A Guide To Exceptional Phone Performance: How To Use The Phone As An Ideal Tool For Professional Communications And Marketing

In today’s business environment, communication is the name of the game. Brands that communicate effectively are what clients look forward to get to know more. Business Entities that are able to get in touch with clients on a personal level are the ones that receive customer patronage. Surprisingly, these days, stiff competition in the corporate context not only concerns the competition of product lines or service offers.

Yes, The Practice Of Using The Telephone Is Still Alive!

To survive the challenges of the corporate jungle, any business entity should meticulously formulate a promotional strategy that makes an impact in the communications arena. In this intimidating arena, where both information exchange and data transmission prevail, the simple yet efficient use of the phone is believed to have the power to overhaul the tides of the game.

Unknown to many, the phone remains at the heart of the marketing campaign of most businesses, particularly of SMEs that seek to draw customer attention but are unfortunately obstructed by financial restraints. If you are among those who have little faith in the strengths of this seemingly obsolete telecommunication device, it is about time you open your eyes to a simple truth: phone communication and usage, if done at such excellent performance levels, can bring remarkable results for your business.

One great way to recognise the value of telephone to your business at a greater depth is to look at your current attitude towards telephone usage. According to Paul Dunn, a globally acclaimed marketing guru who’s assisted over 156,000 businesses create success from scratch using his innovative audio and video programs, the potential results of a delightful customer-centric behaviour on the telephone are infinite.

Seeing beyond the general value of the phone to your business can be an enormous feat. Dunn’s latest brainchild, PHONE RIGHT, is a ‚how to sell on the phone‘ series that features several high value specifics and provides measurable standards that make you comprehend why handling the phone the right way is an imperative for every business and why outstanding performers on the phone enjoy sky rocketing sales and steady flow of profits.

The Potentials Of Effective Phone Performance

The phone, in all its simplicity, enables you to conduct intelligent, meaningful dialogues with individuals over great distances, saving you a considerable amount of time, effort and resources. Using the telephone, different business facets like lead generation, sales and customer service are amplified without you having to endure the risks of suffering from bloated expenses.

This business tool adds a powerful punch to your marketing strategy, if and only if, you become conscious of your conduct on the telephone. Your phone performance matters, because it gives your customers and prospects an idea of your reputation – the attitude and behaviour you project over the phone nurture a lasting impression in your customers‘ minds. Telephone communication is a critical customer ‚touch point‘ where you get to indirectly present you and your business.

Contrary to popular belief, telephone performance is not just about your ability to operate the device, but rather your ability to connect with customers at the other end of the line. When you start anchoring the focus on your customers needs, your phone approach becomes more personal and result-oriented.

For Paul Dunn, the idea of building positive on-going social connections with customers on the phone is an imperative, a priority that needs to be implemented as a way of amplifying your business core competencies.

As stated in his new PHONE RIGHT series, Dunn purposely points out that every phone conversation is „about delighting visitors.“ Everyone you speak to on the phone, according to him, is a visitor – a visitor with a unique set of requirements. And your goal, simply, is to respond to this set of needs with genuine concern using an ideal professional yet personal demeanor.

However, these steps are easier said than done. Being excellent on the phone certainly requires training and practice. Knowing what to say, how to say it, at the appropriate time to the right person is a skill gifted only to a precious few.

Phone Selling 101: Telephone Performance Standards For Aspiring Sales Professionals And Business Professionals

The PHONE RIGHT series, from an objective point of view of this author who has been hit with telemarketing woes at some point, is a inclusive, easy-to-read module that guides you all the way to distinguished telephone success. Here are useful tips and performance standards (all borrowed from the recommended series!) that can solidify your team’s telephone marketing prowess, and help you turn every call into a potential sales experience.

1. Always give your ‚visitors‘ a wonderful welcome. Dunn believes that anyone who speaks with you on the telephone is a visitor, worthy of attention. When you pick up the phone to welcome your caller, break out into a smile, to the point of a grin. A simple smile can be heard on the phone. Your smile can easily put clients in a positive frame.

2. Answer the phone on the second ring, within 3 to 5 seconds. This break gives you time to get your smile on. A good telemarketing strategy must have a particular time frame for picking up. If you pick up the phone too quickly, you may shock callers. On the other hand, if you don’t answer the phone promptly, your customers might feel that you are disregarding them. If you are a part of a small team and you are too busy trying to attend to a few other calls, you can employ a by the way comment like, „By the way, if you hear a phone ringing in the background would you mind if I asked you to hold while I get it – I promise not to be long“.

3. There is a suitable way to answer the telephone. Here is a simple format that is clear and simple: first, say a good morning or a good afternoon salutation. Identify your company. Then say „this is (first name) (last name). The focus of the answer must be on these two words: THIS IS. This word pair serves like a trigger, a cue for name exchange. When you present yourself to your caller, chances are, he or she will present herself to you too. When you use names in a conversation, this builds rapportt between you and your client.

4. Make it a habit to give out positive strokes. According to a scientific study conducted by Dr. Albert Merhabian entitled „Inference of Attitudes from Nonverbal Communication in Two Channels“, the bulk of communication processes is interpreted through tonality – or how words are said. It’s not only what you say that counts. How you express yourself is important as well. While talking with customers, make them feel that you are actually listening to what they are saying. To do so, you must overdo those words that let them know you are with them. Inject phrases like „uh huh“, „really“, „that’s great“, „thank you“ and so on while having conversations.

Being on the telephone and not seeing your customers face-to-face is no excuse to opt for substandard communication. This certainly is not the ideal mindset to utilise while working on the telephone – and this is the very same mindset that Paul Dunn helps you outgrow. Dunn’s PHONE RIGHT stands out as a down-to-earth, pragmatic and result-oriented feed for the sales person in you. Discover the fundamentals and expose yourself to high value specifics that lead to to great, long term results for your company – it is about time you use the phone to turn every call into revenues.

Related articles on how to sell on the phone or visit www.how-to-sell-on-the-phone.com

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