A Brief Introduction To The Classic Florist

Many special events prefer to decorate with flowers. Dances, funerals, and graduations are only three of many activities throughout life that prod people to desire flower arrangements. Flowers are so widely available it makes it easy for citizens of even the smallest of towns to acquire bouquets. The more than plentiful supply of flowers, and ease of ordering, makes it quite easy to fail to remember that someone actually hand-makes detailed bouquets. Each florist, regardless of location, is the person who rightfully earns credit by making beautiful flower arrangements.

The simple act of giving a flower, whether it be store-bought or picked from a personal garden, can be traced back many centuries. There is no exact date recorded of when the first flower was exchanged as a symbol of emotion. None the less, flowers have been given for a very long time and are assumed to have been born from a tradition followed in pre-historic times.

The earliest documentation of flower-giving can be seen in cave markings such as those recorded by the ancient Egyptians. The action of giving a flower, like standing in line or feeling emotions, can be traced back far earlier than this. Starting in the fifth century, however, giving flowers as a symbol of friendship and love grew in popularity. The popularity never faded as giving flowers still remains a well-liked gesture.

Often times meanings are associated with a flower’s color. This practice is referred to as Floriography. While this is not new, it is not considered an ancient practice either. In general, most publications will state similar meanings to send flowers. For example, a red rose may be described to represent love in one pamphlet and romance in another. The overall meaning is the same.

Beyond the motion of gifting flower arrangements, wreaths, garlands, and head pieces also grew in popularity. Wreath, garlands, and floral tiara’s can be attributed to the Greeks. Decorating cornucopia’s with flowers, and filling them with fruits and vegetables, is also another practice adopted by other societies that began with Greece. Often times associated with the Thanksgiving holiday, cornucopia’s were not initially only used on Thanksgiving.

Some habits become long-forgotten over the course of time while others remain a steady practice. Sending and receiving flowers is one such practice that has lasted for what seems to be forever, and will probably last forever. Flowers are very aromatic and uplifting. Despite the fact they may be short-lived in a vase within someone’s home, there beauty continues through time thanks to propagation.

Floral traditions will not fade anytime soon. Moreover, some people prefer to dry their flowers in between the pages of a book or by hanging them upside down. Using the book method flattens a flower while hanging them keeps them more three-dimensional. Potpourri is also another popular use for fallen petals.

Becoming a florist is not as simple as proving the ability to stick random flowers in a pitcher of water. If this were the case, every home-owner with a yard that supplies flowering bushes and plants could be considered a flower pro. Much study is put into understanding the history and health of flowers. Learning the meaning of colors, stem length, and breed varieties is but one aspect of being a successful bouquet arranger.

Celebrate the life of a loved one, and celebrate the holidays with christmas floral arrangements. As any Toronto florist would tell you, flowers offer sympathy to loved ones of the bereaved. Offer your condolences to loved ones with flowers in Canada.

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