Are You Winning The War of Your Mind

Does this sound familiar… running might just be my least favourite thing to do, but since it is great exercise any time I have gone I tell myself I will go a set distance… well just as soon as I get out of my drive way the Battle of The Mind begins.

Out come the two warriors involved in this battle.

The first was the little tiny dude with the squeaky voice wearing suspenders who told me that I needed to exercise, he told me in that whiny voice „you can do it“!

The next fighter, he was a fighter, he knew what he was doing and man could he go. This guy was plain talented. Nobody would want to get in the ring with him..

The tiny guy tried his best, he attempted to motivate me to continue running, but never could.

The further I would run the louder the second guys voice would ring in my ears, saying: alright enough is enough you have made your point, this is plain stupid, you have run for 3 minutes now, that is MORE than enough, congratulations, now wake up and lets go home, tomorrow you can go a bit further, but today lets shut it down.

This discouraging voice would literally pound the crap out of my little encouraging voice and until I realized this battle was going on, he would win all the time and I would quit.

This battle took place not just over exercising but everything… regardless of how big or small the issue was, if it was based on my bettering myself, the fight was on. (I could not even commit to reading motivational quotes)

And the Discouraging Warrior won pretty much every single time, resulting in me giving up on my dreams and goals.

However once I realized what was going on in my mind, I made a commitment to massive personal development. I started reading motivational quotes daily, I began to study programs designed to strengthen my resolve to succeed interestingly when it became obvious I was on the road to self improvement… the out come of the battles started to change.

The Little Encouraging dude started to win a lot more of the battles, gaining confidence as he did.

It did not take long before, the discouraging dude started to disappear & before long he never came out to battle the encouraging dude who became not as little any longer!

As people all of us have the same fight happening in our head. However the majority of people are allowing the wrong guy to achieve victory. A decision is all it takes to turn this around… become dedicated to creating constructive changes, start out small, and in a short amount of time people will start observing major improvements in everything you do.

A hidden strategy to success is reading motivational quotes of successful people!

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