Alle Beiträge von Bronwen Oehlschlager

Of the MLM Companies in Utah Is There a „Best“ One?

With all the MLM Companies in Utah (of based out of Utah’s „Happy Valley“) it comes as no surprise to me that the residents of this lovely state are constantly looking for the „Best One.“

Generally the people in Utah want the mothers to stay at home with their young families and be“ the mom“ while the fathers search diligently for a way to have sufficient income to keep those mothers there in the home. So it is no surprise to me that they turn to MLM.

(I am pretty sure that you agree with me on the fact that this is a most excellent idea…because most people who really give it an honest effort for long enough end up building a great MLM team and eventually make a handsome income).

The question is: „Is there a best one?“

While I don’t want to pinpoint the name of any particular network marketing opportunity in this article I do know that a best one exists. That doesn’t means it’s based in Utah, but I do know that one is out there and that if you do your homework you’ll understand what I mean.

If you are seeking out the best MLM companies in Utah, look for one that clearly (get the evidence!) favors its representatives above itself.

This means that the compensation plan pays the reps really well, immediately, and for every little tiny bit of progress those representatives make.

I’ll describe a bad compensation plan so that you can more fully understand what I mean:

Without pointing fingers at any particular Utah based MLM company, you need to know that a bad comp plan requires you to get someone else to do more have a regular autoship for themselves in order for you to receive a paycheck. This is the network marketing industry. We should only be required to create a network reps who each use the minimum order so that we can all be paid.

It’s not selfish. It’s the way that this type of business was originally designed to work.

This is what leverage is! The „Best Company“ is the one that understands it is generous with their reps rather than trying to keep all the money for themselves in hopes that the reps will all quit and they won’t have to pay them at all. Phone companies do this sort of thing…it is really sad.

Another thing watch out for is whether or not the company requires you to recruit more than one person at a time to get a bonus. For example, a while back I was involved with one that required me to recruit 5 people at once in order to receive a bonus. If I missed one and only got 4 it was just too bad. And I didn’t get paid for my efforts at all.

MLM companies in Utah come with various compensation plans and products. It’s not amazing to consider that a lot of companies that thrive here are not even based out of Utah… because a large number of people who live in the Utah area are benefiting from those compensation plans.

When you are searching for one of the best MLM Companies in Utah take your time and find someone who will be honest with you about how the compensation plan works. This is brilliant compensation, and while MLM is MLM is MLM… not all MLM’s are created equal.

Take your time choosing your vehicle. Get to know all that you can about the comp plan. It is really so sad when people wake up one day only to find that they are cut off and have to start over again because they missed that part in their research.

Good (great) luck in your search of the best MLM companies in Utah! Now… get out there and POP your dream seeds!

I’ll talk to you later.

You will want to click here today and read mlm companies in utah, is there a best one You can also click here and learn about mlm companies in utah, is there a best one

Tips For Utah Scentsy Consultants

This is another article just for Utah Scentsy Consultants. I know I’ve written others but I wanted to be sure to share the ideas I’ve had for my sister to help you all more effectively market not just your products but yourselves as well both on and offline.

Utah Scentsy Consultants have a lot of competition… with each other. You’re a loving bunch so it all works out, but the fact is that there are a lot of consultants in your area who are throwing parties for your warm market as often as you are – so what’s happens?

Your warm market (your friends and family) are going from party to party supporting all their friends by buying from someone else just because they are there and they like the products. What to do about it?

Think outside the box.

Here are a few tips you can borrow from my awesome and brilliant sister that can help to increase your product sales. These tips can keep you hopping. The downside to these tips is that they are only going to help with product sales…they are not likely to help you with building a downline, so I encourage you to turn on your creativity and keep an open mind and heart for inspiration. (You cannot build an empire based solely on product sales).

Utah Scentsy Consultant Tip #1: Do more than parties.

My Utah Scentsy Consultant sister started thinking outside the box several months ago and re-connected with the people she used to work with at a mortgage company.

Eventually (NOTE: Never give up on people, you never know what window will open down the road.) one of her loan officer friends contacted her to see what she could do as far as putting together a really great house warming basket for the people who just got a home loan.

My sister did more than think „Scentsy Products“ for this project. She thought about some of the basic essentials needed for taking over a new home. She put together a whole housewarming basket that was budget wise for her but lovely for the receiver (hey, win-win!) She came up with things that she would have appreciated if someone were giving her a similar type of gift. What would be useful? A mop, a sponge, all purpose cleaner, and the all important Scentsy wall plugin with a popular scent.

Don’t think that I am tipping you to eliminate parties. No, no. If my sister hadn’t been inviting all of these friends to the many parties she threw, well they wouldn’t have kept her in mind to fill this need.

So think hard about the people that you know. Make connections with new people – particularly if they are in a position to have a need that you can fill. Then make sure you are thinking from their point of view and not just about making a sale.

Tip #2 for Utah Scentsy Consultants: Spread the word using your best tool…the internet.

In your opinion, what is the biggest selling point for Scentsy? For me it’s the safety factor. The safety of my children is very important to me. It is also important to me to support my sister. I get to take care of both with Scentsy products because they don’t get hot enough to harm my children. They can spill the wax on themselves and not be harmed. Of course they will say it’s warm but they won’t be burned.

For mom’s with small children Safety is a big selling point. The warmers may be pretty but the fact is you can get nice warmers from the grocery stores. You have to fill people in on the dangers that other warmers present so they see the value of your product over the others out there.

If I were a Utah Scentsy Consultant I would ask around and get some stories about people who have been hurt by the hot oils, or other brands of warmers that got too hot, and I think I would make a video showing the brands that are harmful and maybe get photos of the injuries.

Then I would show my audience the low watt light bulb, and even dip my finger in some of the melted wax in my warmer to show them that it’s not too hot. I would sell the warmers and then give my new customers a sample of the most popular wax.

Make sure you stay in touch with your customers because if they see that you care enough about them to send them a note in the mail or a personal message on Facebook you are more likely to get a return customer.

That’s all for today! Have a great time with these Utah Scentsy Consultant Tips!

I’ll talk to you later.

Click here today and get more scentsy consultants can build a better business. You can also click here scentsy consultants

Article Marketing Can Be Like Art

Article Marketing – or any other kind of marketing for that matter, is commonly mistaken for a science.

But I want you to have a hand up. While there are rules to follow (as in other types of art) your marketing is all about being creative and artistic!

You are going to have human visitors as well as search engine spiders so… follow the rules but dig deep and inspire people.

Use stories in your articles to illustrate your point. Personal stories make great and effective articles. Even the greatest artists had/have a Muse so don’t be afraid to search the internet for someone to keep an eye on that does great and creative article marketing too.

I have 5 awesome muses that I go to almost daily for inspiration. There is nothing wrong with writing about what someone else said. In fact, it’s an excellent way to get the ball rolling!

Every student has to start somewhere, so why not start now?

Honestly, if you take your articles and treat them like art you will probably come away from your article writing experience feeling rejuvinated!

And time flies when you’re having fun! I was talking to one of my team members yesterday who said that he has a hard time keeping his articles under 700 words because once he gets started he doesn’t want to stop!

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that you can love every moment of your business and marketing experience, although I wouldn’t blame you if you’re like me and hate doing your accounting! Lol! I would probably hire someone to cover that area.

Don’t be afraid to do some beautifully colorful brainstorming to prepare yourself to have a fabulous artistic time when you make your content. You are now the artist!

Enjoy yourself!

Click Here to watch the Video „Mrs Dreamseed’s MLM Lead Packaging Nudge. Click Here for an Article Marketing Business Skills Training Program.

Article Marketing And SEO For Your Business

Publishing your articles is a great way to generate traffic to your website. Article marketing is considered one of the most effective and efficient methods of SEO for businesses and blogs. However, as with all things in life, it also has its little secrets that we wish to unveil here.

If you want to create gripping content and draw more attention you definitely need to follow some tips and hints. Keep in mind that your goal is to create back links to your website, in order to ameliorate your rankings.

Post a description of your articles on online forums where you participate, or sign up in a few – considering you will find some relevant to your work – and make people comment on them or even better try to find the full article. This is a new back link option for you.

Define in each article what the topic you are dealing with is, by dividing it into categories and offering tips and solutions for each one of them. It will make your articles look more appealing and easier to understand even for the medium reader.

Use article directories or famous online platforms to publish your articles in order to generate more exposure and visibility for both the articles and your website link – which is anyway your ultimate goal. Chances are that you will get some serious surge in sales of your products and services, because that is what the law of big internet traffic suggests.

There is certainly more than just writing a few good articles and throwing them online. Marketing is above all having a strategy in your mind and trying to implement it in the best possible way. You have to think step by step what you need and want to do.

Don’t go for the big plan right away because you will experience the symptoms of going blank. Try to think in pieces, as if you need to climb a ladder. Keep in mind that each step is an essential part of the next one. Gather information on what you personally think of your business and secondly on what is the public opinion on both yours and similar businesses.

Why is SEO and online marketing necessary to all businesses? As the definition of marketing implies, it’s the activity and set of actions for the creation and communication of offerings that have some value for the clients and the society.

Marketing is, thus, an indispensable part of all businesses and companies today. You need to make sure that you make the most of the available marketing options you have today; if you don’t rank well in Google and the other search engines, you will probably not go far with your business.

Promotion is a part of any SEO plan. Do not hesitate to put up online ads, banners, create search boxes or even send press releases whenever you are ready to sell or distribute your creation. You need to make full usage of the viral tool and promotion is the number one practice to help you with it.

To find out more about SEO and Article Marketing, then visit Debbie Babbitt and her partners site on how to choose the best training for article marketing for SEO for your needs.