Ability and Success

Ability will never catch up with the demand for it. – Malcolm Forbes

Every person on the planet has unique abilities. If you employed your own abilities and you knew you could not fail, what would you do? Lets imagine you are the #1 People Person in the universe. People like you. They come to you for advice. They want to be your friend. You negotiate issues with uncanny success. You might become an arbitrator. You might even become a legal beagle. You could change the world with one of your great ideas. But you didnt. Not yet, anyway.

Lets suppose you are the Worlds Foremost Mother. You have this fabulous idea, based on the success you have enjoyed by raising a brood of happy, well adjusted children. But you hang back, afraid to spend your energy on your idea because someone in your childs play group criticized your hairstyle. You dont want everybody to see your hair as you present your project.

We could even imagine you would launch a great new product on the world scene. This would be a fabulous, affordable product borne of your own imagination and need. It could revolutionize all of mankinds way of life. But you lack capital to make things happen. You are afraid of debt and youre not sure of your idea; you fear looking foolish if your idea doesnt net the profit you envision. Do any of these scenarios feel familiar to you?

What holds people back from achieving success? What IS it that holds us back from making our dreams come true? Fear? Procrastination? Laziness? We know it isnt lack of ability;

Could it be that our self confidence is at question? Is it possible we think we are not worthy of success?

It is a proven fact that human beings avoid pain and seek pleasure. We all are wary of failure. If we are truthful with ourselves, we will admit that failure is only an opportunity to discover new ways of reaching our goals.

Is there a solution to this problem? If you are someone who yearns for success and has felt denied you might consider taking time to list all the things which hold you back. Your list may look something like this:

– I did not remain focused on my tasks to reach the ultimate goal.

– I did not ask for help.

– I denied needing help when it was offered

– I do not believe I should succeed

– I spent too much time TALKING; too little time DOING

– I was not prepared when I contacted people who could advance my plans

– I neglected networking opportunities that would have advanced my cause.

Now, list all the reasons why you DESERVE to enjoy success. Your list might include the following:

– My product/project is needed by the masses

– I can and will access assistance from many sources.

– I will follow through, despite minutiae and setbacks.

– My family deserves for me to follow through to conclusion

– I deserve to enjoy the fruits of my labor by becoming successful!

– I deserve to feel success in all its sweetness!

– I can do this and I will!

– I am responsible for my own success!

Final Question: Now that we have established your supreme ability to succeed and we promise your success will appear in the final analysis WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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