Alle Beiträge von James T Maxwell

Simple Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Squeeze Page & Build Your List

As an internet marketer, you are aware of how essential your email list is. That list is your money maker. What you need is a means by which you build on that list, bringing traffic to your squeeze page. There are a few great ways of doing this, such as Pay Per Click, Affiliate Marketing and Article Marketing.

PPC or Pay Per Click

PPC marketing could be the most efficient means of driving traffic. It’s efficient because it is quick, as well as its tracking ability.

When you use Pay Per Click marketing your goal is breaking even. You’re building your list, so making a huge profit isn’t necessary at the moment. By getting 100 people each day added to your list and break even doing it, you’re doing everything right.

The trick to Pay Per Click success is continual testing and improvement. It’s much easier to get something that’s almost working to work than it is to try and start over doing something completely new.

Article Marketing

With article marketing, the payment you make is time instead of money. This process takes a little more time, but stretches your budget a little further because it’s less expensive.

The plan here is to write up some articles, submitting them to different article directories. These directories are searched often, and your articles will be indexed quite fast. If you use appropriate keywords along with good SEO principles, you’ll get more traffic when your articles rank highly.

Generally, article marketing involves doing a lot of work for a little bit of traffic. If you keep working at it though, that little bit of traffic can turn into a whole lot of traffic over time.

Affiliate Marketing

Here’s the secret to affiliate marketing: Good statistics. Most Internet marketing experts agree that it’s usually best to test your stats using AdWords or other marketing tactics before you approach potential affiliates.

There is a great deal of refining when using PPC. This should be taken care of before you approach any of your potential affiliates. If you start having affiliates promoting your product and conversion doesn’t happen, you have burned all your bridges forever. However, on the other hand if your affiliates promote your product and it does convert, your bridges will be intact and they’ll likely continue promoting your products over and over again.

Besides, unless your statistics are strong, you normally won’t be considered for big JV projects. The majority of the big names aren’t keen on doing business with first timers. There is more of a risk in that scenario of them losing money.

There aren’t many people who wish to use their traffic to test the marketing of somebody else’s business. It’s illogical to expect any of your affiliates to be sending you their traffic without solid conversion statistics from your site.

Getting Squeeze Page Traffic

These are three of the top ways to get traffic your squeeze page. Pay Per Click, Article Marketing and Affiliate marketing once you’re ready. Keep in mind that each one of these techniques alone has been responsible for many businesses’s success. You don’t need to do everything right. Just do one thing exceptionally well and you’re off to a great start.

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Publishing an EBook in 5 Steps

Creating profitable eBooks is easier than you may imagine. Actually, many people have been able to write eBooks and earn excellent money as a result. It’s entirely possible that you can too. If you follow these step by step instructions, you can write eBooks that will sell.

Step 1 – Research Your Market

It’s true, you are an expert in your field and could probably turn out a bestselling book, but you still need to take time to research the market for your topic before writing your book. First, you need to research the topic thoroughly to ensure others are interested in reading about it. Now that you’ve done the initial market research, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2 – Write and Package Your eBook

Now comes the hard part – writing the eBook. Actually, this can be accomplished by writing it yourself, getting another writer to do the work for you or gathering information from various PLR sites and putting it together into one nice package.

Once you have your eBook, save the file as a .PDF file. The PDF file type is the most commonly accepted method of distributing eBooks.

3. The Website.

This is the most important step in the eBook writing process. You will need to establish an Internet presence in order to market and sell your eBook.

The website can be simple in design, but you will want to include motivating words and phrases to capture their attention and convince them to buy your eBook. You want them to have no choice but to buy.

4. The Payment System.

The next step is to setup your website so you can take payments. There are many ways you can do this. The most common way to take payments among beginning internet marketers is to just take payment with PayPal. Others choose to use other online processing systems that don’t require a real merchant account.

One way you may want to do this is by registering for a merchant account through PayPal that will provide you with many tools including a direct payment link that can be placed on your site. It’s important to note, however, that PayPal often sends marketing emails out to the people who are buying from you, so you will want to set this account up to do this as little as possible or go with an alternate payment account. There are many to choose from online for this purpose.

Step 5 – Getting web traffic.

In order to get the word out about your eBook and website, you will be finding ways to generate traffic to your site via marketing efforts. This can be accomplished by joining multiple online communities and posting your link in messages or blog posts.

Another method that’s growing in popularity is using social networking sites to get people to visit your sites and learn more about your products. Be sure to ask others with related products if you can share links on websites to generate even more web traffic. You can even pay for traffic with Pay Per Click programs if it is reasonable to do so.

Remember that selling eBooks can be a fun way to earn a substantial income, but that it will take time for this process to occur.

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Benefits of a Squeeze Page

First, I should say that there’s some debate about what a squeeze page is. However, it’s generally understood that a squeeze page is a page with the goal of getting only two things: the collection of prospects‘ personal information and permission to contact them later.

You might be saying that there are other ways to go about getting those things and that might be true. But squeeze pages do a little something extra while getting that information out of prospectsthey squeeze in some advertisement.

What are squeeze pages used for?

Squeeze pages are designed especially for these purposes. Doing any of the above things is difficult, but squeeze pages make accomplishing them a lot easier. The added bonus is that they contribute to advertising.

By virtue of their design, squeeze pages can help reach out to prospects and customers. That’s their purpose. Gathering information about prospects and customers can help you with your marketing campaign.

Information collection

Squeeze pages dangle something in front of prospects that is impossible pass up. In order for prospects to get access to it, business owners require that prospects input their personal information. It could be a free report, free software or even more information about a particular product.

So what kind of information do squeeze pages usually request?

That usually depends on the business owner, but the most popular requested information is:


Email addresses

Information uses

That should be obvious- more marketing. By providing email addresses, prospects can be put on email subscriber lists. Business owners contact them later and tell them about their businesses and what they have to offer.

The thing to remember about squeeze pages is that they act as crossroads. They’re meant to help your prospects decide to stay on your website and buy products.

A great squeeze page not only keeps prospects on the website, but turns them into customers. An even better squeeze page gives you information about their behavior.

Squeeze pages are where leads are born.

That being said, you have to be willing to put your fair share into making them work. Squeeze pages don’t function by themselves.

If prospects leave without giving you that information, the success of your squeeze page is questionable. It’s all about opening doors to communication, building relationships with people who will then buy your product and turn into full customers.

If you’re turned off by the work I just mentioned, don’t be. The bulk of your marketing and research can be done at the same time you create your squeeze pages. They save you time and money that way.

Designing an appropriate squeeze page can be the first way you can appeal to your prospects, so get on it!

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Free Private Label Rights Products: How to Get Yours

Free sounds good, doesn’t it? Why shouldn’t it? It’d be difficult to find anyone who didn’t appreciate something that was free- especially if that something would usually come with a big price tag.

After all, the saved money can really add up. It can also be put to better use elsewhere, like investing it into streamlining your business.

Using free Private Label Rights content is one of the ways that business owners can cut down expenses and maintain their business. Using free PLR can also be one of the smartest moves that any business person makes.

But finding free PLR can be a little hard. Quality is the main concern of anyone trying to find PLR content.

Saturated markets provide many, many options to business owners.

A saturated market means that prices will drop and that quality will vary.

The fact is that bad PLR is everywhere. It’s so common that it can often be found in the same places as good PLR. That’s why you have to be resourceful when scouting for it.

So the burden of finding free, quality PLR falls on you. It may be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Here are the three things you should consider doing to get your hands on free PLR that you can work into your business

Search the Internet

For some people, that’s common sense. But if you think it’s „common sense“, then you’re probably not doing it right. It’s a lot more difficult to find good PLR on the Internet than most people think because there are businesses that make money off of selling a lot of bad PLR. Good businesses, though, will be willing to give you access to good PLR under the same (or better) terms. Try researching startup PLR businesses. Inquire about introductory package deals or trial memberships. They may be able to set you up with some content so that you’ll spread the word about their business.


Instead using money to get access to PLR content, some companies will let you use their PLR products if you create and submit something of your own. Think of it as a trade. You get to use their work if they can use yours. A word of warning, though: even though you may submit only one article and get to use five of theirs, you can be sure that your article will be packaged, sold and profited from. If you don’t mind that idea and really dislike spending money on PLR, this can be the deal you’re looking for.

Join forces

Affiliates exist to help each other, so why not look to affiliates? Get close to a PLR content website. Sometimes, PLR content websites will let you use their content if you agree to become their affiliate and do them advertising favors. For business owners who can handle leading a few visitors to another business’s website, this can be the ideal solution.

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