Article Marketing Improve Search Engine Rankings

Article marketing is pretty popular these days. The concept of article marketing been around for a couple of years but is finally main stream. This is because it happens to be one of the best methods for developing in bound links to your website and improving search engine rankings.

Even if you are late to the game, article marketing can work for you. For those who haven’t started, I suggest you jump in. Article marketing is still one of the best ways to promote your website. No one needs to be concerned that many are using article marketing as a way to promote their website or blog. In fact, article marketing works regardless of who uses it or how many people author new content.

The reason why article marketing is so effective is because you are doing two things that create value for your site and search engines. The first is that you are producing keyword focused content that can drive interest to your website, products, and services. Additionally, you include links back to your website. These in bound links are powerful tools for search engine dominance.

When you distribute your article to article sites, blogs, or partner websites, your content gets additional exposure. As your content ages, and links are included back to your website, you benefit from the Google page rank associated with that page and your in bound link.

A common mistake that is made all too often is when individuals forget to include a link back to their website or worse yet place their link in the wrong way. The best way to develop in bound links is by using keyword rich links. This means your, usually within the about the author section, is displayed with your keyword not the usual world wide web designation.

If you are unaware of how to produce such a link, do a Google search on create html links. You will find dozens of websites that give you the html code you need to create links in the proper way. If you do not embed your keyword in your link text, you are wasting your precious time and effort in article marketing.

Once you have written your article and included keyword rich links, the next step is to distribute them. Find article directories that have a high Google PR. The value you receive is not just the promise of potential distribution, but the Google PR the website can transfer to your own site.

A lot of article websites do not distribute content to any great extent. The number of webmasters who copy content and paste it into their website or blog in the right way is limited. You can improve your article marketing success by focusing on top article directories.

Develop articles in your area of specialty and include links to your website. These links can be placed in the author box or included in the article. Your keywords must be placed in the text of the link. Test your links to make sure they work properly. After you have validated that links are working properly, distribute your articles at will.

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