Alle Beiträge von James Scott

OTCBB – How To Successfully ‚Stay‘ Public – Over The Counter Bulletin Board

Investor relations services: how to truly dominate the public market. If you have a public company or are in the process of taking your company public on the OTCBB or any other reputable exchange the reader must realize that going public is the easy part, having a successful public offering and preserving the longevity of your public entity is another topic all together. As a corporate strategies and public offering facilitator our firm is often called in after a company has a disastrous public offering or they’ve teamed up with the wrong service solutions that pump and dump their equity positions.

Here is the problem that most companies make when they are going public: companies don’t budget properly for general corporate publicity or solid investor relations strategies for the first year that their company is public. Investor relations and publicity stock promotion activity should be at the forefront of every public CEO’s mind.

If you are signing a large contract, publicize it with press releases, viral promotion and TV and radio expert panel discussions. When we take on a company for serious investor relations our campaigns are obviously completely customized but here is the skeletal structure of a prototypical campaign: strong viral publicity strategy consisting of video, article and press release submission, social and news book marking, logo and image posts and after this information has assimilated we get the client on prominent TV expert panel discussions with their name, company name and stock symbol on the screen.

Lastly, we then run two simultaneous 30 day stock promotion intensives with a massive injection of investor promotional concepts on both sides each day which consist of newsletters and stock alerts to ultra-active investors and other strategies daily.

The important thing to remember is that the above must happen monthly for the first six months to a year in order for your company to successfully trade. There is no other way around it, you must budget for your investor relations campaigns or your venture simply will not work.

Taking Your Company Public? Get The Facts At the Top Financial Blog , call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 or Call Us To Take Your Company Public the easy way!

London Exchanges – London International Exchange: DIY Investor Relations

Why pay a publicist outrageous fees to get you a tiny insignificant article in a newspaper or magazine rag when you can literally become an industry niche sensation overnight using a carefully constructed video and a handful of long tail industry specific keywords?

Old school publicists have become that’72 bowling ally loitering, disco dancing reject while a new breed of publicists have stepped in and transformed the industry from paper, to cyberspace in only a few short years. Why traditional publicists have been adjusting that pathetic comb over hairstyle, young and aggressive publicists have been creating publicity techniques that deliver results in 24 to 48 hours as opposed to 6 to 8 weeks and as far as results, there is no comparison.

Internet marketing and publicity techniques such as strategic video submission, if done correctly will transform the direction of a failing company to „THE“ industry powerhouse almost instantly by loading the video with solid, well thought out descriptions and targeted long tail keyword tags. A publicist who understand the concept of pure video publicity can tailor a campaign that can outperform any traditional publicity technique ever devised by the good ole‘ boy networks who overcharge and under deliver for their clients.

Video marketing can stretch past the tiny geographic proximity of a city, across state lines and into international territory. Publicists that specialize in video marketing and other online methods used in strategic combination with one another, will have the client dominating every aspect of their industry niche.

Targeted video advertising by the Web 2.0 type publicists translates into instant client results that build stronger client relations and can transform the future of any company in any industry. Publicity marketing will always offer a turn-key solution to massive amounts of traffic, branding, marketing exposure and all the bells and whistles of a dozen traditional publicity firms.

Go Public with Reverse Merger , call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 Expand Your Company Into China We Can Make Global Growth Happen For Your Company

Reverse Merger Conference – Reverse Merger Consultant & The S-1

Your company is growing. Now you are ready to start raising serious capital and you here the public fund raising markets. Here are the basics of your S-1 filing. Know the lingo before you hire a consultant. Because companies must adhere strictly to SEC regulations, initial prospectuses are similar in their organization. Each S-1 generally consists of the following sections:

Front Section — An S-1 contains a small amount of information not available in a prospectus. In this first section, you can quickly find the issuing company’s phone number and get a vague sense of the future offering price.

Cover/Inside Cover — The prospectus cover outlines the general terms of the offering, including names of the underwriters, number of shares offered, and pricing information. The actual share price is absent from a prospectus until the day of the offering.

Prospectus Summary — Here you will find a brief synopsis of the company’s business and history, a modest discussion of the change in capitalization to occur as a result of the offering, and a useful summary of financial information covering the last five years, if available. If you are screening prospectuses for investment ideas, start here.

Risk Factors — After you have read a few prospectuses, you will become familiar with the „usual suspects“ in this section, including „Possible Volatility of Stock,“ „Limited History of operations,“ „Dilution,“ and „Dependence on Key Personnel.“ Nevertheless, this section is a worthwhile read to be sure that you understand the challenges facing the company’s management. The discussion of competition can be sobering, but it can also provide a means to compare the value of the issuer against the financial performance and market valuation of its competitors.

Taking your company public should be an exciting and revitalizing time. Don’t take unnecessary risks, hire a consulting firm who can streamline this process and deliver the results you’ll need for success!

Take Your Company Public and have Strong Investor Relations , call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 or Call Us To Take Your Company Public the easy way!

Corporate Publicity Marketing Plan That Will Transform Your Life

Hey you! Yeah you! Do you want to fine tune your publicity marketing plan. Publicity without tapping into the emotions of the individual is just a blur of words and sounds in a language that no one can understand. Publicity that plays the strings of human emotion suddenly becomes the sirens song that brings the masses to your doorstep. Publicity with an aim of tugging at the heart, getting to the root of human desire and the call to action as the solution to all their emotional, spiritual and greedy needs transforms a simple branding message into a ‚come to Jesus‘ message at the end of a televangelists tent meeting where the mind and heart have been softened and the masses come clamoring to the front to be saved.

Grabbing into the emotions of the public must be done in a stealthy manner. The publicist or marketing professional must place the media in such a way where the future client is constantly bouncing into the brand message each day.

The most powerful way to do this is by understanding the subconscious mind of the client so that their online web search habits can be predicted and patterned so that in every direction they are being politely bombarded with your brand message as the be all and end all solution for whatever ails them.

This can be accomplished by tapping into the various genres of online media such as video, blog, social book marking and press release and article directories just to name a few. Material existence is a blurred vision on a gray wall, the infusion of mind and emotion is what brings color and definition to our reality.

It’s the same thing with internet publicity marketing; words are meaningless without the element of emotion which add color, feeling and definition to the message being passed along to the public.

Publicity Marketing, at it’s finest! Call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183 for Business Publicity Power.