Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?

Feeling crummy is not conducive to making all your dreams come true. It may be that your enthusiasm for your projects took precedence and you did not notice that your energy was lagging. Then, because you were too busy to eat and to exercise, you began to feel sluggish, run down, and just plain yucky. Moreover, you neglected to drink your water and now you are entertaining a head cold.

Isnt that just part of life? In one word, NO. Most of us come into this world healthy and hearty. As babies and toddlers, we are full of vim, vigor and vitality. Our caretakers keep us in a routine and make sure we are properly nourished, get enough rest, sleep, and play time, and they oversee our every activity. As we mature and become responsible for our own well being we go out into the big, wide world, hoping to make our mark. We have dreams to bring to fruition. We have goals. We have big ideas to implement. WE GET BUSY. We can easily sabotage our own best plans, albeit unwittingly, by failing to care properly for ourselves.

How can we avoid running our hopes into the ditch? We might do well to hearken to our babyhood by establishing a routine-it does not have to be set in cement-that makes time to meet our basic needs. We do best when we go to bed and get up at regular times which allow for proper rest and rejuvenation. This is the only opportunity our brains get to take care of our memory and our immune system; we need to take full advantage of this with optimum, quality sleep time. Just as our mothers reminded us, we must eat our vegetables. We need to take in good nutrition to put out good ideas and effort. The basic need for fresh, organic, raw vegetables and fruits cannot be overestimated. Furthermore, we would be wise to supplement our intake of foods by ingesting high quality whole foods supplements and ample minerals. It is critical, not just important, to drink plenty of good, filtered water. The rule of thumb is “ ounce per pound of body weight. That means if you are a 100 pound person, you need 50 ounces of water minimum each day. If you are exercising heavily and working hard enough to break a sweat, youll need more.

Does it take more effort than that? It most certainly takes more than the few notions already mentioned. As important as food, sleep and water are, you need to exercise and you need to play! The chances are that these two things can be combined! If exercise isnt fun, you wont continue to make the effort to make it happen. If you dont get your play time, you will find yourself being distracted from your projects and your goals. Then your dreams wont be coming true and you are in a vicious, never-ending cycle and a downward spiral.

That ought to do it, right? Wrong. Another important ingredient in this process is PERSISTANCE. Remember the little engine that could? He had the confidence that he could make it to the next stop and he kept telling himself I think I can. I think I can. I think I can until he made it happen.

If you take very good care of yourself, eat properly, rest adequately and drink your water; if you exercise regularly and vigorously and get lost in your play time“WHAT MIGHT YOU ACCOMPLISH? At least you wont be sick or tired any more. Its more likely youll be celebrating one success and reaching for the next!

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