10 Bellevue and Face-to-Face Sales: A Lesson to Business Owners

If a company or individual wishes to get more business, but their budget is limited, their options are limited as well. 10 Bellevue is a marketing firm hired by other companies to perform their sales and marketing for them. More and more companies are looking to outsource their sales and marketing efforts to other companies in an effort to focus more on their core competencies. If you are just getting your business started, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this option. They will charge you for it. However, you can do what these other companies are specializing inface-to-face interactions with business prospects and existing customers.

Just think, if a potential customer got your flyer in the mail, would a good portion of them call you and express an interest? Would they just throw the flyer away, along with all of the other ‚junk mail?‘ What are you doing that is different than your competition? Are you hopping on Photoshop to make a cool looking piece of marketing collateral? I would guarantee that your competitors are as well. 10 Bellevue is hired by giants of their industries to talk to customers. So, you should be able to do that for your company as well.

Most small businesses struggle the first five years. Most of them don’t make it. Do you want to be one of those statistics, or would you like to give everything that you’ve got into your business and see it flourish? At the end of the day, again, it doesn’t matter if you currently have more customers than you can handle, or you are just starting your business. A personal approach WILL give you the competitive edge. You’ll retain customers longer, and gain customers quicker. 10 Bellevue specializes in this and that’s all they do. Companies pay them good money to do it. Employees at 10 Bellevue don’t even work for those companies directly, yet they are motivated enough to go see people. Shouldn’t you be as motivated to expand your own business?

10 Bellevue states on their website that most channels of marketing and communication are being bogged down by the numbers of companies just trying to get their name out there and hopefully convert some views and clicks online to actual sales. Why would you want to be the same as your competition? I guarantee that even if you don’t have the coolest looking website or online presence, and you go out and meet your customers, like 10 Bellevue, you will see an increase in sales and customer retention. Getting your name out there is never good enough. At the end of the day your profits are directly controlled by your quality of service or products, and customers purchasing those products. Then, returning customers will help drive those profits. Customers need a reason to try out your services or products. Who better to give them a reason than you? I’m sure you can do a much better job at explaining your services than those flyers that you have been sending out.

The employees of 10 Bellevue didn’t create the brands that they are representing. They didn’t come up with the packaging. They simply do the sales for other companies. Why are they so compelled to do so?

The reason that 10 Bellevue employees are so motivated is because they have an opportunity to help expand the company and run a sales office of their own. That sounds pretty cool to me and I can imagine that I would be inclined to do so myself if I didn’t have a company of my own. I go out and meet customers and potential customers on a weekly basis. If I find myself wasting time on social media sites, I just go out and drum up some new business. It’s really not that hard. You have your own business, or your job is to create more business. So, be like Nike and ‚Just do it.‘

For some great lessons on sales and marketing be sure to check out http://10bellevue.wordpress.com/2012/05/15/10-bellevue/ to get some awesome information on 10 Bellevue

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