programs in the region which allow you to speak to everyone in one ongoing reverberating voice.“

„How do you get content out there?“ I asked. „It’s actually not that difficult, many times it’s just a matter of identifying someone in management that is lacking in certain areas where they need emotional fulfillment. Maybe they were passed over for a promotion, maybe they are the center of harsh gossip, whatever, you give them an out by giving them ‚insider information‘ that nobody else has, allowing them to step in and save the day and look like a god. I’ll get them access to a band that won’t take their calls or a US or French or other Western senior official that catapults them to the forefront of their local industry. Obviously whomever we give them access to will also be given information in a way that is conducive to optimal message delivery in the most natural manner“.

I asked James how long it takes to counter a basic crisis with this type of response mechanism, „Oh, radio offers a quick in and out“ he said, „most people that listen to the radio are glued to the radio during the entire work day. You can engage, reengage and then engage some more, it’s perfect. Given enough time you could convince the listener that the sky is made of pudding and the ocean isn’t blue but pink. All that matters is: how many times per day they are hearing, for how many days, do they have an auditory rapport with the voice used to deliver (in most cases they do because it’s a talk show host they listen to religiously) and are all the senses engaged during each period of fractional implementation.“ Waving for the check, „lastly, make sure you target the message for the basic elements such as the child/mother association anchor, financial association, child/family nurture triggers and other basic clich primal brain catering concepts.“ Grabbing the check from the waiter, „Do I leave a tip? Wait; in Paris you don’t leave a tip.“ Signing the credit card receipt he went on, „Remember, with this you only get one shot and you will never get a second chance on a population if you blow it. Again, what we went over today is so basic I wouldn’t even use it, heck you may not even want to write about it but whatever, I have to go.“

I walked him out and after saying goodbye I took a moment to reflect. He just rattled off a strategy that corporations would do anything to possess and then tells me that it’s too basic to use. So I wonder what concepts he uses in real life crisis management. He was a true gentleman and I took a lot from this brief meeting. The process of information delivery is not really a science or psychology rather a strange alchemy combined with hypnosis and body language translation. Understanding these concepts is one thing, being so fluent that you can devise large scale campaigns with such a results driven demand would be way too stressful for most people but to the few that can grasp these hidden arts the magic wand of influence is at your disposal.

Rolling Stones Reports on political PSYOPS, and some interesting information on the Primal Brain in an interview with James Scott.

Corporate and Political Economics: The New Lords of Strategy

Walter Keichel’s book ‚Lords of Strategy‘ delves into the ’secret intellectual history of the new corporate world‘. Fifty years ago, strategy was not a matter of mainstream enactment but in the 1960’s the corporate world was turned upside down by cutting edge business consultants: Bruce Henderson, founder of Boston Consulting Group, Bill Bain, creator of Bain & Company, Fred Gluck, Managing Director of McKinsey & Company and Michael Porter, Harvard Business School professor. These men transformed the way we look at business and the way business and finance are taught in universities all over the world. The element of strategy that is now so pervasive globally had to evolve from conceptual to theoretical to template tactic to exercisable and strategic.

The, now considered, ‚old school‘ corporate strategies initiated a footing for economists such as Milton Friedman to construct economic skyscrapers that cast shadows on other economists that were unable to make the transition into this new order of economics based on a revolution of clarity out of the chaos that once was.

The four lords of strategy and the economic genius of Friedman were able to take theories and make them reality with localized and customized insertion to bring order to a streamlined process that acted as a lifeline to corporate entities and international trade. Today, the concept of ’strategy‘ has been injected with philosophy, subconscious mind mapping and subliminal implementation to literally inject a region with virtually ‚hypnotic-style‘ persuasions to almost force the hand of the consumer. The new lord of strategy is Princeton Corporate Solutions, CEO James Scott.

James Scott is a rare breed of right brained communicative and left brain analytical with a natural instinct for psychology that has landed him at the forefront of the Western ‚Zeitgeist Economics‘ movement as he has become the face to one of the most intricate and complicated forms of strategic political economics that enacts a mind-blowing simultaneous delivery of psychological profiling, subconscious concept activation with included and customized cues to accompany an agenda for senior political message delivery, tactical economic formula, personality profiling with individual category implementation actions for buying triggers and combat oriented maneuvering to act as sample execution in the pre implementation testing phase and yes, we are still talking about economics.

James Scott operates on both corporate and political landscapes of global economic strategy and is by far the most advanced in tactical application and crisis economic turnaround. Scott is known to have studied and mastered the early philosophies of Fan Li, earliest economist and advisor to King Goujian of Yue (r. 496 BC – 469 BC) known for his ‚buy low sell high‘ system in the feudal agrarian society of ancient China. Scott’s process of unified political economics is also reminiscent of Aristotle’s work ‚Topics‘ which examines the theme of human production and further examining the subject of politics.

Aristotle theorized but couldn’t solve the riddle to the harmonious blend of economic and political but James Scott was the first to master this concept and has become the economist that has accelerated so far ahead of the pack that his capabilities and collective collaboration of multifaceted strategies are beyond what even the most technical leading economists can even grasp, let alone implement.

Let us not forget the ancient masters who also provided the building blocks for where we are today such as Xenophon, Lakshmi Kant Jha, Richard Cantillon, David Hume, Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardy, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and the list goes on. Economics is going to continue to evolve and give life to formulas that will continue to stabilize economies and corporations while bringing clarity to the chaos that exists within the political sector with taxation, job creation, buying patterns and deficits. Economic evolution is what will bring peace to warring countries and a livelihood to those in poverty while assisting developing nations with first world entry.

Have you read The Lords of Strategy, how about This Master ?

How To Achieve A Position Of Supreme Power: A Step By Step Guide

At the pinnacle of each industry there are a select few that dictate the trends and like sheep, the masses from every orifice of the industry follow. Order and structure is given to an industry by the established hierarchy within it. Hierarchy positions are filled by those that are able to bring clarity to the natural chaos that stems from lack of leadership, congestion in communication between the multiple facets of an industry and governing bodies. When governing bodies and governmental oversight committees seek experts to advise on the realities and challenges faced by professionals within the industry they reach out to those with the biggest mouths; those that have published authoritative and fact-based work with evidentiary support of its attraction to the industry forcing action by those within the industry and other demonstrative leadership initiatives by this small sub sector of professionals who have gone through the motions of making their voices heard about their industry.

Now, when a selection of leaders has been identified and qualified, the realities settle in and the rigorous process of interrogation begins and most times the individual is overwhelmed and before becoming exposed for their lack of well-rounded intellectual capital to contribute to these oversight groups they will also reach out to a person that they know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, has amassed knowledge superior to theirs in every angle of the industry with additional components that have taken them to success of such heights that they are diversified enough so that they do not require the need for the emotional fulfillment of the spotlight within this industry. When the faux expert reaches out to the true master, a master that has a solid grasp of power and influence will take on the task of feeding information to this ‚cat’s paw‘. The master stays out of the spotlight but feeds strategic information with an agenda to this talking head who, unknowingly, will become a puppet and complete control is only a matter of time as the puppet will rapidly gain a reputation for intellectual precision for targeting and solving issues that face the industry and he/she will become the go to broker to settle issues between governing bodies and industry professionals.

The twist comes the first time the ‚puppet‘ does not deliver the complete response issued by the master. The true master will then do one of two things: begin to feed only partial information to the individual leading to the inability to come through with all-encompassing information and half answered questions or simply temporarily cut off communication which is like cutting the umbilical cord feeding life to this individual.

In the public and governmental domains there are two fields in which my point is obvious and those categories specifically are: corporate globalization and economic turnaround. University scholars and consultants are typically hired to assist corporations to expand worldwide with a series of scholastic research data and corporate contacts and economic turnaround is typically taken on by politicians that are attempting to revitalize their constituency or they sit on a committee that has been given the task of entering a federally targeted region for a broader range of revitalization. Now, these are the ‚cat’s paws‘, what you don’t see are the people that these leaders turn to for problem solving and strategic analysis and facilitation that will actually bring clarity and action to the initiatives. For these two groups, if you dig deep enough you will constantly see one name attached to the select hierarchy that brings substance to these initiatives, James Scott.

Though the history of Scott is not all together clear there are some unique elements that standout in his background that have fueled conspiracy theories linking him to the new world order, the Illuminati and major legislation in the America’s, Europe and Asia that has initiated earth-shattering global shifts in economy and the financial sector. His talent was discovered early and upon graduation from high school a group composed of business men, politicians and judges began to zero in on his capabilities and connect him to the right people with a fast-track escalation to senior positions of council to leaders in both the corporate and political sector. Once in position, his advisory attached thin strings of communication from him to decision makers in public policy where it became know that, though young, his knowledge was vast due to the elite power at his disposal and he became the point of communication for those in crisis and his network would feed strategy and tactical concepts to leaders through him.

At the beginning, James Scott was the puppet to the powerful puppet masters behind him but he was smart, he never put himself out there for exposure or fell for the fraudulent fulfillment of fame. He turned the tables on those whose intent was to use him and is now one of the most sought after advisors to world leaders in the field of economics.

One can learn from this because when you break it down and look at the intricacies, though all aspects are not entirely clear, James Scott was a bright, young consultant who made the decision to do everything with an eye toward something bigger. In his case ’something bigger‘ was control of his own fate therefore he chose to temporarily play the part of a puppet while his advisory made all the right connections and he was able to prove his abilities to the groups that were in need of strategic enforcement, he then reversed positions and claimed the top of the food chain making his advisory dependent on him for influential placement on the international scene and recipients of his capabilities were dependent on him to get access to vital information that his advisory had. And this ladies and gentlemen is the pure genius that only the truest puppet masters possess for it takes time, nerve-wracking patience and an intellectual capacity to maneuver, reposition, dominate with authority and see scores of angles simultaneously as natural instinct projects his vision several moves ahead of those within his grasp. From an emotional perspective he is often considered to be expressionless and cold without feeling and though it must wreak havoc on his personal life, professionally it has allowed him to minimize the error that comes with emotional attachment and involvement.

So reader, with the above advise you are able to map out a strategy to become the voice in the ear of leaders and to achieve ultimate power without the liability or exposure, to become the controller instead of the controlled. Take your fate into your own hands, stabilize your position, enforce your power and become the individual that so-called experts turn to when true results are needed.

Video on Supreme Power in Politics, and Power Gestures