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Tips For Your MLM Niche Marketing

MLM Niche Marketing is a hugely popular market segment that offers great financial rewards from helping them build large marketing teams and securing their business goals. A major element of their business is the recruiting of similar minded individuals who are successfully selling products and services in their business. This niche’s market has leverage for selling products and services ranging from cosmetics to telecommunication services both online and offline. However, the selling methods used are outdated for today’s marketplace. The following is a more successful blueprint for building a Network Marketing business and making money from this niche market.

Part 1: Eliminate driving traffic directly to your MLM company’s replicated website. Just take them to a simple one page website with good free information on how to grow their downline fast. Most Network Marketers want to know how to build their own business both fast and effectively. Before you give them your free MLM training advice readily available on the website, you should give them access to the free tips only after they’ve given you their first name and email address. In other words, your web-page (squeeze page or capture page) should say something like: „Type in your first name and email address in the fields below if you want to get your hands on the top free „Success Secrets Used By Network Marketer Heavy Hitters“. If this web-page is made correctly, then a high percentage of people will leave you their contact information and you’ll be building an e-mail opt-in list of people who are interested in growing their MLM downline

Part 2: Upon obtaining their name and primary email address on your „capture page“, the captured information should be tied into an autoresponder service such as Aweber, Getresponse, or GVO with at least 7 to 8 preloaded autoresponder letters meant to follow up with the person who registered for several weeks. The letters containing the top notch free tips for building their online business allows you to work on becoming a valued resource. This follow-up sequence is what will get people used to receiving messages from you and help make you seem like the „Network Marketing Expert“ in their eyes. Once a relationship has been established, they are MUCH more likely to buy a product or service from you in the future (this is where the true money is made).

Part 3: Simuitaneously upon their subscribing your „Thank You or Sales Page“ should be an offer or friendly proposition with a time limited offer/s that is almost impossible to refuse tied in with a risk free guarantee. You’ll need to make it so that the person who just opted in has the opportunity to buy something having to do with growing their MLM downline (thereby sticking money in your pocket).This can be a Clickbank Affiliate Product or some other affiliate network product. This product/service must be generic that can help any business not just your primary business.

Part 4: Branding and relationship building is a must in network marketing. Using an autoresponder,videos, and personal contact to separate yourself from others, will help you build a successful online business.

As you bring value to your subscribers via your business tips, valued content, and help them make money online they will become more receptive to you even your primary business. If you follow these 4 parts, then you should be able to quickly start making money on the internet in the network marketing niche.

Consider using a program like that of MLM Niche Blueprint which has much of all you need to get started quickly.

Looking to find the best deal on mlm niche market, then visit to find the best advice on mlm niche blueprint for you.

Unemployment Averted Through Plan B Network Marketing!

Why Network Marketing? Avert Unemployment with Plan B

The following paragraphs summarize the work of independent distributors who are completely familiar with all aspects of Network Marketing. However, there are a number of quality companies that after doing your own due diligence can provide a unique financial option (Option Plan B) in these trying times of economic instabilities. Most of this information comes from the marketing pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you’ll know what they know.


Whether you are still working, about to be LAID OFF, or currently in between careers, being unemployed is not fun. It can require resetting not only your financial life but also your social and spiritual life. Realize that your income from any qualified unemployment benefit is nothing like being gainfully employed. However, you may have heard the saying a JOB as an employee means JUST OVER BROKE. Why not consider a Plan B. You may now be in a position to make more money than you are now as an entrepreneur or a home based business owner within an industry such as Network Marketing that is making a lot of people some significant income

Plan B

The current recession and the internet if carefully investigated can make the world your oyster. Home based business programs, Affiliate Programs, and Joint Venture programs that pay you a commission on products and services sold by your referral can be very lucrative. Selected quality programs can provide extra income and replacement income ranging from as much as $400 to $3,000+ monthly. This can be accomplished with no or low start up cost, internet computer access from home or library, some sweat equity, and a willingness to learn via online training courses.

The Right Company and Products

Do your research for selecting the right company is crucial. Make sure the potential products and/or services have mass appeal and supply a need. A need could be anything that has a strong niche or market that if you are able to satisfy the need you have a sale. The company’s management should be experienced and the compensation plan should be both lucrative and fair.

One company in my portfolio has a product line that consists of intra oral sprays that have up to a 98% absorption rate. Oral sprays are not new but have proven maximum absorption rates when compared to liquids, capsules, pills, patches, and even IV’s. 40+ age consumers are prime for products like this because of product lines that focus on energy, vitamin supplements, and anti-aging qualities.

Your Opportunity

There are many business model pay plans, but I prefer what is called a binary because it yields a team building structure. Most of these type of plans are similar to the following:

There are 7 ways to earn money with the company: 1.) Welcome Bonus- A great way to put money in your pocket before you even start to build. 2.) Retail Profits- Buy wholesale and sell for retail price. 3.) Fast Start Bonus- 20% bonus on each customer first order. 4.) Dual Team Building Cycle Bonus- Binary Plan (Right leg, Left leg), No Flushing, Earn up to $25,000 per week, Earn to Infinity. 5.) Matching Bonuses- 3 generations of matching bonuses that reward you as your team members move up in the ranks. 6.) Infinity Generational Matching- Earn a percentage of the cycle bonuses of everyone in your weak leg organization, infinite levels deep. 7.) Leadership Pools – Earn 1% – 2% of worldwide sales.

In conclusion, Network Marketing is a legitimate business opportunity that provides people with a Plan B to take control of their own lives. Most of the companies offer a very affordable way to join.

Establishing a Plan B can help defuse the stress and pressures of a recession and even put you on the road to financial stability. Now you can be a confident expert. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on Network Marketing.

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