Alle Beiträge von Jackie Lee

How to Get Traffic to Your Blog

Now that you have a blog and some traffic how are you going to keep the traffic, and make it work for you? This is where some people drop the ball, but not you. You are going to follow some of the following steps and optimize your traffic.

Use your email effectively. This can mean a couple different things. You can set up your RSS so it can be delivered via email. People who like to read in email will use this option and it will make them happy. You can also build a list of readers via an autoresponder. You can send them a teaser email through the autoresponder to get them to come visit and read your blog.

Use subscription. An easy way to get your readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to subscribe to your blog. Keep some exclusive information for your subscribers to entice readers to subscribe and give their e-mail address. Just be responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are a spammer.

What do your readers want? Do you know? If you don’t you better find out. You can use a simple poll to find out what your readers want more of. Once you know, give it to them. This will create a great relationship between you and your readers. When readers love you they tell others about you.These links and recommendations will only help increase your traffic.

Join the club. The club of blogs that is. There are quite a few blog networks around where you can get together with other bloggers in your niche. By joining these networks you can swap links, and end up sharing traffic. You can get some good feedback on your blog as well as new ideas for topics to blog about.

Use RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today. As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base. Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site.

You may think you are blogging for yourself or for money, however, if you aren’t keeping the reader in mind you will be blogging for nothing. The reader is the one that clicks your links or ads, he’s the one who tells his friends about this great blog he just read. Make sure to create a relationship with your readers. The more they feel the connection the more you will feel the connections they have with the rest of the world.

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Basic Steps of Affiliate Article Marketing

Affiliate article marketing can be the answer most new affiliate marketers are looking for in answer to the question „how do I get traffic to my site?“. It seems getting a site up and running is not the hard part, getting eyes on the page is.

Affiliate article marketing is basically the same as Bum Marketing, which you may have heard of. It is a cheap and effective way to drive traffic. You simply write a short article of about 300 -350 words about a topic related to the site you want people to go to. This article is a great example. I want to get traffic to my site which is all about promoting a new site. Affiliate article marketing is a piece of that, so it’s a perfect topic for an article.

There are lots of reasons why people choose not to use this easy and effective method of traffic generation. Whether you think you can’t write, or you just hate it doesn’t change the fact, that articles are one of the best ways to get traffic. To help you do the writing you can use an article template. Which is just an idea for how to write an article. For example, the traps and how to escape them template. Choose one trap that someone might fall into when dealing with your topic and then show them how to avoid it. For article marketing it might be writing a terrible resource box. Then I would tell them how to avoid that.

Once you have your article written the most important piece comes into play, that is your resource box. Your resource box is a space at the bottom of your article where you can place 2 links to your website or product. You want to use these links to their fullest. You want to make sure the words people click on for your link are your keywords. So you want people to click on the words ‚affiliate article marketing‘ and NOT ‚click here‘. This is called anchor text, and not only can it help drive traffic to your site, but it counts as a backlink to your site and will help your rankings in the search engines. Improving your search engine ranking will help you get more search traffic, which is the best kind of traffic for an affiliate marketer.

Once you have your articles and resource boxes written you have to distribute those articles to article directories. There are tons and tons of article directories available to use. The best of which is They are in good favor with Google and you will find if you have chosen good keywords you articles at EZA will often times make their way to the top of google on their own. You want to submit an original version of your article to You can use a different version of your article to submit to the rest of the directories. Using software for this part is the best way to go, otherwise it is just too time consuming.

There are 3 basic types of submission software you can use. The first is semi automated. It will fill in some of the information for you at each directory. You have to be present and click through from directory to directory. It’s still time consuming, but it’s the cheapest option. The second is mass submission of the same article. This is a little more expensive but can be a good option. The third and best option is a service that will send out a unique version of your articles to each article directory. You can even make unique resource boxes so your keywords text in your links will be varied as well. This option is a little more expensive than the others, but the features available make it by far the best choice.

As you can see, affiliate article marketing is not really that complicated. What it is, is time consuming and at times quite boring. It is however, one of the best things you can do for your website and to help get traffic to your site. At some point you can always start hiring someone else to do the writing for you. There are people who are willing to write articles for a fee. You need to make sure your income will cover this before you start outsourcing your writing. At the beginning it’s best to put in the time and effort and just do it yourself.

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Is Starting a Blog a Good Way to Help a Niche Site?

Your site may be a blog, but you will find you need to start more than one blog so you can have a place to build some links, provide some content and help your main site get going. Starting a blog to back up your primary site can be different than setting up a „real blog“. Let’s look at what it takes when starting a blog that is primarily for support.

You will probably look for a free blog platform when starting a blog to support your main site. There are a couple well known sites for this, such as and, however, there are actually hundreds of this type of site online. It is a wise idea to spread out your network over a bunch of different platforms instead of keeping all of your support blogs in one place.

If you fail to spread out your network it can be catastrophic. The major downfall of using free blogging platforms when starting a blog is they have control over your sites. In fact, they own them. They can just delete your blog or you whole account for that matter whenever they want. It is very important to read the terms of service at each platform before you begin. You may find the TOS say you can not use the site to build a blog to use for linking back to another site. Even if the content is good, you may find this blog deleted anyway. This is especially true at

When starting a blog you are going to use to support another site you want to make it about a bit broader topic. Your niche site was probably very focused on a specific keyword or a tight niche, but you want your support blog to be a wider topic so you can include not only the keywords from this site, but others you may create in the future. It also allows you to link to other sites you find that you like, without compromising the integrity of the site.

When starting a blog to support your main site make sure you always use your keywords to link back to your main site. You never want people clicking on the words „click here“ or something like that. Using the teach your golden retriever to stay you would want those exact words to be the anchor text for your link. They would be the words underlined in blue that people would actually click on to go to your main site. This is the only way a support blog will actually support your main site, if you are using keyword anchor text in your posts. If you are doing anything else you are wasting your time.

As you can see starting a blog to support your niche site is quite easy, and doesn’t take much effort. Make sure to use the basic on page search engine optimization techniques you would for anything else. Use your keywords in titles, and in links. This is a great way to get links back to your main site, and is definitely worth the time and energy.

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Buildling Links is the Most Important Element for Search Traffic

When people ask me why they aren’t getting traffic or making any sales the first thing I ask them is how many links have you built back to your site. It’s the most important piece of the puzzle and one that many new internet marketers just don’t understand. If you want the search engines to rank you in the results page you have to be building links. Here are a few ways to build some links.

One of the easier ways to go about building links is to comment on blogs. Make sure you find blogs that are related to yours, so it seems appropriate that you are leaving a comment. Fill in the name field of the comment form with your keywords instead of your name, and then fill in the url to your site. Make sure before you leave a comment you have read the post and added a comment with some value. Leaving spam comments will not get you backlinks because they will be deleted before they ever get posted. Make sure you are leaving a comment that is valuable in some way. Leave your opinion on the topic, an extra something that adds to the discussion.

Article marketing also known as Bum Marketing is a great way to build links to your site. You have what is called a resource box at the bottom of your article. You are allowed to place 2 links to your site within that box. These are what will become your backlinks. Make sure you use keywords in your links within your resource box. Remember it is links back to your site WITH keywords as the anchor text that the search engines are looking for. If you just write click here, that will not help you at all.

RSS submission. If your site has an RSS feed you can use it to build links back to your site as well. You can submit your RSS feed to a number of RSS directories and feed aggregators. This will give you a link back to your site for each post you make. The title is usually the link so make sure you use your keywords in your titles.

Free content platforms. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of places online that will allow you to put your content on their server for free. These sites are a dream come true for those building links back to their sites. You have control of the content and therefore you can make sure your links have the perfect anchor text. These free platforms may be free blog sites, free wiki type sites, and of course squidoo. Make sure you read the terms of service for each before you start, as each site’s rules are a little different.

As you can see building links to your site is not very complicated. It can be time consuming and relatively boring, but it’s just one of those things you have to do to see search traffic. If you fail to build links back to your site you can pretty much expect not to see much search engine traffic. A big hit of traffic from stumble can feel good on the stat counter, but you may be surprised that even after 1000 visitors you haven’t made a dime. Work on building links, so you can get some search traffic. It may take a little more work, but you will actually make some money.

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