3 steps To Take Before Choosing An Ebook Compiler

There are 3 steps To Take Before Choosing An ebook Compiler

I didn’t know how to look for an ebook compiler until just recently so I am going to write this article to help those who don’t know what a compiler is to understand what one is.

So I done a bit of research and I found some interesting things and some things that I didn’t know.

Ok so say you do an ebook and you have great graphics inside the ebook and now your ready to put your ebook together, this is where you will need a compiler.

A compiler simply coverts text or HTML documents into an ebook for you. There are many different types of ebook compilers to choose from in simple terms it’s just a piece of software.

Lets say you or someone else created a graphics in HTML, then you will need an HTML ebook compiler. So an HTML compiler requires you to have knowledge of the HTML tag language.

Choosing An ebook Compiler

1. When choosing a compiler its best to take a good look at the sales page and make sure it has easy to understand instructions that come with the software.

2. Make sure the software has good security features, you should be able to prevent anyone from altering the text within the ebook, it should also have password protection.

3. Try and choose a compiler that is going to let you include graphics, search windows,hyperlinks, forms, surveys, etc. Find out what scripts you can use with the software.


When picking a compiler to use make sure that its been around for a long time and that the software offers good support if you need it.

If you consider this then you are more likely to get great support that comes with the product its worth checking this out before putting your hand in your pocket.

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