Alle Beiträge von Christopher Ulrich

Mailstation 2 Digital Mailing System for Small Business

Pitney Bowes has a powerful new device for any business that sends packages, letters, invoices, or any number of other items through traditional mail. The Mailstation 2 is a digital mailing system, or stand alone postage meter system, that is perfect for any small business. The Mailstation 2 postage meter can help modernize business and save money.

Pitney Bowes is the master in professional mailing services and the Mailstation 2 is the product of years of technological advancement and improving efficiency on several levels. The Mailstation 2 postage meter allows businesses to print professional, business-looking postage on any package as well as print just the ideal amount of postage for packages based on weight and destination.

No more waiting in long lines at the post office to deliver different items. No more adding unnecessary postage to letters that feel as though the may be heavier than the standard rates qualify. No more running out at the most annoying times because you ran out of stamps and the letter absolutely, positively has to get out that day.

Having a postage meter by Pitney Bowes, like the Mailstation 2, is beneficial for any business, regardless of its size or how much mail it creates on a weekly or monthly basis. Most businesses have to deal with the regular ritual of producing letters, bills, expenses, invoices, orders, or any number of other goods through the mail. A business that normally creates three to five letters and such per day may not consider itself large enough to qualify for a Pitney Bowes Mailstation 2. Yet that would be the wrong generalization.

Considering that a base of five letters per day are mailed from any given business, that’s over one hundred fifty per month. If that same business demands two trips per week to the post office for postage, weighing packages, or other services that the Mailstation 2 provides in a convenient size, then that would be eight per month. Multiply the petroleum expense and the time that the business owner, or an employee, takes to make that journey and the figure begins to add up rather quickly.

Businesses that mail larger numbers of letters or packages will profit that much more. The Mailstation 2 postage meter allows an office to print out precisely the postage needed for any package. It can then be sent to the postal receptacle or handed to the postal carrier on their daily route. No more travels to the post office will be required.

The Pitney Bowes Mailstation 2 is simple to use and connects to the Internet so it can easily and accurately deem how much postage is necessary based on current and updated information directly from the postal service. It will also track up to five or ten different accounts for cost purposes.

A business operator with several employees may not fully realize how many letters, invoices, or packages are sent out by an employee or department, but with the Mailstation 2, you will be able to monitor these figures accurately and help economize your business right down to the penny.

Christopher Ulrich is the host of Pitney Postage – a Postage System website featuring Pitney Bowes Postage Machines

Can You Save Time and Money by Outsourcing Your Pay Per Click Campaign? Part 1 of 2

One of the largest challenges with Internet Marketing is operating a successful pay per click advertising campaign. Competition is fierce and the costs to advertise at Google are steadily climbing.

Below we are going to review several of the factors that you should look at when deciding whether or not to outsource your pay per click campaign.

1. Search Marketing Expertise

It should be stated that you are an expert in your industry. You are growing your business based on your knowledge and skills and have achieved a certain level of success. That, however, does not make you an knowledgeable at search marketing. While you may know your business inside and out, the marketing strategies required to successfully promote on Google are a totally different issue.

Search Marketing/PPC is a very specialized form of advertising. Strategies that worked justsix months ago are no longer effective. The search engines change as fast as the stock market and if you lack the knowledge to create a effective search marketing campaign, you will overpay for clicks and amidst tremendous opportunities.

2. Keyword Selection

For years, our company has run campaigns with large amounts of keywords. All the way back in 2001, we developed campaigns with up to one million keywords. No one had heard of „long-tail keywords“ and no one was developing detailed keyword lists. Today, the industry has changed. Many people have built tremendously extensive campaigns to the point that long-tail strategies had to change.

The search engines no longer allow you to bid on every keyword you can imagine. Today, you need a strategy that casts a net that is surgically targeted to specific products, services and audiences. Unless you know what to do to develop these keyword lists, you will very likely place yourself on the most expensive, high traffic, low converting keywords that are used in your industry. To be able to research and locate the right keywords at the right cost is a critical skill in developing a profitable campaign.

3. Tracking Capabilities

For decades, companies used newspaper, print, radio and TV ads that were hard to track. Online advertising changed all that, making most actions highly accountable. To be successful today in search you have to implement a system to track all actions; otherwise, how will you know what worked? Even if you are tracking, what will you do with that data?

4. Optimization Algorithms

Optimization systems / search optimization algorithms are the automated systems that analyze the data you capture, evaluate the actual success on the particular keywords, and make determinations as to which keywords should be bid higher, lower or eliminated completely. This needs to be an automated task to analyze the amount of search phrases required to extract full value from your search campaign.

In the next part, we will discuss development costs, ROI analysis,how much time it takes to be successful and the learning curve involved in running a successful PPC program.

Christopher Ulrich is the CEO of the Direct Response Group. Since 1996, his team has been assisting small to large groups with Pay-Per-Click Optimization to market themselves on the web with Search Engine Marketing. For information, visit