2 Ways To Generate More Leads And Sponsor More Reps Into Your Mannatech Business

If you are looking for ways to sponsor more reps into your Mannatech business, you need to focus on leads. Plain and simple. The key to building a successful network marketing business boils down to lead generation. Because more leads equals more sign ups for your business.

Well, let’s talk about 2 online marketing techniques that you can use to start generating more leads TODAY!

If you’re ready, let’s do it…

Solo Ads

The first method we are going to talk about is Solo Ads. Now this is a paid method, but it’s actually pretty cheap. A solo ad is basically and email ad that is sent out to thousands of people. A number of those people will open the email, a number of those people will check out your offer, and a number of those people will become a lead or maybe even join your business. That’s how a solo ad works, but here are a few things to know…

One of the most important things you want to pay attention to is the category of the list you are sending too. For instance, you want to look for list owners who’s lists are geared towards the network marketing / home business industry. Then you want to shift your focus to your email, or ad headline. The fact is, everyone gets tons of emails all day long and a lot of people don’t open all of their emails. To give them a reason to open your solo ad, make sure you get creative with your headline.

Now when it comes to the actual email, or ad, you don’t want to make it too long. Just long enough to get them interested in what you have to offer, and then a call to action. This could be a phone number for them to call or a website for them to go to. Try to use different titles and ads and send out a few solo ads. Be sure to track your results to see which ads are performing best. After that, use the ad that has the highest conversion rates. One important tip when doing solo ads is to find a solo ad provider that offers guaranteed click. This means that they will actually guarantee you that a certain amount of people will click on your offer, and they tend to be better ads.

Social Media

Social Media is starting to become a big resource for marketing your business. When you know how to do it right, you can get some pretty awesome results. But when it comes to using this as a means to market your business, there are a couple of things to take into consideration. For starters, this kind of marketing takes time. You won’t see overnight results here, that’s for sure. But if stay consistent and keep patient, you’ll get better results than you thought possible.

The main thing to focus on here is connecting and actually building friendships with people. Now I didn’t say anything about your business. That’s because there are so many people using social media to spam their business opportunity to everyone. There is no point in just connecting with friends on Twitter or Facebook just to pitch them your opportunity. The first thing you need to do is set up a Twitter and Facebook account for your business and then start becoming friends with people who are involved with network marketing / home business. Participate in conversations, and be YOU. Just be sure NOT to talk about your business, unless they ask you first.

Yes, this will take some time. But once you establish friendships and relationships people WILL start asking about your business. Then you can tell them. If you do this right and build a good following, you can build your entire business using this one method.

So there you have two easy ways you can leverage the Internet go generate more leads for your business. Of course it’s up to you to take action and put these methods to use.

Learn more about this MLM opportunity. Check out my Empower Network Blog and learn more about Mannatech and other network marketing opportunities.

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