Arouse Emotions – Does Your Adverstising Do This?

In our daily lives we are repeatedly exposed to various messages and advertisements trying to get our attention. And not just to get our attention but to keep it long enough for us to take interest in what it is the sponsor wants to share with us. The end result of all of this exposure is that we have become resistant and sometimes immune. It affects every aspect of our lives. When we watch the news, listen to the radio, read papers and magazines; no matter what the media, we pay close attention to only those things that are of interest to us in our daily lives. We eliminate entire sections of a newspaper; we seek out specific sections on local news, weather and many search out the Sports Page above all else, men and women! We have been forced to become selective. Given all of this conditioning the chances of penetrating anyones advertising flak-jacket might seem small. But there are techniques today that are effective and work consistently.

Let me ask you something that will help prove that that last statement is true. Have you ever walked past a magazine rack in a grocery store and taken a quick glance at the various racks of magazines? No doubt you have and when you did this some of those papers stood out against the rest. This is done intentionally. Rather, it is part of a well understood and practiced advertising method.

Over the years, successful advertisers have created many techniques to get your attention. The front page of every Playboy magazine should demonstrate that fact. It’s success has spawned too many other publications to count although many might not be able to lay claim to the I bought it just for the articles justification. The „Man goes out to Howl at the Moon, Sees Saucer and Little Green Men“ type headlines we see in the National Enquirer magazine certainly grab our attention too. Each of these demonstrates effective ways of getting and holding our attention. Once this has been accomplished the chances start to increase that we may take the next step and read more.

Marketing research has shown that there is a process that successful marketers follow to help get through the spam advertising filters that people carry around with them today. The first one, as I have already demonstrated, is to get the attention of your target audience with the Headline. Once that has been accomplished you need to increase their interests even more. In the marketing world today there is one company that has developed a 5 step process and incorporated it into a detailed marketing program of tools and processes. That company is Automated Marketing Solutions or AMS. AMS provides a full array of marketing technology tools and processes that allow any company to deliver a comprehensive marketing program using tested and proven methods. Their twelve years of experience in Direct Response Marketing ensures that even the beginner can quickly integrate and take advantage of the benefits of this technique. And it doesnt stop there. AMS provides the capability for a company to place their ENTIRE Marketing Program on Auto-pilot. Once a business marketing program (including voice messages, e-mails, faxes and other broadcast and mail out collateral) is created and sequenced, their Lead Management System or LMS provides the unique ability to manage and control that program without any further input.

The benefits to this system are significant time savings on what would otherwise be labor intensive tasks and consistency in marketing messages. It also means that businesses never need worry about losing customers who misinterpreted your lack of contact for apathy. If you would like to hear more about Emotional Advertising and how it can benefit your business, visit Automated Marketing Solutions today. You will be surprised at how quickly and economically you can implement and start benefiting from AMS‘ tested and proven technology and experience.

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