Alle Beiträge von Bobby Niarc

The Underpinning of Marketing ROI … Tracking Tag Software

Marketing managers and CMO are turning to the fastest, easiest, most effective way to request, manage, and track 800 numbers, landing pages, and promotional codes TagIT! TagIT is the insurance policy that all marketing professionals are looking for. A marketing professional needs to make certain that their reporting is accurate and „board-room ready“, because their career hangs in the balance if the information they produce is wrong and inaccurate. TagIT manages a marketing departments campaign workflow and campaign setup process, guaranteeing the campaign will launch without a hitch.

The 4 universal challenges a marketing practitioner must overcome when setting up a direct marketing campaign are:

1) Prospects are DENIED because they get a dead-end 800 number or the toll free number is not working;

2) Potential customers who received an offer from a mailing, radio or TV ad, or web are not able to get to the website to place there order

3) Invalid campaign performance measurement because multiple campaigns used the same 800 number or landing page when, the intent was to have unique 800 numbers and landing pages; and

4) a manual process puts one person in charge of managing the all the landing pages, 800 numbers and promotional codes, and they leave, gets a new job, go on vacation and their departure cripples the marketing organization.

Marketing practitioners are continually seeking best practices to reduce costs, and ratchet up sales revenue. UQube TagIT is one of the secrets for exceptional marketers. Tag IT is a web-based application that streamlines the campaign setup process. It can reduce hours to minutes or even seconds. In fact the larger the marketing organization the larger the savings states Glenn Hughes, Upper Quadrants Vice President of Market Level Analysis.

In some case there are hundreds of thousand of marketing spend dollars at stake, if not millions. Marketing people understand how critical it is to have the channel configured and aligned with the correct offer, script, coupon code, call-center, landing page, etc., etc.

In less than minute a marketing person can setup all their toll free 800 numbers, Landing pages / URLs and promo codes!

Upper Quadrant, the makers of UQube the premier Marketing Performance Measurement solution, has unbundled one of its core modules from its UQube Enterprise application and is releasing it as a standalone application UQube TagIT.

Proven and battle tested TagIT, formerly part of the enterprise edition of UQube, is certain to lower marketing costs, increase a marketing departments efficiencies and eliminate common human oversights. By systematically managing 800 numbers, toll free numbers, landing pages, URLs and promo codes a marketing professional can complete their work in minutes from what used to take hours or even weeks.

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