Affiliate Marketing – Successful career or Just Playing Around With the 97%

Professional career minded affiliate marketers are the cream of the crop when it comes to earning a high income on the web, so much so now days that the time of playing around with a few banners on your home page are long gone. With millions of dollars at stake and a world wide market at their feet earning a couple of thousand dollars a week is chicken feed to some. Becoming a wealthy affiliate, and the word affiliate marketing can mean different things to different people. Here is my opinion of what it means to be a career professional affiliate.

As a Affiliate Marketer it is your job to bring targeted visitors to your landing pages or your merchants web site sales page that you are affiliated with. using special keywords words or phrases, is the easy definition of what Affiliate Marketing is.

Affiliate marketing needs to be taken seriously, just like a bricks and mortar real world job. With the quality affiliate education and training, you can have a full time career in affiliate marketing and be writing you own numbers on your pay check.

Anyone who doesnt take affiliate marketing seriously may as well call it a day right now. Chances are you will never make the money you need to pay for a cup of coffee.

Sorry to all the ladies out there for using just the HE word, there are lots of very successful lady affiliates.

So how would a trained professional affiliate go about getting targeted traffic to a product. The first thing he would do is to target a hot product on the web. Or niche market, research the product, or niche to find out what problems are reflected in that industry, what benefits the product could give to a buyer. This could be a solution to a dog problem, dog owners can have all sorts of behaviour issues with their dogs. He may also target the audience with specific behaviour problem linked to a particular breed of dog, with a key phrase. An example to that would be to use a long tail key phrase, like stop your dash-hound from bolting.

He will test and split test his campaign until he as the information he needs to micro target his traffic. He will do this by setting up a tracking system that allows him to see right down to the converting keyword or phrase. The info he gains here is invaluable to him, this type of info will double even quadruple his commissions for the product or service he is promoting.

To become a career professional affiliate you do need the required training, although you can learn it yourself , unless you are extremely dedicated or stubborn you have a 97% chance of frailer. The easy way to success is to join a successful affiliate marketing university like the wealthy affiliate university, who specialize in creating professional affiliates for scratch, absolutely no former type of marketing experience is needed to join the university.

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