A Most Unforgettable Character

Readers Digest magazine has, for many years, included a feature story about someones most unforgettable character. Its always an inspirational description of someone who is living up to his potential.

Toastmasters, International include in their meetings all over the globe a segment in their program called Table Topics. The members have 2 to 3 minutes to speak extemporaneously.

Imagine someone is writing about YOU for the Readers Digest. Envision someone standing for a couple of minutes at the front of a room, talking about how YOU are someones most unforgettable character!

Unsettling, isnt it?

Unless you have a narcissistic streak, you may squirm at the very thought of someone taking out bragging rights concerning your parenting skills or your ability to touch your tongue to your nose. You may think there is not much to discuss. After all, you did not finish college. Or you neglected writing that poem for your beloved. And worse, you failed an exam once!

Lets look at it in a different way. Lets pretend they are planning the movie of your life. WHO will play your part in this flick? What will be the plot of the story? Will the ending show you celebrating with your friends and family because your dreams came true? Or, will the closing scene be shot in a rainy cemetery with a few mourners wearing black and shaking their heads sadly?

Good news! The choice is yours!

You are completely free to choose whatever path strikes your fancy. You can sit on your sofa, your thumb on the remote control and mindlessly watch reruns on television. You can sit in a movie theater to escape the reality that your house needs repair. You can even pay a therapist because you are so unhappy, so unfulfilled, and so empty.

Conversely, you can get yourself a legal pad and write down everything youd like to accomplish between now and your cemetery scene. Be bold. List all the things you feel in your heart are impossible. Seriously consider your passion. Think long and hard about what trips your trigger, what keeps you interested for hours on end, what do you LOVE to do?

If you dont know what your passion is, I would challenge you to look on your calendar. What kinds of activities have you been immersed in during the past 30 days? If you still need clues, look on your book shelves or inventory your DVD collection. What movies are you watching? What music do you love to hear?

Still need clues?

Look in your clothes closet. Do you find business wear or sports outfits? Are your shoes dressy or sporty or casual?

Listen to the words you say. Are you always talking about food? Do your conversations seem to be sprinkled with news items? Are you really interested in money or woodworking or pets? WHAT IS YOUR PASSION?

Once you have identified what it is you love to think about, talk about and do something about, you are on your way to knowing what fuels your fire.

Anderson Cooper once wrestled with choosing his lifes work and his mother gave him this advice: Follow your bliss. Of course, he did, and the man with prematurely gray hair became a boy wonder on CNN.

This project may not seem to be a breeze, but dont make it more complicated than necessary. Have a good time with it. Think playfully and with creativity. Its your life we are talking about here.

You already are someones most unforgettable character! Live your life to the hilt; give it the best effort you can muster and give the rest of the world something to emulate!

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