Annuity Marketing Has Changed Directions

Has your annuity marketing come to a standstill? A great deal of agents has seen their commissions dwindle each and every month. Why is this happing? The public is tired of agents pitching EIAs; so many people are avoiding most dinner seminars for the most part.

What is the problem? The recession-depression has affected some peoples willingness to move any money. But the Bernie Madoff scandal has frozen many people to do any business with any agent selling anything that smells like a security.

Prospects that wake-up in the morning see the DOW down 200 points, and then come to your first appointment, which you pitch an equity based investment (an EIA), will be unwilling come to the second appointment.

If you told a client the following; if I redesign your portfolio so regardless if you liquidate to zero, you always recover your original principal, never lose any money, and reduce your aggregate taxes. Do you think the client would walk away?

You need to stop soliciting using the same old methods used in the past; such as s using an EIA pitch, dinner seminars using the standard annuity pitch, or newspaper inserts. These old methods are ineffective.

Annuity marketing in 2009 has changed 180 degrees, and if you are un-willing to change with the market, you too will be history. Shotgun advertising in the seminar arena, the postcard arena, and the newspaper insert arena are dead. You must change with the times.

I have clients who are moving an average of 3 million per month and they are younger than 30 years old, yet some of my career agents (who are at least 50 years old) are moving less than 250,000 per month“simply because they do not want to change their marketing habits.

The public does not want to be associated with equity based investments in a recession-depression; yet agents who feel the public should either get a zero return or lose money, so they can continue to receive large commissions or annual over-rides.

Your annuity marketing must not only be more efficient, but your liabilities to pay for such marketing must significantly be reduced for you to survive.

Sincerely, The Commission Doctor

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